County loan suggested for stadium
A county "bridge loan" might be the way to finance a new Chargers stadium, Supervisor Ron Roberts told Mayor Kevin Faulconer's stadium task force Tuesday.
In an hour-long, closed-door session, Roberts told the nine-member panel that the county could front the public share of the project, which has been projected to cost $1 billion or more, until surrounding development begins generating cash flow. The public share has not yet been determined.
San Diego State University President Elliott Hirshman followed Roberts and afterward expressed his "eagerness" to participate in planning for a new stadium, as well as looking out for SDSU's athletic and academic interests.
Roberts said his finance concept probably works better at the existing Qualcomm Stadium site in Mission Valley than a proposed location downtown.

A photo snapped by the chief of staff of county Supervisor Ron Roberts (on right) with Jerry Sanders at a past event of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, which Sanders heads.
— Sal Giametta
"As you look at how you might develop, more Qualcomm than downtown, the staging of that development and when that cash flow starts to occur, that's an issue," Roberts said, summarizing his presentation in an interview with U-T San Diego. "That could be a bridge loan that the county could make to get us through the earlier years until revenue starts to flow from leases that would be signed."
His remarks, on behalf of a supervisors committee that includes Supervisor Dianne Jacob, were the first to outline what exactly the county's financial role in the project might be.
Supervisors Chairman Bill Horn earlier this month had spoken of a revenue bond that might be sold by the county but no payback source was suggested -- though he said there would need to be one.
Roberts said a new stadium -- or vastly renovated Qualcomm -- could be surrounded by residential and commercial development that would "kick off a lot of new taxes."
Normally, any development at the Qualcomm site would generate property taxes that flow to the county and city general funds, as well as schools, and the city would collect sales taxes and hotel room taxes. But Roberts suggested if the county and city revenues are somehow applied to paying back any stadium construction bonds, that could go far to underwrite overall costs.
Roberts did not speak of how much in public funds for the stadium might total but did say other revenue sources that the Chargers have said they would like to retain, such as naming rights and personal seat licenses, "have to be brought into play, no question."
"We've got to do a quick analysis of the sites and try to get down to one site," Roberts said, "and then we've got to put everything on the table. Everything means everything."
For other sports facilities around the country, the public has covered around 50 to 60 percent of the total cost, according to the Chargers. In San Diego's case that would work out to around $500 million, of which some could come from a county loan, repaid from surrounding development, and the balance from naming rights and other sources.
He told the task force that a two-thirds vote to raise taxes for the project would be "very, very difficult."
But he said there are new financial tools available, such as an infrastructure district, that would require just 55 percent voter approval. He also said the city and county could lobby in Sacramento for special legislation to expedite environmental review of the final plan, just as Los Angeles obtained for one of its stadium concepts.
"I think there's a way to get this done and I think with the city and county partnership, just as the city and county were (partnered) when the original stadium was built (in the 1960s)," he said.
The county is sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in reserve funds and also is collecting tax funds previously diverted to various redevelopment agencies in the region, which have been disbanded.
"My colleagues are interested in participating," Roberts said, "but that doesn't mean we just give anybody a blank check. We want to make sure to protect our credit rating at the end of the day."
He said his final message to the task force was "to hurry, get a site selected, focus on that."
SDSU's Hirshman followed Roberts and issued a statement that read in part:
"Today, we expressed our eagerness to participate fully in a stadium partnership that will retain the Chargers in San Diego and advance our region."
Before the meeting task force officials said they had expected Hirshman to talk about the needs of the Aztecs football team, which currently plays at Qualcomm, and possibly what the campus might do if all or part of the Qualcomm site became available as an annex for student and faculty housing and academic buildings -- an idea floated last week by Sen. Marty Block, D-San Diego, whose district includes SDSU.
Task force chairman Adam Day issued a statement after the meeting saying the sessions was "good" and the group looks forward to its first public meeting to be held at Qualcomm at 6 p.m. Monday.
"All of us want the Chargers to remain in San Diego and that's our focus -- finding a solution that works for everyone," Day said. "We're going to put the best plan forward."
The LA leverage game sure seems to be working in San Diego.