Population Collapse

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Damn the torpedoes
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May 8, 2014
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The right side is trying to double down too now, yes. I'm not denying that. I am about as centrist as you get dude. Voted for Clinton twice and Obama once. You'd be hard pressed to find someone with that voting record. I'm a typical Cali kid.

Polarization is what I call it. Not sure if there's a name for it. But when two sides are voted in by the people and they're unwilling to find common ground it will only end in dissolving of the states either through agreement or civil war.

If either happens the world tilts to China and Russia. And if things go that way I can guarantee you the left will get the worst of it. Gay rights and sexual identity are not the priority of either of those nations.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Honestly, I'm pretty far left (comes with being transgender; while y'all have accepted me, a fair few people never will, and I've found that the majority of those people - again, not you guys - are more right or far right than not.), I believe in climate change myself; there's simply too much evidence to deny it (I find people who deny that the earth is round to be...humorous at best.) I try to recycle things (honestly, the horror stories of those poor animals caught in plastic or the fact that there's a giant amount of plastic in the ocean that will never degrade seal the deal for me.)

But then again, given a certain evil person the leading the certain biggest country in the world, I could see nuclear war ending us all. I figure that it's not worth my time. I can't change what he'll do with the big red button, but what I can do is focus on the little things that happen with me beforehand. So long as we all do our part to help others living on this ball of rock, water, fiery mantle and air, mass extinction won't happen...yet.


Jan 15, 2013
While we are aware climate change has always been cyclical, are you also denying the effects of billions of humans for exacerbating or speeding up certain processes ? Do you actually believe that dumping unfathomable amounts of carbon into the atmosphere for the last two centuries has lead to no ill effects regarding how quickly our planet warms or whether glacial melt will impact future fresh water supply ?
I don't know the actual affect and either do you.
More over, I don't care.
Nothing we will do will make a thimble full of piss difference.
The only thing that will happen is, as usual, through fear and bullshit, citizens will be robbed of money and freedom.


Jan 15, 2013
LOL. Here we are with an extremest Supreme Court trying to flip Roe vs Wade, that and a certain political party which is inclined towards climate denial as well as a violent overthrow of our 'free society' on Jan. 6, 2021, ... yeah, it's an extreme shift to the left. That's funny stuff, keep 'em coming. :clap:
Comedy gold.
I will just leave it at that.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
There's a lot of good vids out there on this issue but I think this one is very good at summarizing things:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcA3rI19jYM&ab_channel=ChrisWilliamson

OK, I was really really hesitant on watch this video. Glad I did. Figured it was going to be some sort of negative "society is going to revolt" like the movie The Purge.

This sort of thing happens in nature all the time. It's basic ecology. If there's too much of one species, eventually procreation slows down due to a number of reasons. Sometimes disease break out (sound familiar) and down the population, other times the less fit get picked off by predators.

When someone says the population will be declining my first thought is "There's too many people anyway". But he makes an interesting point. When you reproduce the population you're putting more young people in the world. Young people who do most the work as the rest of us get too old to. If there aren't enough young people to continue the workload what happens? Shortages everywhere? Food, gas, services? That kind of opened my eyes.

It would help if many of the olds would stop generalizing and belittling the younger generation.

Give us a damn chance to show what we can do, and a fair wage to live.

And we are a free society. Travelling the world will help you to see that my man. You want to see poverty go to India or Africa, both places I have set foot and both were eye opening experiences.

Dunno about Africa, but India is pretty damn free. As much as the west. You can speak about the government without getting in trouble. Women can go out whenever they want + go to school and work. Practice whatever faith you want (or not at all). It's basically the US with more people.

I try to recycle things (honestly, the horror stories of those poor animals caught in plastic or the fact that there's a giant amount of plastic in the ocean that will never degrade seal the deal for me.)

Hate to dump cold water on this, but recycling is a sham. Those clips of animals with the plastic straw up their nose or whatever are marketing tactics for companies to sell their product to you as "environmentally friendly" when in reality it just makes you temporarily lose your guilt and buy more of their junk and think its ok b/c you can recycle their product.

Only certain plastics can be recycled, and at that can only be recycled a "X" amount of times, so they just end up being in a landfill anyway. The only way to help reduce plastic is to buy less of it. Reduction, reuse, recycle. That's how it should be marketed.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I don't know the actual affect and either do you.
More over, I don't care.
Nothing we will do will make a thimble full of piss difference.
The only thing that will happen is, as usual, through fear and bullshit, citizens will be robbed of money and freedom.

