If I were Spanos I'd tell the other owners "tough s#!t." The 27k seat stadium is a BS setup anyway, the whole thing is set up to fail and it's Dean's fault tbh. He thought he could sell out at 2x the price and come close to what he made in San Dog. He was wrong. Owners are probably already pi$$ed about the gate numbers anyway tbh and not just going to LA to play in that high school stadium.
On that map in the article you can see how bad it is. 27k seats were the reduced number to "allow for optimum fan experience." They had to do that because they knew they were over charging seats. If they reduce the cost of the seats, they can expand things out to 30k which eats a lot of the 5k or so tickets I suggested they distribute to fans and booster clubs to get working class folks in the seats. They'd be mostly non-optimum seats of course.
But that 5k suggestion was really made in regards to the Rams in the Coliseum. Might have to go lower than 5k in Stub-Hub. Also the stadiums being vastly different irt the Coliseum I'd make sure more bottled water sales were available, particularly on the earlier games when the fans are roasting in the stands.
Either way though right now neither the Rams nor Chargers have a home field advantage. I think they could do more to help that happen. In the Rams case they already have lower prices, so winning will definitely start filling up the Coliseum. With the Chargers they gotta reduce game attendance cost because what they're doing now isn't working. At least the other way they get a home field advantage. And if they don't do anything (which I hope is their approach since I hate Spanos) it's going to be a painful and obvious difference when the Rams start packing in huge crowds in the Coliseum while the Chargers are filling in 12k golf clappers with their chilled chardonnay.