Milwaukees Finest.......NOT

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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
@Elmgrovegnome and @Angry Ram he wasn't allowed to get near his car, and was asked to step back from it which he did. He wasn't asked to move his car.

No, I'm not buying that. Other parts of the article you link say he wasn't cooperative and instead acted against police, as petty as a parking ticket is. Again, could've been avoided.

The video begins with a single officer approaching Brown, whose late-model Mercedes appears to be parked vertically across three lanes.

"You don't see the issue here? You're not parked across three lanes?" the officer asks Brown as the Bucks guard casually approaches.

The two then begin arguing about the officer having asked Brown to "back up" and whether there was contact between them.

I'm not going on this fake war to "get" police, and I'm not scared of police. They have control in these situations. It's not difficult to follow.
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Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I am not familiar with the crime situation in Milwaukee, but I agree that if he just respectfully moved his car then there is nothing to see. Was a teaser necessary? No. We're five cops needed? Not likely.

Right, it could've been just 2 at the most.

If the crime in Milwaukee is anything like Chicago, the cops are probably scared, and trigger happy. There is a lot of emotion that comes in a situation like this that should never happen, but unfortunately can. I have mentioned my conversation with the very large African American cop that I had the morning that I left Chicago. I didn't go into a lot of detail, but it was a real eye opener when it comes to stuff like this. The frustration of never being able to put criminals away, constant disrespect from the people, fear of being killed or outnumbered, and the feeling of being stuck in a terrible situation everyday, all can culminate in frustrations that lead to instances like this.

Was it wrong? Definitely. But city cops, though trained, aren't like cops are depicted on television. Many are not emotionally equipped to deal with their jobs and it leads to stupid things like this.

Yup, I will always have respect for police. You wanna be one of those internet warriors to "take down" or "expose" police, call me when your kid has a shooting at his school, or another Vegas event, when you see police officers run TOWARD the danger.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #24
The difference was I didn't approaching them and worked with them, not against them.

Seems like Sterling Brown had ample opportunity to avoid this whole thing. Like parking like a normal person. Or not being an ass when the police asked him about it. I don't agree with what happened after...but hey, if all this was over a parking ticket, why didn't Sterling Brown just move his damn car when asked? Why is common courtesy and cooperation so hard to follow?

He wasn't an ass, and he was asked to step away from his car so he was cooperating. He was never asked to move his car. Why are you not getting that?

Watch the video. He had ZERO opportuniy to avoid this. The cops took that away. This encounter lasted nearly half an hour. For parking in a handicapped spot.

Write the ticket and that's that. Six cops? What???

3 cops have been suspended and the Chief is apologizing and says it never should have come to this.

Watch the video.

hands in his pockets? Cops get scared too and dont like this

He had his hands in the pockets of the hoodie he was wearing for several minutes and it wasn't an issue until the police decided to put him down to the ground and hit him with a taser.

Yup, I will always have respect for police. You wanna be one of those internet warriors to "take down" or "expose" police, call me when your kid has a shooting at his school, or another Vegas event, when you see police officers run TOWARD the danger.

I have respect for police too.

But not for the ones who do shit like this. It has nothing to do with being an internet warrior so spare us all that.

Again, go watch the videos and tell me if you would want to be treated like that if you parked in a handicap spot at 2 in the morning.

School shootings or the Vegas shooting have NOTHING to do with this. And we are clearly seeing two different types of police officers.

If you think they are all innocent you are wrongheaded.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Watch the video.


"How you doing? Got a driver's license."

No answer.

"Back up." But doesn't back up. That's not cooperating.

"These are legitimate questions man."

"I ain't go no problem with answering them." But doesn't answer them?

Not uncommon for one officer to call for backup, either.

School shootings or the Vegas shooting have NOTHING to do with this. And we are clearly seeing two different types of police officers.

If you think they are all innocent you are wrongheaded.

Point was stories like these only show one side, the bad part which of course is wrong, but rarely if ever show the whole story until months later, let alone stories of police officers from saving lives or catching bad people. That's not right at all. In most of these situations it comes out the person that got hurt or worse didn't cooperate, as is the case here.

