There's a few interesting bits in this interview with Sam Farmer. Most just essentially rehashing stuff we already know, that it will probably come down to a grand bargain, that the NFL may tell Kroenke he needs to split Inglewood, that the NFL doesn't want to set the precedent that a city can ignore their lease and then come in at the 11th hour and force a team to stay there, etc.
The more interesting note I thought was that Sam Farmer believes the NFL wants to stay in San Diego, and while ultimately the Chargers may leave the city, the NFL would rather keep them. Could increase the G4 loan for them, or promise them a Super Bowl or something else. I wouldn't have expected that personally, I always felt that because San Diego is a military town, it'd be harder for sports to thrive there. I trust Sam Farmer though, more than most talking heads on this issue. Says that keeping San Diego is more important to the league than the entire Oakland situation.
Skip to about 2/3rds of the way through, that's when he talks about relocation stuff (no time stamps)