Anyone noticing TA's blocking lately? The dude does not just want the ball, he is actively going out there and punking some defenders.
Above this I say TG is doing better than ED, but TA is the player on this team. He doesn't have the size or power of TG and he makes TG who he is.
TA has HEART! No one on this team wants to win at football, whatever his roll that play, more than TA. He's a 170LB dripping wet football loving machine. 5 touches is a travesty. Just a sad travesty. I am hardening my heart against Fisher and Cigi just because of what they are failing to allow this man to do.
Here, TG, Cook wiffed so I'll block them BOTH for you! 500 LBS against 170.
It's not the size of the dog.
And here's the thing, he didn't just stop there, he hit one of them again, planting them, and threw his body in front of another defender, missing, but damn close to springing TG for a TD.
Cook did nothing. Cook looked around like
why did Gurley not follow my non-blocks, and then ran toward the end of the play BEHIND the defenders.
Bailey is just as stout in blocking. That duo should be held up as examples of football winners.