Rams are waiving Rok (per Adam Caplan)

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
DR RAM said:
This team doesn't fuck around, do they?

Nope they don't and we found that out last year when they traveled to SF and Fisher had Givens and Jenkins riding the bench for missing curfew. And running the steps at the stadium pre game.

Rok wasn't paying attention to that I guess.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
X said:
biggame1190 said:
Hmm, pretty disappointing. Rok must have really have been in the wrong. Attitude or will may be the question, perhaps he showed up to camp out of shape again.

Looking back maybe having him room with Ganaway was a mistake.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Big disappointing tubagoo ,oh well there's always Burger King


Jan 14, 2013
Re: Ramhttp://www.ramsondemans are waiving Rok (per Adam Cap

Sure opens the door for Shelley Smith, Brandon Washington & the multi-purposed one Barrett Jones. Rok had been working @ ORG during OTA's & not getting much done @ OLG where CW & Shelley were working at. Rok release opens up the reserve ORG spot fore-sure. Barrett sure has a resume that fits in there @ ORG where he has 25 starts @ ORG, 11 @ OC & a assorted OL positions in 2011 @ OLT then OLG then OC. Barrett & Dahl are very close to the same size.

Lets say that things do go well for Wells the next two yrs health & performance wise...Where pure center Tim Barnes who has been around now for two yrs remains healthy & was active for 15 games last yr. So Barrett Jones can have a field day type year learning what it takes to be an NFL OL as a reserve for many OL posts. Jones now is the only Snead Fisher OL draft selection for the last two drafts.

Rok did look real bad in his appearances in pre seasons & in game one @ OLG. Like I said before Fisher & Boudreau went into the 2012 season with Rok basically as their only & main interior reserve & it was just too much for him. Snead & Fisher moved fast after the Rok disaster & went out and found Chris Williams, Brandon Washington, Shelley Smith, Joe Barksdale & Tim Barnes. None of us knew much about this Rok injury that called for his IR placement but it was not during the Game. I am ready to move on from Rok & look forward to watching our current cadre of young OL'ers in camp & pre season. Looks to me that the 2014 Ram draft will be heavy in OL'ers.

I really like this Snead, Fisher & Boudreau method of handling slackers! :itson:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Feb 4, 2013
Boston Ram said:
Angry Ram said:
So who's left...Barrett Jones, Shelley Smith, Brandon Washington and some PS guys?

Either that means Barrett is gonna get the job or they're making a way for a vet i.e. Travelle Wharton who just got released.

Chris Williams. Probably his job to lose now.

I agree.

Unless Chris really blows it, I think we are looking at our starter.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
DR RAM said:
max said:
DR RAM said:
max said:
Lets face it, Rok was a project at best.

He was awful in his first and only game. And he wasn't serious about his game.

I never expected much from him beyond being a backup. And Sofli hinted that Rok was a big risk of coming in overweight.
If every player got cut after playing badly their first game, then there wouldn't be enough players to fill rosters around the league. The serious part, that he came in out of shape, again...true.

[hilite]My point was that there were posters who were pencilling in Rok as the answer at LG.[/hilite] And my response was based on what? Some promising reviews in preseason? It was a huge stretch. And I expected little from the guy. So sure, you hope for the best, but plan for the worst. And the worst was the more likely outcome

I missed that completely then, because I haven't seen one poster here at the ROD say that about Rok since last season. He was running with the 2's at RG in OTA's. I guess Fisher expected a lot.

Maybe not on this board, but a now defunct confrontation board did have posters who were big Rok believers. I got into heated debates over the guy.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
albefree69 said:
DR RAM wondering how he missed the ROK bandwagon:
I missed that completely then, because I haven't seen one poster here at the ROD say that about Rok since last season. He was running with the 2's at RG in OTA's. I guess Fisher expected a lot.
I think max might be confusing ROD with The Huddle. Every time I would rant about my concerns about our O-line (especially before the draft) many posters, led by zn if I remember correctly, insisted that our O-line was fine and that ROK pretty much had the LG starting job locked up.

I frequently forget which board I've said something or read something on. That's why I stick to posting and/or reading only the one board at a time.

Yeah. I was trying to avoid naming names. But you nailed it.

It's a relief not getting into absurd debates like that anymore.


Sep 7, 2011
Main Hook
It's just crazy they didn't even wait until after camp... very surprising.


Nov 17, 2011
I think this is a situation where Fisher and company warned the big guy that if he's not back in camp and in shape, he's done. I mean they've put in a lot of time and work with him to get him in football shape, it just seems like he wasn't willing to make the commitment.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
BonifayRam said:
Sure opens the door for Shelley Smith, Brandon Washington & the multi-purposed one Barrett Jones. Rok had been working @ ORG during OTA's & not getting much done @ OLG where CW & Shelley were working at. Rok release opens up the reserve ORG spot fore-sure. Barrett sure has a resume that fits in there @ ORG where he has 25 starts @ ORG, 11 @ OC & a assorted OL positions in 2011 @ OLT then OLG then OC. Barrett & Dahl are very close to the same size.

Lets say that things do go well for Wells the next two yrs health & performance wise...Where pure center Tim Barnes who has been around now for two yrs remains healthy & was active for 15 games last yr. So Barrett Jones can have a field day type year learning what it takes to be an NFL OL as a reserve for many OL posts. Jones now is the only Snead Fisher OL draft selection for the last two drafts.

