Is the old Q the new Q?

A newly formed stadium task force will host a March 2 public forum to solicit ideas for a new home for the San Diego Chargers.
— John Gastaldo
The search for a new Chargers stadium site seems to have ended where it started more than a decade ago:
The old, standby, Mission Valley's Qualcomm Stadium.
Real estate experts, politicians and the public seem increasingly convinced that the 166-acre site is where the team should continue to play, either in a vastly refurbished Qualcomm or in a state-of-the-art, $1 billion-plus new facility next to it.
The Metropolitan Transit System chief virtually sidelined the previously preferred downtown option last week, when he said it could take as many as seven years to make it available. CEO Paul Jablonski said it also could cost $150 million to clear the 7.75-acre bus yard at 16th Street and Imperial Avenue so that a new stadium could be built there and on the adjacent Tailgate Park, both east of Petco Park.
Next steps
The mayor's stadium advisory group continues to meet weekly with its next session at 6 p.m. Monday at Qualcomm Stadium for a public forum. More than 3,000 people have already indicated they plan to attend. The next private meeting is to include representatives from the convention, hotel and tourist industry. Group Chairman Adam Day said he hopes to offer recommendations to the mayor within 90 days.
But before declaring the site decision a fait accompli, four key questions remain to be answered about the Q by Mayor Kevin Faulconer's nine-member stadium advisory group over the next 90 days:

An 2003 rendering shows the streetscape around a new Chargers stadium that was proposed for the Qualcomm Stadium site in Mission Valley. Offices, shops, a hotel and park space were masterplanned but the concept has since given way to a site in downtown San Diego.
— M.W. Steele Group
Should it be rebuilt or replaced?
The 48-year-old, award-winning concrete icon looks great from a blimp, but up close and beneath the seats, numerous structural and design issues stand in the way of the Q's continued glory, especially when it comes to hosting periodic Super Bowls.
Local architects and many fans are fond of the stadium and believe it would be much cheaper and more environmentally responsible to remodel and update rather than tear down and replace.
"With some imagination and focused design effort, San Diego can capitalize on these great bones and transform it into a state-of-the-art football venue," said the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Former City Attorney Mike Aguirre, whose criticism of the Chargers prompted the team to seek a site outside the city limits a decade ago, said the present site and building, properly upgraded and maintained, make the most sense for a community lacking the corporate financial muscle to afford a billion-dollar replacement.
"A lot of the focus is misplaced on where they play as opposed to how they play," Aguirre said.
The Chargers cite studies that remodeling could be nearly as costly as a new stadium. And the stadium's inherent shortcomings could keep it from equaling the state-of-the-art facilities recently opened in other NFL cities. At least $79.8 million in repairs were called for in 2011, and that didn't include major makeovers and structural reconfigurations.
"At what point is substantial further investment in an aging facility not fiscally responsible?" asked an earlier city task force in 2003.

The ancillary development around a new Chargers stadium would include up to 6,000 homes and office, retail and hotel uses, as well as a park linked to the San Diego River.
— Chargers 2003 study
How much development can the surrounding land accommodate?
The Qualcomm site, the equivalent of 66 downtown city blocks, is a 17,000-space parking lot most of the time, a steaming sea of asphalt in a community undergoing rapid growth. The city owns it and the Mission Valley community plan has long envisioned its redevelopment with other uses.
From a real estate and business standpoint, the Q's advantages come down to three, in the words of developer Perry Dealy, who presented his own plan for the property several years ago:
"It's got the land, it's got the location and it's got the ownership. Those are three key ingredients to make it successful."
The Chargers' original proposal of 2002-3 called for a rebuilt stadium surrounded by up to 3,200 apartments and condos, 1.2 million square feet of offices, a 450-room hotel and an 18-acre park.
Real estate consultant Alan Nevin, who worked on that plan, said the site could easily handle 6,000 units and some retail.
Alternately, Sen. Marty Block, D-San Diego, whose district includes Qualcomm, suggests the site become an annex of housing and academic buildings for San Diego State University.
Commercial real estate analyst Jeff Rice sent the mayor's advisory panel a 52-page proposal drawn from the Chargers' old plan, other recent stadium designs and development concepts from various experts.
"The clock is ticking on development for Mission Valley," he said. "One way or another, that site is going to be developed in the near future or the long term."
Architect and planner Frank Wolden had his students at the NewSchool of Architecture and Design replan the entire valley as a studio exercise last year. Out of that effort came the view that all of the valley should embrace the river, just as downtown has done with San Diego Bay.
"Qualcomm should be the center of public life in Mission Valley," he added.

A 2010 flood shows that the Qualcomm Stadium playing field can be vulnerable to winter storms in the San Diego River flood plain.
— File photo
What environmental, legal or political issues could stall the project?
Many months lie ahead to figure out the impact of a new stadium surrounded by millions of square feet of new development.
The traffic, particularly on game day and during the holidays, can be a "nightmare," as one expert put it. Studies are currently under way to assess current conditions and the updated community plan, due by 2018, is expected to propose more streets and roads to make traffic more efficient.
Much of the stadium property sits in a floodplain zone and would have to elevated to remove threats to new development from heavy rain storms that occasionally in history flooded valley from one side to the other.
One issue seems to have been resolved -- the cleanup of a plume under the stadium that originated from leaks at the nearby Kinder Morgan gas tank farm. Stadium manager Mike McSweeney said the work is nearly complete after more than 10 years.
It's unclear right now if environmentalists or anyone else would challenge the project legally. Also unclear is what sort of voter approval would be sought next year. Stadium supporters want to avoid a tax increase that would require two-thirds voter approval. The Chargers have warned against any "half-baked scheme to attempt to get around the two-thirds rule."

