Population Collapse

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Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
I actually like the coming downward trend in population growth, especially considering dwindling natural resources like fresh water supply, etc.
Government & organized religion wants more people paying taxes or tithes to constantly replenish their spending practices to hold on to power. In 1952 when I was hatched world population stood at 2.631 billion, today it's at 8 billion, ... Homo sapiens began walking the African continent around 300,000 years ago and is the only species of the Homo genus that is not extinct. In 300,000 years we have grown from near nothing to 8 billion, perhaps we need a rest from breeding for awhile. If you believe in science, the entire planet is also overheating at an alarming rate, melting snowpacks from our local mountains to the arctic & antarctic regions.
In the West, women have chosen to have less children as they're now better educated, there are also newer and better job opportunities for them which offer a more fulfilling lifestyle, ... and lets face it, if divorced, many face a lifetime of poverty as children are not cheap to raise.
Trends are just that, who is to say that in a few generations making more babies doesn't become a thing again, anyway, science will manage a way to develop children outside of the womb if in a thousand or so years from now we actually face real extinction, but I'm guessing we'll find another way to kill ourselves off before a natural mass extinction occurs.


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
"organized religion"?? care to elaborate which one(s) want to "stay in power"? i.e., "believe in science"? and it's power to "absolve" us of the "sins" of overpopulation? which one is "playing God" right now?
you'll get your wish though, things have already been set in motion, as Thanos has already snapped his fingers -- though the ones who die won't be quite so random... I just don't think they have thought through all the consequences. the truth is always the first victim. things are never going to be the same. yet life always finds a way...
oh and double-check your facts on the planet, north pole ice cap is the biggest it's been in 18 years. wow, 18 years.... 2004?


Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
We’ll figure it out



Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
When someone says the population will be declining my first thought is "There's too many people anyway". But he makes an interesting point. When you reproduce the population you're putting more young people in the world. Young people who do most the work as the rest of us get too old to. If there aren't enough young people to continue the workload what happens? Shortages everywhere? Food, gas, services? That kind of opened my eyes.


Jan 15, 2013
There is a massive difference between manufactured, intentional shortages like we are seeing now in the west and actual shortages.
In reality there has been less famine and abject poverty in the last few decades than at anytime in history.
What is happening now is intentional.
As for declining birth rates in the west up to this point....one word.....feminism. I will leave it at that.
As for young people now being able to have children in the next decade or so.....well, that is to be determined.


Jan 15, 2013
Something like (going off of memory) less than 30% of farmable land is farmed at this time.
Over population is not a real thing in my opinion.
Corruption, control, greed and theft are however.
Over population is a scary concept the same way that the woods and wilds are a peaceful place....these concepts are generally reserved for people in over jammed, over priced large cities.
Cue the Kinison video...."move where the food is".

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
If there aren't enough young people to continue the workload what happens?
Eh, this country works too much anyway. It’s part of the problem in terms of dysfunctional homes and family, quality of life, mental health etc.

4 day work weeks standard, 32 or 40 hrs, four 8 hr days or four 10 hr days.

Different conversation. Needs to be taken seriously at some point.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
When someone says the population will be declining my first thought is "There's too many people anyway". But he makes an interesting point. When you reproduce the population you're putting more young people in the world. Young people who do most the work as the rest of us get too old to. If there aren't enough young people to continue the workload what happens? Shortages everywhere? Food, gas, services? That kind of opened my eyes.

Yes, but isn't it cyclical ?
Humans are also living longer than they did in the past, this also disrupts the old natural order. Perhaps it will require a 'die-off' in order to reach a more sustainable standard for livability in the future. The earth is finite, so are our natural resources, we all require fresh water for survival, mass migration will occur in overpopulated regions where the soil turns dry. War and starvation seems inevitable as climate changes revise the rules.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
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When someone says the population will be declining my first thought is "There's too many people anyway". But he makes an interesting point. When you reproduce the population you're putting more young people in the world. Young people who do most the work as the rest of us get too old to. If there aren't enough young people to continue the workload what happens? Shortages everywhere? Food, gas, services? That kind of opened my eyes.
It's definitely mind expanding to look at this stuff. I have personally made the comment many times that we're a virus. Not that I really meant it or anything but I've also sort of subscribed to that existential crisis they discuss.

What is crazy about this is it's going to be very hard for people of today's culture to digest it. They won't be able to see past the strides we've made with women being able to choose careers, which I support as I have daughters. Any whiff of discussion of women and birth rates being a concern will be met with derision.

But as culture continues to churn as it does popular opinion will begin to shift and it's possible say 50 years from now that there is a push in the media and maybe even the academia and how they instill attitude in the students of tomorrow where that changes. We'll either find a way or we won't but I do like to listen to the few thinkers who I believe are looking out for the human race even if they're not appreciated by all for doing so. It really is fascinating to think about.


Jan 15, 2013
Yes, but isn't it cyclical ?
Humans are also living longer than they did in the past, this also disrupts the old natural order. Perhaps it will require a 'die-off' in order to reach a more sustainable standard for livability in the future. The earth is finite, so are our natural resources, we all require fresh water for survival, mass migration will occur in overpopulated regions where the soil turns dry. War and starvation seems inevitable as climate changes revise the rules.
climate changes......yes, cyclical.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
climate changes......yes, cyclical.

