And hockey goalies used to play without masks. Jacques Plante caught hell for years for being the first guy to wear one.
Just because thats how it used to be doesn't mean it is now or that it is ok.
That was a football play.
You want to get him for helmet to helmet? Ok.
No issue with that.
The block itself was a good play, intent and execution (minus the h 2 h). He didn't clip him, he didn't go into his knees etc.
having a TE crack down on a DE for example doesn't look at that much different if the DE isent paying attention. A pulling G on a trap can look similiar. Are those "dirty" plays too?
When helping with my buddies youth team and we are having the TE set the edge against a DE or LB that's how we teach it. You don't go low, don't go to the head, don't go into the back and then important thing is to make the block, don't leave your feet to make the block. ..seal the edge, not hit hard. Getting in his way can be just as effective and leveling the guy. But, if there is a clean shot there take it. If he isent paying attention, hammer him. It's the game. End of story.
I get and support the efforts toward safety.
But, it is not a seven on seven flag football passing league. At least not yet.