A pastoral scene included in architecture student Thomas Aldrich's study last year suggests how reorienting Mission Valley development to the San Diego River might introduce a new "green" lifestyle feel.
— Thomas Aldrich-NewSchool of Architecture and Design
How much will it cost and who will pay what?
Back in 2003, the Chargers estimated the stadium would cost $400 million, a third of their current projection. Ancillary development of 2.9 million square feet was projected at $1.1 billion in valuation. For their fallback proposal unveiled last month with the Oakland Raiders in the Los Angeles suburban of Carson, the Chargers gave a $1.7 billion figure for a stadium and no extra development.
Without a detailed design or construction bid in hand, the actual cost could be more or less. And rising interest rates could affect payback costs as well.
Regardless of the cost, the sources of funding remain the trickiest part of any stadium plan.
If there are no taxes, then the project has to fall back on the team and the NFL, fans and revenues generated from development around the stadium.
Jason Hughes, cochairman of the mayor's advisory group, said the members have "volumes" of plans and ideas to sift through as they construct a financial plan.
"We're reviewing all of it - and working towards our conclusion," he said.
Although the drumbeat for Qualcomm is growing, the Chargers have not given up on building downtown, where they envisioned a convention-stadium complex that could theoretically be financed in part with hotel room taxes -- a concept hoteliers continue to oppose.
"We made our proposal downtown because we believe it is the only potentially workable solution, and nothing has occurred to change our view on that," said team counsel Mark Fabiani. "But we remain open minded about other solutions."
However, Fabiani also said discussion about a downtown site is "quickly becoming academic" in light of the transit operator's logistical concerns.
Still some downtown boosters believe a stadium there would work - with a big "but."
“I like the idea of a downtown stadium or arena, but it’s got to be designed well, wrapped with retail and other uses,” said real estate consultant Jeff Graham, former president of Civic San Diego city development agency.
The concern he and others have is that a large single-purpose, inwardly oriented stadium that’s rarely used could retard development in East Village where much residential growth is anticipated as a way to take the pressure off farflung suburbs.
As City Attorney Jan Goldsmith reminded the City Council last week, the mayor's advisory group carries no legal standing and is not responsible for negotiating with the Chargers.
Once the site decision and financial term sheet are hammered out, then the real playoff will begin.

This 1953 aerial photo shows U.S. Highway 80, later renamed Interstate 8, under construction past U.S. Route 395 (now state Route 163). Most of the valley was being farmed or mined.
— File photo
Qualcomm Stadium and Mission Valley: 1905-2015
ca. 1905: City water department buys land -- now totaling 73 acres -- along Murphy Creek from which to pump water to the University Heights reservoir.
1916: Major floods fill the valley bank to bank, a disaster repeated 11 years later before upstream dams were completed.
1945: The federal government studies the feasibility of building a flood-control channel, a proposal abandoned in the 1970s.
1948: Mission Valley Road upgraded to U.S. Highway 80, widened to Interstate 8 in the ‘50s and ‘60s.
1957-58: Westgate Park (today’s Fashion Valley site) opens for Pacific Coast League Padres; City Council rezones Mission Valley.
1961: Chargers play first season in Balboa Stadium in Balboa Park.
1963: Citizens’ Stadium Study Committee formed to promote new stadium, retain the Chargers and attract a major-league baseball team. Mission Bay and Kearny Mesa also considered as sites.
1965: 72 percent of city voters approve Proposition 1, a charter amendment authorizing the stadium in Mission Valley: cost: $27.75 million.
1967: “San Diego Stadium” opens Aug. 20; San Diego State Aztecs’ first game, Sept. 15; first car race, Pacific Invitational Grand Prix, Oct. 21-22.
1968: Padres move from Westgate Park to play last season as minor-league team before joining the National League in 1969.
1972: First rock concert.
1973: Fortune magazine dubs stadium a “dazzling structure.”
1978: First Holiday Bowl.
1980: Stadium renamed “San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium” to honor the late San Diego Union sports editor who campaigned for the new stadium.
1984: Capacity expanded to 61,000 seats; cost, $9.5 million. Padres play first World Series.
1988: Super Bowl XXII.
1992: Major League Baseball All-Star Game.
1995: New Chargers lease provides for $78 million expansion to 71,500 seats and ticket guarantee.
1997: Name changed to Qualcomm in return for company’s $18 million payment to the city; San Diego Trolley service extended to stadium.
1998: Super Bowl XXXII and World Series; voters approve downtown Padres ballpark.
2002: Citizens Task Force on Chargers Issues recommends $400 million, 62,000-seat football-only stadium.
2005: First Poinsettia Bowl.
2011: Consultants report says city will lose more than $10 million a year operating stadium through 2020 and 44-year-old facility needs nearly $80 million in repairs.
2015: Mayor Kevin Faulconer appoints advisory group to recommend site and financing for a new or refurbished stadium; Chargers and Oakland Raiders announce $1.7 billion joint stadium plan for Carson in Los Angeles County.
Research: Merrie Monteagudo