Gotta say, I agree with most of the write ups----thought maybe I was being too hard on JBrown. Thought Goff looked poised, confident, and seemed to be in control-----wasn't running for his life like last year. Cupp's a starter amd will be an excellent player for us. Everett will be starting too in front of Higbee; Everett catches the ball so easily, reminds me of aWR instead of a TE-----he's a better blocker as well. None of the "speed" WR played last night-----Watkins, Austin, Reynolds, or Thomas----so no deep throws. Watched Eldrenkamp a little and liked what I saw outta him. It's preseason, they wanted to see what the right side 1st string blocking would look like in the run game, don't think they were impressed------they'll get that fixed or at least improved no doubt. Liked Longacre, Fox. and TSmart up front on the defense. Most of the starting defensive guys played well even without AD, Quinn, etc.-----think Westbrooks will be fine if he starts. The game got sloppy, too many fumbles, penalties but it's preseason game 1 so that's expected; half of these players won/t be active on game days anyway. It was a good start and we'll see continued improvement in execution, timing, and player performance going forward. Liked JDavis, for some reason he's faster than I thought, and I see SRyan on the ps