In the super bowl.
If there was ever evidence that he doesn’t trust Crapolo that was it.
A great FG kicker with good range.
He took the ball out of his QBs most of the playoffs. He does not trust him to stand in the pocket and deliver.
Except he didn't take the ball out of his hands.
The sequence went run/run/pass/pass and both passes were complete for big gains though the PI there was a dumb move by Kittle.
But the real mistake was not calling a TO as soon as his defense stopped the Chefs on 3rd down. There was 1:50 plus seconds on the clock and the ball was snapped with 1:08 on the clock.
Then he ran on first down and didn't call a TO and the clock ran down from :59 to :27.
So in 1:17 he ran off two plays. In the SB with as you note a kicker with good range.
So the OPI and KS's lousy clock management killed that drive. If he would have saved some clock he could have had a shot at getting in range. They were at their own 45 when the deep route to Kittle was called, but the clock was at :20 when the ball was snapped prior to that play and was at :16 when it was over. Had he used his timeouts better thy could have been on the 45 yard line with over a minute to go.
That leaves a lot more of the playbook open.
Either way it was tied and the half and the 49ers were running the ball really, really well and he came off of that which was a mistake. The Chefs started coming hard once they saw that he was going passpasspass.