This anti-police thing needs to stop, and people need to be responsible and respectful citizens too.

Not buying the officers here gave him no shot. He had. Didn't cooperate, it escalated into this.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #26
The original video is THIRTY minutes long.

Even this 10 minute vid is a lesson.

Write the ticket. Move on.

The Chief of Police is redfaced about this and won't answer questions and says this should have never happened.

But you disagree, so it's as you wish. Your mind is made up and he deserved to be thrown to the ground then hit with a taser.

You didn't watch the video you posted did you...........he was cuffed for no reason then thrown to the ground and hit with a taser.

Look at his face, he's frightened. Look at his face the next day at practice. See what they did?

This is a traffic ticket!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #27
Watch Making A Murderer... pretty sure it's on Netflix.

Once you watch the 1st episode.... you'll binge watch the rest uncontrollably. You need to check it out asap.

@Selassie I ...........

Watching S1E5 in a few minutes.

Holy shit. Hoe-Lee-Sheeeeeeet.

I feel like I know what is coming and don't want to believe it.........but I know it's coming.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The original video is THIRTY minutes long.

I know.

The majority of that vid is everyone standing around. Aside from the main points on the shortened version which are more relevant.

Even this 10 minute vid is a lesson.

Yeah, I learned it was 2 handicapped spaces to boot.

Write the ticket. Move on.

And most of the time that's preceded by "do you know why stopped you...." or something similar. Not uncommon to question the guy before giving him said ticket. This of course assumes the guy being questioned answers, and cooperates with the police, instead of going right up to the officers face and refuses to back up when asked. It's such a simple order.

Your mind is made up and he deserved to be thrown to the ground then hit with a taser.

I just had to laugh at this. Because now you're just making shit up.

You didn't watch the video you posted did you...........he was cuffed for no reason then thrown to the ground and hit with a taser.

I did. And I fail to see where I mentioned this was OK.

Look at his face, he's frightened. Look at his face the next day at practice. See what they did?

Of course. Anyone getting tased on pavement would have scabs.

This is a traffic ticket!

We know. So why didn't he just answer the question when there was only one officer, back up when asked, and give his name? Instead of doing just the opposite.

Sorry, the violence that happened to him. It shouldn't have and the police that did that are right to be disciplined. What I'm not buying is the police were out to do that from the start.

Sterling Brown could've just had a parking ticket, court date, which would be chump change to his NBA salary. And none of that if he just parked like the other cars in the lot.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I see it as an "AND" situation.

There are a lot of equally valid factors. Some of them are pretty craptastic.

1) They were messing with him. We don't need to start a whole thing to acknowledge that black people have a far different relationship with police than white people do.

2) Police are scared. I think it stems from a number of issues from lack of training and physical fitness to bias to being targeted. Just as civilians can do better with SOME police by cooperating, many police can do better by being better at their jobs (and as the Parkland shooting showed, not all cops run toward danger).

3) People could be more accommodating to police. Answering a simple question without any attitude can go a long way to avoiding a problem. That doesn't mean I don't understand the frustration. Ask Wesley Snipes. Dude is famous, was wealthy and the cops near his house pulled him over REGULARLY. They knew his car. Beverly Hills PD didn't even TRY to hide that they pulled over black people at night because I guess in their minds, black people cant be rich and/or famous. And BHPD isn't remotely the worst.

All of those things are true and valid.

What's funny is that after the Warren v District of Columbia, the decision where the SCOTUS ruled that police do NOT have a Constitutional duty to protect and serve, things have gone off the rails.

Police are now, based on the new law about to be signed, a protected class and they can bring FEDERAL charges against anyone who attacks them.

Well, what could go wrong? I mean the initial police reports on Rodney King charged him with assaulting a police officer because he got his blood on one of the officer's uniforms.

People of color all across this nation "have the talk" with their kids and for the most part expect to have to perform every transaction with police perfectly or they could die.

