Not impressed with the hands up BS displayed by the Rams WRs

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
i don't give a shit if you fall under one, none or all of the above. Your no different than I am. Money is money, you have it or you don't. Your behavior as a person effects how everyone else perseves you. I'm tired of peoples bull shit "poor me" attitude. Black people get judged because they have earned it. Out of every 100,000 black people, over 2000 are imprisoned compared to less than 500 whites. There are reasons for the treatment. Are all blacks criminals? Absolutely not. Are all whites good? Hell no. But numbers do not lie. One of the things that disgust me the most are the white sympathizers and their reverse racism. They assume if they stand on the white side of a racial argument that it somehow makes them a racist. Black folks and get a black pride tattoo and no one says shit. Mexicans can get a brown pride tattoo and no one says shit. I get a white pride tattoo and I would be labled a racist and beatin. That's a problem.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
And I'm sorry @Prime Time I didn't see ur message til after. I'll back out here it's headed no where.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
All of us have experience with being only one person: Ourselves.

But the second we disqualify someone else from the conversation because they're not us... well, then why have any conversation at all?


May 28, 2011
i don't give a crap if you fall under one, none or all of the above. Your no different than I am. Money is money, you have it or you don't. Your behavior as a person effects how everyone else perseves you. I'm tired of peoples bull crap "poor me" attitude. Black people get judged because they have earned it. Out of every 100,000 black people, over 2000 are imprisoned compared to less than 500 whites. There are reasons for the treatment. Are all blacks criminals? Absolutely not. Are all whites good? Hell no. But numbers do not lie. One of the things that disgust me the most are the white sympathizers and their reverse racism. They assume if they stand on the white side of a racial argument that it somehow makes them a racist. Black folks and get a black pride tattoo and no one says crap. Mexicans can get a brown pride tattoo and no one says crap. I get a white pride tattoo and I would be labled a racist and beatin. That's a problem.

You're correct, there are reasons for that treatment, but unfortunately it's not always because they earned it, or were worse than anyone else. Minorities tend to get harsher sentences for the same crime as their white counterpart, that's just fact. That doesn't mean we need to go about and feel sorry for ourselves because we're white, but to pretend that we have it just as bad, or that there aren't legitimate gripes to be had, is really short sighted. There's no need to get so defensive about it though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
So we can all agree it's all about perspective? :whistle:


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
i don't give a crap if you fall under one, none or all of the above. Your no different than I am. Money is money, you have it or you don't. Your behavior as a person effects how everyone else perseves you. I'm tired of peoples bull crap "poor me" attitude. Black people get judged because they have earned it. Out of every 100,000 black people, over 2000 are imprisoned compared to less than 500 whites. There are reasons for the treatment. Are all blacks criminals? Absolutely not. Are all whites good? Hell no. But numbers do not lie. One of the things that disgust me the most are the white sympathizers and their reverse racism. They assume if they stand on the white side of a racial argument that it somehow makes them a racist. Black folks and get a black pride tattoo and no one says crap. Mexicans can get a brown pride tattoo and no one says crap. I get a white pride tattoo and I would be labled a racist and beatin. That's a problem.

When white people (you and me) are shot to death five times in the back just for holding a toy sword like Darrien Hunt was (surprised that this case didn't get more attention), you'll have a claim. When security guards start beating and abusing mentally-well people like they do to the mentally-ill in some psychiatric wards, you'll have a claim. When males start receiving the same treatment that females have for centuries, you'll have a claim. When straight teens are bullied, beaten, and harassed just for being who they are like LGBT teens, you'll have a claim. But right now, in this situation, you don't. You just don't.

There are still many, many, many problems in the world, and to say that it's a "poor-me attitude" is completely unfair to those people who didn't choose any of that.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
People are questioning why the FO and the team allowed them to do this,but who ever said the WR group had the teams permission?

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
For what it's worth. I am completely anti bullying. And I feel terrible for Gay teens that get harsh treatment. But whites do not always get the treatment. I Graduated from a town of roughly 15,000. A high school of around 1600 kids. We had less than 5 black kids. And they got away with murder. They were part of a relocation project from places like Ferguson and the STL area. I witnessed them jumping kids more than once. Everytime the school protected them because they claimed the white kids were being racist to them. I witnessed a guy during gym beat this white guy into
Convulsions. He claimed he was called a racial slur and didn't serve a single day of discipline. The white kid. After missing a couple days of school was given 3 days ISS for it. I've witnessed the reverse racism first handed and it gets under my skin. No one is going to tell me that I have it easy. I bust my ass 50 hours a week to scrape by and feed my kids. Any black guy can do the same. Any homosexual can do the same. I understand that there are racist out there who won't give them a job. But I highly doubt if I applied at a weave shop down town that I would be considered for the job.


Jun 4, 2013
I was there and I could hear them.