Rok did look real bad in his appearances in pre seasons & in game one @ OLG. Like I said before Fisher & Boudreau went into the 2012 season with Rok basically as their only & main interior reserve & it was just too much for him. Snead & Fisher moved fast after the Rok disaster & went out and found Chris Williams, Brandon Washington, Shelley Smith, Joe Barksdale & Tim Barnes. None of us knew much about this Rok injury that called for his IR placement but it was not during the Game. I am ready to move on from Rok & look forward to watching our current cadre of young OL'ers in camp & pre season. Looks to me that the 2014 Ram draft will be heavy in OL'ers.

I really like this Snead, Fisher & Boudreau method of handling slackers! :itson:

Well thought out post Bonifay. Kudos.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2


Jun 4, 2013
It always stinks to see a young draft pick who could have been a starter and if not at least a good to decent back up player fail because of work ethic.

Its really a shame because it sets the Rams back...its only a fifth round pick but he was a talented guy who just didnt care enough to work hard..shame


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
RustyRay said:
but he was a talented guy who just didnt care enough to work hard..shame

You hit it right there Ray.

I think Fisher said; you don't want to work on your commitment to the team? Then you don't belong here.

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Fish and Co. aren't gonna tolerate fucking slack ass mother fuckers (aka... shambos) on this team.

Hopefully the door didn't break hitting his lazy ass on the way out.


Oh, really?
Jun 24, 2010
I think this solidifies Washington staying on the roster. He turned down an opportunity last season to back to Philly.


Jan 15, 2013
This is why I had such a problem with Rok showing up out of shape his rookie year....if you are ever going to be supermotivaded and wide eyed, it is then. Its too bad because he had some talent and in fact he may find his way on to a roster yet, just wont be in blue and gold.
So be it. Heck, my son is going off to play college baseball in a month or so at a small college. Even at THAT level the coach told the guys (the ones who had been recruited anyway) to show up in decent shape or dont bother showing up. How can you have a potential pro career in front of you and not care enough to get into shape. Maybe he didnt care. Maybe it was easy for him up through college and he never had to work at it. At any rate, he gone.


Pro Bowler
Mar 11, 2012
fearsomefour said:
Maybe it was easy for him up through college and he never had to work at it.

I think that hits the nail on the head. He played at LT in college did he not? How many 340lb LT's have you seen? Seems to me that the coaching staff at his college were too lenient with his weight issues and he thought it would be the same in the NFL.

Well not so, not on this team.


Jan 14, 2013
Lesson said:
I think this solidifies Washington staying on the roster. He turned down an opportunity last season to back to Philly.
If Brandon Washington makes this 53 player roster he will do it by being able to play some Right OT. The situation @ center plays big here with Washington. Tim Barnes earned a 53 roster spot last season & should do the same again. Jones just on talent & brains looks to be the primary OG reserve I do not see Barrett being cut. Then Barksdale is the swing OT thats 8 OL'ers. The 9th OLer must be more than a second reserve back OG! He must be able to play ORT. So it would come down to Shelley Smith or Brandon Washington.

The Eagles had Left OT injury issues out the yin yang early last yr. Washington who did play OLT in college is listed as a 6-2/6-3 320 pounder not close to the bottom height normal of OT's. From all that I read Washington had been impressive early @ OG in the Eagle camp. He, like Shelley Smith have the word athletic attached to him. Brandon was a starting left tackle his last two college seasons. Brandon who was rated much higher than Rok Watkins in the 2012 draft was considered a potential impact guard at the next level. Eagles after loosing a 5th or 6th OT....lets say the panic button was push and since Brandon is not a Left OT project he was released on August 31st,2012.

Here's what was said about him before the draft:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.nfl.com/player/brandonwashington/2533044/combine" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nfl.com/player/brandonwashin ... 44/combine</a>

Most of the bad stuff he took a hit on was from him playing out of position @ OLT and his issues with pass rushers from the outside. But the below statement is interesting......

"He is an explosive hitter who can uncoil on his man and generate a lot of movement. Washington looks as if he shoots out of his stance at times into his man and would have no problems playing in an up-tempo, no-huddle offense."

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.nfl.com/player/brandonwashington/2533044/draft" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nfl.com/player/brandonwashin ... 3044/draft</a>

In this review another thing I found that stood out was this comment was ...
"He was a consistent, durable starter on the line for Miami in his last two years and didn't miss a game."

And this .....

"Teams who are willing to let him develop slowly could find value in him as an eventual starter at right tackle."

As things stand now Boudreau's top three OG's are Dahl, Chris Williams & Shelley Smith. Brandon Washington would now seem to be the 4th Ram OG. If Brandon can now work in the spots that Rok was working back up @ ORG/ORT then his chances of sticking will increase dramatically.


Jan 15, 2013
Good post Bonifay.

Depth is an interesting thing. How is a roster put together? With 22 starting spots and 3 special team spots (LS,P,K) required this leaves 28 spots to be filled as the team desires. I could see the Rams only keeping 8 lineman but I could see them keeping more. A lot depends on how Jones plays out. If he is put in IR for the season I could see them keeping 8, if not 9. Zero chance Barrett is cut, he was injured when they drafted him and they did so because of his potential and how he projects in the future.

3 QBs, 4 RBs, 1 FB, 3 TEs, 6 WRs, 8 Dline, 6 LBs, 9 DBs, 3 STs....that leaves 10 spots. Or 2 QBs and 5 RBs, or 5 LBs and 5 WR.....you get my point. Really depends how the staff sees value in just not certain players but their positions for this year and beyond. If Washington does have real value at playing RT then it certainly increases his shot of sticking.

I could see Jones, Smith, Barksdale, Barnes and Washington all sticking. Given the recent injury history of the Rams along the Oline this doesnt seem crazy to me. I think the Rams break camp with 4 RBs and possibly 2 QBs. I think we see extra bodies (at least early) at Oline and DT.


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010

Another chance..