I would love to have Franklin-Myers and Ebukam man the OLB spots. But I understand the lack of experience too. Easley playing OLB is definitely a twist. That’s like Aaron Donald making a switch to OLB.
For some reason I do not think that’s true.Then again Aaron Donald could play OLB and be excellent,but why ?
First I did not watch much of the defensive side,so Franklin Meyer has not stood out to me.
Ebukam is the starting RT OLB, with Price swapping in & out. Matt Longacre is the starter?
Well maybe not ? Like I said It’s a hard call ? The Rams switch defenses up a lot,running Robey-Coleman out there,maybe for Price(Longacre).”I’ve been watching more O’line play(Williams)
What is weird IMO is Wade had Easley playing more DE when he got hurt , & Morgan Fox was moving to OLB from DE/DT.
One thing from training camp fans could notice was Easley running & practing on the side fields.He looks fast & athletic.He is built More as a OLB.Morgan Fox was getting there as well.