You still fail the tests with those creams, and they don't work as well. I only made it to JuCo and I am currently working between 50-70 hours a week. My body hurt more during those two football seasons than it ever has since, and only one player from my team made it to the NFL. He only lasted 3 weeks training camp. These are the biggest, strongest, fastest athletes that they make, and they're hitting each other with up to 1600 pounds of force. We think it's okay for them to pop a few Vicodin everyday for their pain, but oh no, don't smoke weed. Are you kidding me? Weed isn't made in a laboratory. Weed doesn't ever make you dependent upon it. It doesn't have addictive traits. I have gone months smoking weed and then just stopped because I didn't need it anymore. No issues.
A few years back I had been told that smoking weed doesn't put enough THC in't your system to be all that effective, you'd have to smoke enough to knock yourself out. But you wouldn't feel the pain then LOL. I was told that in order for it to work you consume it in gelcaps or some other delivery system.
Weed proponents can give you a list of like 1300 things that weed "cures" so there needs to be more research. Either way I don't care what the NFL does in this regard.
Especially they should find out how large doses will effect people. Simply smoking a joint isn't enough based on what I was told.
Can an employer fire someone for testing positive for weed in a state where it's legal? Or where its prescribed by a doctor? Honest question here
If it's in your employment agreement yes you can be fired. I've learned a bit about this type of thing over the years. Alcohol is legal and you can't come to work drunk.
If you operate machinery or whatever you shouldn't be high or drunk!!!
It doesn't have to be an at will state, though that makes it a lot easier since you can literally just terminate an employee with a simple phrase like "your services are no longer required by ABC Company" and that's that.
What legal repercussions would there be? Right or wrong, I am fairly certain that an at-will employee being fired for weed in a state where it's legal would be fully within the company's rights.
See above, you're correct fully within their rights.
Side note:
I'm from CLE originally and this opoiod epidemic is insane back where I am from. I know it's bad all over but that area is one of the hardest hit in the nation.