If this works for you, keep running with it ...



All Horned Up
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 23, 2016
I believe in climate change. I believe our climate is always changing and always will. I think forest fires and third-world countries are the biggest offenders. I think that climate control here is vastly over politicized.


Jan 15, 2013
I believe in climate change. I believe our climate is always changing and always will. I think forest fires and third-world countries are the biggest offenders. I think that climate control here is vastly over politicized.
There are between 1 and 2 billion people that burn cow paddies for heat and cooking every day world wide.
The amount of car ownership in the Far East is expected to triple or quadruple in the next decade and a half.
Im all for solar (have it on a property of mine) and electric/hybrid cars because I like efficiency. Im all for doing our best to limit pollution and cleaning things up.
But, thinking solar panels or windmills are going to make any difference in the world as a whole....well, that is delusional.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
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May 8, 2014
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There are between 1 and 2 billion people that burn cow paddies for heat and cooking every day world wide.
The amount of car ownership in the Far East is expected to triple or quadruple in the next decade and a half.
Im all for solar (have it on a property of mine) and electric/hybrid cars because I like efficiency. Im all for doing our best to limit pollution and cleaning things up.
But, thinking solar panels or windmills are going to make any difference in the world as a whole....well, that is delusional.
Exactly. The only value in those things would be if everyone does it. But us being the only ones who are held to a higher standard equals businesses being dealt a losing hand vs their overseas competitors.

Of course today's politicians probably don't see anything wrong with that. :dizzy:

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
There are between 1 and 2 billion people that burn cow paddies for heat and cooking every day world wide.

They've been doing that for centuries. The recent climate change has begun circa Industrial Revolution with no regulation until 1970. And more recently, it's the vast amount of CAFOs and other animal ops that are the biggest culprits. CAFOs are the worst.

Throw in deforestation and overfishing, which fuck up the carbon sinks of the world, and these are the affects of climate change we are seeing.

The amount of car ownership in the Far East is expected to triple or quadruple in the next decade and a half.

Couple things; emissions from transportation is actually a very small amount that cause to GHGs. And even if they do, those cars in the far east aren't gonna be freakin V8 hemis. They'll be little electric Toyota and Nissan hybrids.

Im all for solar (have it on a property of mine) and electric/hybrid cars because I like efficiency. Im all for doing our best to limit pollution and cleaning things up.
But, thinking solar panels or windmills are going to make any difference in the world as a whole....well, that is delusional.

Not really. It's going to take a collective effort from all sides; the alt energy sources can make a difference, if everyone starts now, or at least do what they can, you'll start seeing changes. Maybe not in our lifetime, but in 100, 200 years. One person or one city does it, yeah you're probably right.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
It would help if many of the olds would stop generalizing and belittling the younger generation.

Give us a damn chance to show what we can do, and a fair wage to live.
Well that escalated quickly. :laugh4:
If I wasn't and old boomer (redundant?), I'd upload Will Farrell's gif. :sunglasses:

And we'll stop generalizing when y'all stop millennializing. :drum:


Jan 15, 2013
They've been doing that for centuries. The recent climate change has begun circa Industrial Revolution with no regulation until 1970. And more recently, it's the vast amount of CAFOs and other animal ops that are the biggest culprits. CAFOs are the worst.

Throw in deforestation and overfishing, which fuck up the carbon sinks of the world, and these are the affects of climate change we are seeing.

Couple things; emissions from transportation is actually a very small amount that cause to GHGs. And even if they do, those cars in the far east aren't gonna be freakin V8 hemis. They'll be little electric Toyota and Nissan hybrids.

Not really. It's going to take a collective effort from all sides; the alt energy sources can make a difference, if everyone starts now, or at least do what they can, you'll start seeing changes. Maybe not in our lifetime, but in 100, 200 years. One person or one city does it, yeah you're probably right.
I fear "everyone" will end up meaning what it has for such efforts in the past....western tax payers.
I think these efforts will end up be a corrupted fraud....giant slush funds the collect billions into international funds that end up having very little affect.
It will end up being the new cause....the new "war on" agenda....it likely will end up just as effective as the war on poverty or the war on drugs.
I have zero faith in governments ability to really do anything well.
The larger the problem or the bigger the proposed solution (outside of theft or killing people)....well, that just means more multilayered, corrupted 7 layer dip of bullshit we will be served.


