that clause went out the window in arbitration, and what are you seeing that isnt top tier? is it Jerry world? no, but it would more than hold its own against any other IMO.
Disagree, the new stadium may not need to meet those top tier requirements in the future, but the NFL will most likely take it into account when looking over everything. It is a very important aspect in all of this, because it gives the NFL the wiggle room needed to do what they want, including telling St Louis the stadium is good, but not good enough. I would be incredibly shocked if they didn't take it into account.
Since top tier has proved unrealistic, that may very be what has to happen. Unless the NFL wants the Toronto Bengals, the Hartford Jaguars, the Poughkeepsie So and Sos, and so on.
I doubt the NFL will want that to happen. At least not in the first round, they're going to hold off as long as possible. That way if the Bengals, if the Texans DO want to relocate they're not forced into a corner, and if they don't want to relocate then they will happily take the lesser deals. That's the key issues isn't just letting that aspect slide, it's forcing the owner into accepting it.
At what point do we stop looking for ways to make Stan look like a benevolent good guy forced in to a bad situation? Why not claim he did this all to renovate downtown while we're at it.
It's not that, I'm just trying to think of what the argument he is going to make. Obviously he's going to make himself look better, why wouldn't he?
'll tell that to my friend at work, who still has a few untruths from Demoff saved on his phone from emails, social media. I'll step out right after so I don't have to listen to another rant.
Of course he has, everyone has. He's been better than Fabiani though, and since Davis hasn't done anything that's who we have to compare him to if that's what we're doing. I've said for a while though, that Demoff has a job to do so he's going to tell half truths and say what he needs to try to sell tickets.
What does that mean? 14 years is 14 years. Suing to remove the newest point man is PR, a hail Mary.
It's not a PR move trying to sue him, before things weren't ever really getting off the ground, they would try to get something done, the Chargers would say no, they would start over. Sometimes the politics in the city would stop things, sometimes the team. The only thing that changed was that now the Chargers look serious to move, and the city knows they don't have time. So they don't have time to go and start from scratch again, they need to keep momentum up, and they feel that Fabiani isn't just saying no, but he's actively trashing the city which hurts them in the future. They don't like that obviously, it's a very toxic relationship.
Is there a definition for "top tier"?
The NFL does, there's a few categories, size, parking, amenities, suites, etc and they all have to be in the top tier of them to be considered a top tier stadium. They haven't ever released the different requirements though as far as I can tell.
Vikings threatened to move to LA also... so yea, I'd say that alone makes it similar.
The Vikings floated the idea and traveled around LA for a dog and pony show, nobody has done nearly as much as Stan has in order to just attract leverage.