While we are aware climate change has always been cyclical, are you also denying the effects of billions of humans for exacerbating or speeding up certain processes ? Do you actually believe that dumping unfathomable amounts of carbon into the atmosphere for the last two centuries has lead to no ill effects regarding how quickly our planet warms or whether glacial melt will impact future fresh water supply ?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Eventually, humanity will go extinct and will be a footnote of whatever culture comes afterwards; such is the way of things. So long as I get all of my stories and ideas lined up before it happens, I don’t really care when it happens.

Soul Surfer

Mar 22, 2017
Charles Mazyck
I have never understood climate change deniers when I've seen it with my own eyes and I guarantee you the vast majority of scientists that are not bought and paid for or quacks have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the climate is changing.

You can't burn as much fossil fuel as we have in less than 200 years at an alarmingly increasing rate without it affecting ecology.

I guess the people that are into climate denial are either easily influenced by lame propaganda and/or they feel guilty somehow for their participation in it and don't want to change their lifestyles even a little bit.

It is interesting that every person I've ever met that is a climate denier also does not recycle.

The two things seem to go hand-in-hand along with conspicuous consumption.

It's not a coincidence.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
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There are many threats to humanity right now and climate change I do think is one of them. Problem is with as many emerging economies around the world we need to find the right mix of setting the tone but also allowing our companies to compete. Which is hard to do in this era of extremes. As a moderate I am continually sickened by the stupidity of it.

Identifying those other threats and understanding what constitutes them and what steps we would need to take to avoid them is every bit as important. Well, if you are someone who can see past the content we call news morning shows.

Truth is free societies like ours are controlled through news. That's a playbook that dates back to town criers. So I like to at least try to look deeper than whatever is being pushed down western throats at that specific moment in time.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
There are many threats to humanity right now and climate change I do think is one of them. Problem is with as many emerging economies around the world we need to find the right mix of setting the tone but also allowing our companies to compete. Which is hard to do in this era of extremes. As a moderate I am continually sickened by the stupidity of it.

Identifying those other threats and understanding what constitutes them and what steps we would need to take to avoid them is every bit as important. Well, if you are someone who can see past the content we call news morning shows.

Truth is free societies like ours are controlled through news. That's a playbook that dates back to town criers. So I like to at least try to look deeper than whatever is being pushed down western throats at that specific moment in time.

Admittedly, as someone who has followed your posts for a few years, I smile everytime I see you refer to yourself as a political moderate. Obviously, you are free to label yourself in any manner you choose, although from my own readings, I might be inclined to see you as definitely right of center.
When it comes to what network/cable televised 'news' is pushing, unlike years ago, it's now basically become agenda based & corporate driven, and their viewers tend to follow the commentary of what they want to hear/believe rather than formulate a coherent thought based on the honest investigation of a subject. Following several unrelated sources for news might be recommended. Lets face it though, most folks have their own biases and are too lazy to pursue anything outside of their comfort zone.
I realize that in some circles it's almost blasphemous to suggest that we are anything less than a free society, but we are only 'controlled' by the 'news' if we personally allow ourselves to be sucked into the trap, people being brainwashed are nothing less than weak-minded imo. As we watch the Russia/Ukraine War play out, we've also been introduced to the corruption carried out by Putin's acolytes, also known as oligarchs, yet we fail to raise any concern about those same corporate titans which corrupt our very own society.
The real agenda for what is being pushed down our throats is hidden by pure greed, it's profit based and little regulated capitalism which is running amok, ... its plutocrats who hire the lobbyists, who then pour money into the campaigns of easily manipulated political candidates, and the lobbyists write the laws that these government officials then rubber-stamp.
Free society ? Ask a minority voter in a poor neighborhood why getting to a polling location is made so difficult, then ask why their name got scrubbed from the voting rolls even though they'd participated many times previously ? We may not be as corrupt as Russia or our southern neighbor yet, but we are approaching it.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
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I might be inclined to see you as definitely right of center.
Probably accurate. Which is unfortunate and a side effect of the social shift to a far extreme on the left.

And we are a free society. Travelling the world will help you to see that my man. You want to see poverty go to India or Africa, both places I have set foot and both were eye opening experiences.

There is no perfect society. Fact is ours is about as close as the human race has come. It is just unfortunate that our forefathers allowed the south to utilize slavery, though we could have an entire thread about that one to include culpability on the part of both Europe and Africa in that. Or go back to how slavery was status quo in the world of that day, and leading up to that day, and how applying modern rules to it needs to be done carefully.

I knew this would be difficult to discuss given current social climes. So unfortunate. :cheers2:


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Probably accurate. Which is unfortunate and a side effect of the social shift to a far extreme on the left.

LOL. Here we are with an extremest Supreme Court trying to flip Roe vs Wade, that and a certain political party which is inclined towards climate denial as well as a violent overthrow of our 'free society' on Jan. 6, 2021, ... yeah, it's an extreme shift to the left. That's funny stuff, keep 'em coming. :clap:
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