I'm on a trip with my wife for our anniversary so I will just be skimming this thread for the next few days. CGI banning Dick IMO was warranted for a couple reasons. Clearly this topic was pretty much the only reason he was here and only after being banned by the PD. Second, I repeatedly asked him to stop saying he knows what Stan wants when there is simply no way he could "know" that and all it does is pee pee others off. Sorry but them's the breaks when you can't catch a clue.
Chris - this came up quite a while back in the thread. The information in that article is incomplete. If you actually look up the wording of the G4 it does not allow for the owner to pay for it in lieu of paying his share of revenues. It is essentially a lien on the property that is the team an absolutely has to be paid back. IIRR it is 15 years or when the owner sells the team, whichever comes first. The loan is also at prime rate. Amazingly, in certain market conditions, guys like Stan can actually get better than prime rates based on markets and past performance. So the G4 isn't even likely the best loan a guy like Stan could secure.
I thought $100 million of the bond extension would be used to finish paying off the Dome. Regardless, say the city is able to come up with $480 all things combined. That $505 million that Stan has to come up with is $505 million. The G4 is UP TO $200 million in loans - not grants. I also think what Hack/saw was saying is something to keep in mind. I mean when was the last time a government project came in at or below budget? In my experience it is very rare and most come with a boatload of change orders and delays.
Who profits from what could very likely be a big part of the final negotiations to see if Stan will buy in. I also think it is a prime reason for Stan to keep applying the leverage pressure. And yeah - from a business sense, it wouldn't seem wise to invest $500 million and not get a sizeable piece of the revenue stream generated from your investment. I would think a straight percentage per investment $ would be a minimum starting point because he also owns the team that anchors the stadium.
Also, that bond figure includes the payoff on the Dome - right? I believe the bonds would net $350 toward the new stadium.
I wonder if those figures will ever be released. Do you know where to find what he's getting now?
I'd have to see that somewhere. Pretty sure that is wrong.
Good advice except that I may not respond to much until Tuesday.