@ShaneG - Another stellar article. In a time when it seems sports writers are just mailing it in, you gave a well researched and stated journalistic piece. How refreshing.
Obviously you appreciate the fact that Stan is a very shrewd businessman. The timing of this purchase was not accidental but also is not a move to get out of town. He was instrumental in getting the team to St Louis and I see nothing that he has actually done or said that would indicate that he WANTS to move to LA. But I got the feeling from the very first news of this purchase that he was not happy with the speed of not only the negotiations going on in St Louis but what he has watched as the norm in the NFL.
I think that many in St Louis overlook the benefit of this kind of maneuver by Stan. Everyone complains about not knowing whether the Rams are staying or going and that they just want this whole thing resolved. Stan has made what will probably be the single biggest move to give them just that. My thought was that he is telling the powers that be to either crap or leave the outhouse. He has no intention of waiting for a decade or more to get this thing resolved.
However unlikely, moving the team back to LA is a real possibility. My hope is that the city, county, and state realize this and work to make something happen quickly. They don't need to give away the bank like (IMO) they did to get the Rams there but they need to get serious about helping to build a long term solution that EVERYONE can be proud of. And part of that is to NOT villainizing the team owner in the process. Personally, I think St Louis is very lucky they have Stan as the owner of their team.
Again Shane - thanks.