Don't get to post much anymore... too much going on... but heard a joke this morning that made me laugh... hope y'all enjoy it.
(for Masters Week)
Three older golfers are playing a round... a 60 year old... a 70 year old and an 80 year old.
The 60 year old says "60 has to be the worst age to be. I have this urge to pee all the time but all I ever get is a trickle. It sucks."
The 70 year old says "yeah, that's bad but being 70 is worse. You can't take a dump easy. Laxatives, bran... and you still can't poop.It's amazingly frustrating"
The 80 year old pipes up and says 80 is, by far, the worst. Every day, promptly at 6:00AM, he pees. At 6:30, he takes a dump... every day like clockwork.
One of the other two says "if you can pee and poop regularly, why does 80 suck so bad?"
The 80 year old replies: "because I don't wake up until 7:00!!!"