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
I fear "everyone" will end up meaning what it has for such efforts in the past....western tax payers.
I think these efforts will end up be a corrupted fraud....giant slush funds the collect billions into international funds that end up having very little affect.
It will end up being the new cause....the new "war on" agenda....it likely will end up just as effective as the war on poverty or the war on drugs.
I have zero faith in governments ability to really do anything well.
The larger the problem or the bigger the proposed solution (outside of theft or killing people)....well, that just means more multilayered, corrupted 7 layer dip of bullshit we will be served.
I think you've touched on a much bigger issue here, trust in our world leadership. I've seen many "causes" be either piggybacked on, or entirely fabricated by, politicians looking for another slush fund / money laundering opportunity. Or worse. The fact that a politician (Gore) has championed global warming climate change should set of alarm bells. When facts emerge to contradict their dire warnings, they just move the goal posts, or just bury their retractions on page 957 (or shadow ban it with the help of their corrupt friends in big tech). The fanatical belief that there are just too many people on this planet has driven these rich & powerful people to extremes; as they fly around on their gas guzzling Lear jets on their way to glitzy Davos, looking down on all us "worthless eaters" (their words), wishing they could just snap their fingers... but then they just might have.
Sadly there is still so much pollution to get cleaned up though, and cheap power is close with the new nuclear plant tech, but much of our pollution now comes from third world countries, most of which also have layers of corruption. I'm tired of throwing my money away after fake and/or ineffective high $ "solutions", just so junior socialist dictator kids can get that 17th supercar to impress their friends.
The biggest polluted mess we need to solve right now is in politics. And yes it's corrupted even our scientific community. "Because Science!" has just become the new rug to sweep the ugly facts under. I really wish I could trust them too, but when so many of scientific institutions get funding from political orgs, to the point they are just extensions of them, what do we expect? "Science" had been twisted to justify so many crimes against humanity, why would this be any different? All this said, "believing in science" is no better than believing in any other object of cult worship. So please be careful what you believe in, and check the facts... maybe, just maybe, some of these infidel "deniers" are trying to pull your blinders off.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
If I wasn't and old boomer (redundant?), I'd upload Will Farrell's gif. :sunglasses:

You know you're a boomer if you find Will Farrell funny. ;)

And we'll stop generalizing when y'all stop millennializing. :drum:

Don't you lay a finger on my mimosa!

I fear "everyone" will end up meaning what it has for such efforts in the past....western tax payers.
I think these efforts will end up be a corrupted fraud....giant slush funds the collect billions into international funds that end up having very little affect.
It will end up being the new cause....the new "war on" agenda....it likely will end up just as effective as the war on poverty or the war on drugs.
I have zero faith in governments ability to really do anything well.
The larger the problem or the bigger the proposed solution (outside of theft or killing people)....well, that just means more multilayered, corrupted 7 layer dip of bullshit we will be served.

Dave Chapelle GIF by MOODMAN

All this said, "believing in science" is no better than believing in any other object of cult worship. So please be careful what you believe in, and check the facts... maybe, just maybe, some of these infidel "deniers" are trying to pull your blinders off.

stressed damon wayans GIF by Lethal Weapon


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
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What's funny in all this is I have been worried about the environment for many years. Longer than it's been a political lightning rod. Cruising the world waters 20 years ago there were incidences of garbage that prefaced what we have now floating around in the Pacific. It's a very serious issue as is shaping our companies to minimize environmental impact. These are things that are human race issues not US issues.

Getting world leaders together at summits to handle problems that affect us all = good. The solutions need to be agreed upon and cleanups should be driven by world leaders as a group effort.

Implementing draconian business rules to try to fix the world's ills by punishing US companies = idiotic. End result is jobs moving overseas which is already a factor with certain emerging countries depressing their currency and offering massive deals for manufacturing and assembly.

If the human race is going to grow into a good shepherd of our world we need to be conscious of these things. But mutating them into charged political issues designed to keep them in power by making people afraid is wrong. Re: population collapse sadly there isn't much we can do right now. We have to wait for culture to adjust to it and people to see it and feel its effect before it's real for them.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Yeah.... This is a sports board.

While I may like debating world issues and political bents, this is not the place for this and in only two pages you can see the growing division into camps among people that otherwise mostly get along as RAMS FANS.

@Merlin - As much as I respect how you present these threads in a posture of neutrality, they are obviously going to be political. I need you to consider this before posting more of them.

In just two pages, we have terms thrown at each other as left, right, climate denier, living wage, etc... ALL button pushing terms. I've seen good members call each other essentially ignorant and intentionally blind. Gee... I can only imagine what I would find after ten pages of this shit. Oh wait. It won't get there. LOCKED.
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