Am I a Wentz guy?
Not really.
I am a "not a college Air Raid QB guy, because they are always behind" guy.
Goff is developing on a little faster schedule than I thought he would and McVay has a significant role in speeding that development up.
I feel that Franklin is selling the Air Raid offense as a recruiting tool.
But he's right. He was spot on with what he said. You can't claim square pegs are failures because they don't fit in round holes. One of my favorite quotes is "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
NFL coaches can accept reality for what it is, or they can end up watching games from home. McVay recognizes reality and uses it to his advantage. I'm glad we have that.
Tony Franklin that was fired at Auburn and now coaches at Middle Tennessee State.
Yeah, I'm going to be impressed with what he has to say about NFL offenses.
Well, he has coached multiple QBs who played in the NFL. He also learned from offensive gurus like Mike Leach and Hal Mumme. So yea, I'm interested to hear what he has to say.