Why?Somehow, this bothers me more than the Donald situation.
Eventually the same thing will happen in the NFL that happened to MLB and the steroids era. Cheaters cheating are not trying to make themselves better and I refuse to believe the everyone else was doing it excuse makes it ok.@blackbart I don't really understand how he could be made as an example. He was caught using PEDs something that is widely used in the league - from what I understand it's a large percentage of players that use these.
He was caught trying to make himself better. Sure it's 'cheating' according to the rules. However, he was caught trying to make himself better.
There are without a doubt other players on our team using these same PEDs - even right now.
@jrry32 if they want a clean team or that perception they certainly can make an example of him. If McVay is afraid to lose a scrub is he really the guy to lead an NFL franchise. As much as I hate it I have my doubts
Currently on PUP. It would be nice to know how long he'll be there. I wonder if he was on PEDs to speed up his recovery time.Has anyone seen or heard reports of him in training camp?
Four pillars ?Nobody wants a clean team. That's the unfortunate reality.