Username said:
albefree69 said:
Appropriate and well deserved.
Agreed. This is the only thing the league has done right in a long time.
I dunno.....I like a lot of the safety initiatives that have been instituted over the years. In fact most of the rules changes in the last 30 years have been geared towards protecting players. Some people often think that it's Goodell "ruining the game" or "sissifying football" but these are changes that have been made for decades, slowly changing the sport.
Im perfectly OK with almost all of it too. I don't wanna see favorite players suffering in their 40s and 50s and killing themselves or not being able t go to the store alone because they forget what they are doing and aren't able to find their way home.
I'm not trying to ignite a debate or high jack this thread but I had a conversation with a poster, Rams fan of course, in private a little while back. I asked this question. If in 6 years we read that Warner blew his chest open to stop the suffering but to save his brain so it could also be studied would you feel the same way about rules changes right after you read the news on ESPN?
I don't like a lot of what the NFL has done. Spygate was a real black eye, so was Bountygate and while I agree there should have been suspensions the NFL didn't handle it right and should have been more transparent. All the stuff with agents and runners that they essentially ignored was dumb too. Ignoring the medical needs of vets might be the worst thing imaginable, but that's on both he and the union not just the NFL.
He's no David Stern, no Rozelle or Tagliabue either for that matter, but he isn't doing things much differently than most people in his position would.