That's clearly not the case here though. It is nothing like you are implying.
Three guys went overboard time and time again with three different people. Obviously they felt like it was acceptable to do it and that they could get away with it. What they did was wrong. I'm not defending how Martin reacted because I think he was wrong too. But nowhere near as wrong as the three meatheads who thought it was OK to behave in that fashion.
I wonder how their parents feel reading that report. Not to awfully proud I would bet.
There is nothing obvious about it. In this case you are putting your standards on something you know nothing about unless you have played in the NFL you know nothing about what the locker room is like. The only reason it is in the public now is because Martin got his feelings hurt and he went crying to mommy and his lawyers. If you think this has not gone on for ever you are naive. This is not the first locker room where some one was teased the NFL is not the general public and of course there is a time and place for this kind of behavior. That does not mean it should be banned in the locker room, that is a different world and should be respected and treated as such. These guys have been told they are the greatest since they were 8 years old, have gotten away with pretty much anything they wanted and have been given a ton of money to play a game. This is not the world most of us know anything about.
If you believe everything you read you will experience many disappointments in life. I agree that we disagreeThis was not a matter of teasing lol. Have you read what went on? This was essentially a hazing that had no ending.
Nice that you make an excuse for them though.......maybe they should just say that to the media.
We disagree on this, no big deal.
If you believe everything you read you will experience many disappointments in life. I agree that we disagree
Fuck the PC BS. I'll fight to keep the behavior nazis out of football.An NFL locker room can be intense without this kind of shit going on. There's a line that was crossed here
I appreciate the advice, I may not have thought of that on my own. Should I deploy it when reading posts?
But Stranger they patted him on the butt and called him sweet checks and then they made him take all the ugly girls at the clubs and pay for all the hoesGoodell is a cancer on this league and he should be removed. All we've seen is a consistent destruction of the game, and now we're going to have monitors inside the locker room... This is not high school or a girls dormitory, this is a sport which at its foundation is violent and populated by grown men who must form intimate bonds of trust before they place themselves in harms way out in the field. I'm disgusted by the entire underhanded mode by which the league operates now in an effort to destroy this great game and professional sport. If people can't see thru this transparent agenda then there is simply no hope and we freaking deserve the patty-cake-league that's to come.
Read a couple of these quotes from Incognito and see what you think:
"We are going to run train on your sister. She loves me. I’m going to
fuck her without a condom and cum in her baby door.
Hey, Jmart’s sister is in town. Get the plastic sheets ready, she’s a
I’m going to bang the shit out of her and spit on her and treat her like
Hear your sister has a wolf-puss. A fat, hairy pussy.
Although Martin’s core complaints primarily relate to oral statements,
I flew jmarts sister into Indy. My dick is dry and needs
some of her healing squirt juices2
Martin said that he was particularly offended by these crude comments
Hey, wassup, you half-black piece of shit. I saw you on
Twitter, you been training 10 weeks. I’ll shit in your
fuckin’ mouth. I’m gonna slap your fuckin’ mouth, I’m
gonna slap your real mother across the face [laughter].
Fuck you, you’re still a rookie. I’ll kill you."
But Stranger they patted him on the butt and called him sweet checks and then they made him take all the ugly girls at the clubs and pay for all the hoes
This and Chick-Fil-A are nothing alike. Chick-Fil-A directly donated money to be used to put a group of people down, and then a bunch of ignorant people went to give them more money to continue to do so. Being PC and trying to keep people from equal treatment are not even close to the same.
I heard worse than that in the navy and we were playing a hell of a lot more dangerous games than these prema donnas
Being against gay marriage is not "put(ting) a group of people down" or being ignorant. I'm going to leave that at that, because I think it's really not appropriate for this board given the lack of desire for political conversation.
The real problem is we have no proof that this ACTUALLY bothered Martin or if he just sees it as an opportunity knowing he was not cut out for life in the NFL. He as much as admitted it to Cogs that it was his lawyer doing all the talking and positioning when it first came out.I heard worse in the Army too, but if any of that stuff was obviously bothering one of my soldiers, if he came to me or not, I put a stop to it. There was a fine line between grunts talking shit and bullying/hazing a guy, and I made sure they didn't cross it.
I respect your right to that opinion. I disagree with said opinion because there are assumptions in your terms here that are not correct.Being against it and actively donating towards causes that attempt to keep it away are two different things. Close but different. And yes keeping people from equal rights is very much so keeping them down.