Rams and Gators needing further refinement of my answer:
Where are you getting 3 from? Are you including Barnes in there? I wouldn't count on Jones but I'd view him as worthy of competing for a spot.
1 tackle and 2 guards. I'm not including Barnes because that's just to high a hill to climb. That doesn't even include the depth you mentioned. We only have Barksdale at RT and Barnes, underwhelming as he is, to start the season.
Even if you were to believe that Long will be ready game 1, it's kind of optimistic to expect there to be no injuries at tackle during the year. Why don't the legitimate concerns about Saffold's injury history also hold true for Long? Hooey and Pocic are our backups which in my mind means we have no backups when one of our tackles goes down. As I said though, I don't believe that Long will be back to full speed or even at all for game 1. He may not even be up to his old playing level for a large portion of the year.
I do disagree with Bonifay about Saffold. Not on his assessment of him but in regards to bringing him back to play RG. I'd pay him $7 million/yr if he'd agree to stiff injury clauses. Probably won't happen though.
Bottom line for me is that we need to get at least 4 players in FA or the draft. 3 of them starters. I'm on board with bringing Smith back as a backup but that still leaves 3 if we don't resign Saffold and two if we do. 2 is manageable because we could draft Matthew/Robinson/Lewan at 4-8, Pryor or Ha-Ha at 13-20, Top G or CB left at the extra 2nd rounder we got in the trade down, top G or CB left at 12 and the top OLB available in the 3rd round. I'm not looking to reach at any of those picks so it's fluid and a D-lineman could slip in somewhere in the mix and push all the picks after OT down one notch.
Any whole we fill in FA would adjust that accordingly but I'm not sure if any team has ever drafted three
quality O-line
starters in one draft. You ever hear of that happening before?