I support police and I'm a's high damn time that police flush the crap and stand up for the integrity of their jobs, their missions, and their communities.

I'm glad the Chief was really upset. I find victim blaming repugnant. I just don't agree with it.

Lastly, and I hope I haven't upset anyone, I truly believe that asserting one's rights in a peaceful manner should NEVER, EVER, EVER be cause for a person to be injured or die from police. Yes, we need to acknowledge them, but refusing a search or asking what a charge is or interacting as the law prescribes shouldn't end up with a citizen dead.

Police earn respect by protecting and serving in a respectful and professional manner. Unfortunately, far too many have not behaved in that way, creating animosity in various communities and endangering everyone in the process, both police and civilians.

I just don't think all this is an OR proposition where one either supports police OR supports citizen's rights.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I'm not able to listen at full volume right now, so can someone tell me what the first sentence Brown says is? It sounded to me like he said, "no, you can get back in your car now" but my earballs aren't the best anymore and, like I said, low volume.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
@Selassie I I'm starting S1E3 right now and I'm already in the mood to gouge out the eyes of some of those people. With my thumb.

freaking disgusting and I am afraid that it's going to get a lot worse. Good grief I hope this ends with some people going to jail.

@Elmgrovegnome and @Angry Ram he wasn't allowed to get near his car, and was asked to step back from it which he did. He wasn't asked to move his car.

This is a parking violation that it a written ticket, and that's all. Multiple bored cops decide to freak with a guy and that's what this is all about.

I'm not giving out any spoilers.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #32
I know.

The majority of that vid is everyone standing around. Aside from the main points on the shortened version which are more relevant.

And most of the time that's preceded by "do you know why stopped you...." or something similar. Not uncommon to question the guy before giving him said ticket. This of course assumes the guy being questioned answers, and cooperates with the police, instead of going right up to the officers face and refuses to back up when asked. It's such a simple order.

I just had to laugh at this. Because now you're just making crap up.

I did. And I fail to see where I mentioned this was OK.

Of course. Anyone getting tased on pavement would have scabs.

We know. So why didn't he just answer the question when there was only one officer, back up when asked, and give his name? Instead of doing just the opposite.

Sorry, the violence that happened to him. It shouldn't have and the police that did that are right to be disciplined. What I'm not buying is the police were out to do that from the start.

Sterling Brown could've just had a parking ticket, court date, which would be chump change to his NBA salary. And none of that if he just parked like the other cars in the lot.

Nice job justifying a terrible example of police brutality........even their own boss couldn't justify it and called them out for it..........but you are right on que.

You're a trip.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Nice job justifying a terrible example of police brutality........even their own boss couldn't justify it and called them out for it..........but you are right on que.

You're a trip.

lol no. Making up things again I see.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #34
Once you watch the 1st episode.... you'll binge watch the rest uncontrollably. You need to check it out asap.

@Selassie I Episodes 5 and 6 are crazy.

That guys lawyers are running circles around the prosecution and even reporters are wondering what the fuck.

I was watching the victims two brothers when they were shown in the background here and there and it seems they are wondering WTF too.

If anyone hasn't seen this it's totally worth it.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
@Selassie I Episodes 5 and 6 are crazy.

That guys lawyers are running circles around the prosecution and even reporters are wondering what the freak.

I was watching the victims two brothers when they were shown in the background here and there and it seems they are wondering WTF too.

If anyone hasn't seen this it's totally worth it.


Are you ever gonna cross Wisconsin's state line now? :huh:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #36

Are you ever gonna cross Wisconsin's state line now? :huh:

Only if I need some kinda special cheese..........and I will use an Uber driver.

Fucked up.

People need to watch this.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
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  • #37
I'm not giving out any spoilers.

@Selassie I Yesterday I finished the last episode. How in the fuck does that guy, actual;ly both guys, not get a retrial. And incarcerating a borderline mentally handicapped 16 year old after using him is SO bad there is a special place in hell for those assholes.

I'm with you, I'm not setting foot in Wisconsin either.