On the first throw, Goff does for less than a fraction of a second look at the back of Tyler Higbee, before the incompletion to Woods. He never considered Hemingway, who ran a short route up the middle, nor did he consider he consider Pharoh Cooper lined up wide right
On the second throw, he looked straight down the field and then his head veered ever so slightly to his left in a completion to Gurley. Pharoh Cooper was lined up wide left, and then a grouping of three WR's/TE's were lined up wide right to leave the field open in the middle for Gurley (briefly). Maybe a better chance for the first down was to Cooper, because the defender covering him noticed Gurley in the open field and deserted Cooper who was in first down territory? Probably it was intended that Gurley would only have to face one defender to beat instead of two (one was Cooper's man).
On the third throw, he fakes a hand off to Gurley with Woods being lined up wide left and Cooper lined up wide right and with Kupp lined up inside of Cooper. Best play of the day for Goff, because as he rolled out to his left in sync with an absolutely uncovered Kupp running his route left, Goff throws it perfectly in stride to Kupp. It was a thing of beauty.
On the fourth throw, Woods is lined up far left with Kupp up inside of him and another receiver lined up wide right (Cooper?). This is also a well designed play. The defenders lined to cover Woods and Kupp on the left shadow them. Kupp takes a few steps and breaks toward the sideline as Woods breaks toward the middle of the field behind him for the quick pass from Goff. Kupp brushes the defender covering Woods, impeding him ever so slightly while also drawing his defender towards the sideline, providing that window for Goff to throw through....I'm even more impressed with Kupp watching him in slow motion for all of these plays. We have a d@mn good football player here, as we know Woods receives the ball and then coughs it up after getting hit on the ball and Kupp recovers it in the end zone for the score.
Ok jrry32, there may have been very slight progression from first target on one or two plays by Goff, but they were so slight that I had to go in slow motion to see them, and they were toward the one side of the field where more than one WR was operating close by. Goff did pretty well, overall...We need a greater sample size to see what we have with him, imo.