I'm pretty sure they were chanting "Pants up, don't loot"

Maybe not, there was crowd noise and all.


May 4, 2013
Taco Jones
I wonder if the Bosnian immigrant murdered by a crowd of "youths" with hammers had his hands up? Waiting for Jesse and Al to start protests in his honor.....crickets.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
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  • #52
Juggs, this isn't remotely true. In fact, data points to the opposite being true. If you were in a bar fight, you are more likely, as a white person, to be given a more lenient sentence than a minority such as a black or Hispanic person.

It is not harder to be a white Christian heterosexual male in America. You get paid more for the same work, you get less lenient sentences for the same crimes, etc.

I'm not going to get into a political debate here but I had to say something. I've grown up in the South and you'd be shocked at the prejudice and racism that still exists here.

As far as the Michael Brown issue goes, all I have to say is that people on both sides have definitely misrepresented it but I think they should have indicted the police officer so more evidence would be collected.
There have been at least 3 separate investigations into the shooting and none came up with any evidence to support the indictment. The bad guy attack a cop instead of just getting his ass out of the street and going home. He paid a heavy price for a bad decision. The cops life will never be the same for exercising a God given right to protect himself.

The race baiters including our president and attorney general stirred the shit into riots that have destroyed even more lives and these players put themselves in the middle of stirring it up instead of being leaders in the community to bring calm to the situation.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
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  • #53
A crock of crap? I fall under two of those categories myself, and I'll tell you what's a crock of horseshit: how people can keep denying over and over again how freaking good they really have it.
Everyone who lives in the United States has it good.


Grillin and Chillin
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 10, 2011
I wonder if the Bosnian immigrant murdered by a crowd of "youths" with hammers had his hands up? Waiting for Jesse and Al to start protests in his honor.....crickets.

Just saw that on the upcoming News highlights.. Wow.. We do need someone like Dr. King around.. This is getting crazy.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I think he is saying in comparison to many other nations.


May 28, 2011
For what it's worth. I am completely anti bullying. And I feel terrible for Gay teens that get harsh treatment. But whites do not always get the treatment. I Graduated from a town of roughly 15,000. A high school of around 1600 kids. We had less than 5 black kids. And they got away with murder. They were part of a relocation project from places like Ferguson and the STL area. I witnessed them jumping kids more than once. Everytime the school protected them because they claimed the white kids were being racist to them. I witnessed a guy during gym beat this white guy into
Convulsions. He claimed he was called a racial slur and didn't serve a single day of discipline. The white kid. After missing a couple days of school was given 3 days ISS for it. I've witnessed the reverse racism first handed and it gets under my skin. No one is going to tell me that I have it easy. I bust my ass 50 hours a week to scrape by and feed my kids. Any black guy can do the same. Any homosexual can do the same. I understand that there are racist out there who won't give them a job. But I highly doubt if I applied at a weave shop down town that I would be considered for the job.

It's not about individual experiences, it's about the collective. There are very successful minority's just as there are very poor and troubled white people, you can't ever just look at one person and make a judgement about how things are. Just as it's not fair to compare us to other nations/people that are worse off and say "See, you have it good, you shouldn't complain."


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
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  • #59
Not arguing with you on this, but would you mind explaining?
Everyone who lives here has a chance to make their lives what they want if they are willing to work hard enough for it. We can have our opinion and voice it. We can earn a decent living and support our families. We can vote for our elected officials (whether they represent us or not is another question) We can practice the religion of our choice or not. We can root for the sports teams of our choice. We have it good. Better than living anywhere else on this planet as far as I'm concerned.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014

ST. LOUIS – The St. Louis Police Officers Association has released a statement condemning the St. Louis Rams football players who entered the field displaying the "hands up don't shoot" pose.

A spokesman for the St. Louis Rams says the team was unaware of the demonstration before the game.

You can read the full statement below:

St. Louis, Missouri (November 30, 2014) – The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory.Five members of the Rams entered the field today exhibiting the "hands-up-don't-shoot" pose that has been adopted by protestors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of murdering Michael Brown. The gesture has become synonymous with assertions that Michael Brown was innocent of any wrongdoing and attempting to surrender peacefully when Wilson, according to some now-discredited witnesses, gunned him down in cold blood.SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda said, "now that the evidence is in and Officer Wilson's account has been verified by physical and ballistic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony, which led the grand jury to conclude that no probable cause existed that Wilson engaged in any wrongdoing, it is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over-and-over again."

Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tolerate such behavior and called it remarkably hypocritical. "All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis's finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance," Roorda said.

The SLPOA is calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization's displeasure tomorrow. He also plans to reach out to other police organizations in St. Louis and around the country to enlist their input on what the appropriate response from law enforcement should be. Roorda warned, "I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it's not the NFL and the Rams, then it'll be cops and their supporters."