If your wife thinks her fugnuts is serious about marriage then that could be fueling this. I've seen women crash and burn when fugnuts says he doesn't want to get married and then she tries to work on her current marriage. I've seen couples split and make up under these circumstances. No matter the outcome fugnuts deserves to be introduced to Karma. Stay strong and I hope children are not involved. This too will pass.
No children involved. The 'friend' from Jr. high that she was talking to before she moved out, had an ulterior motive. He wanted to be with her. She dated him after she moved out. He wanted her to marry him. She didn't want that. The way she talked about him while we were together, I knew that they weren't compatible. She always kept him in the friend zone, and objected to my discord with her talking to him. As I knew he has been in love with her since school. She always denied that. Then when she first told me about wanting a divorce, she said I was right about him. She realized at some point she didn't want him long term. Supposedly they never slept together, according to my wife's sister. She told me that she wasn't going to do that until we divorced.
Afterwards there was a moment where I thought she would return. Then she started dating the other guy she had been talking to after she left. Her brother in law tells me that she isn't thinking logically and this guy is being controlled by her. She was very controlling, as was her mom and sister, but she used to tell me that she liked that I would stand up to her as opposed to all her ex's that she easily controlled.
If she wants to return one day I hope that God allows me to forgive. I have never been the forgiving type. But I id make a covenant of marriage. She violated hers. So I don't know.
All I can do right now is think logically and try and be fair. I sacrificed a lot for the marriage. I cashed out two retirement accounts of mine to helps us out financially. I used money from a insurance settlement for a car totaled to pay off debt. She had nothing when we met, to now she makes almost twice as much as me. So I bet my future on her and her retirement account for both of us. So I need to make sure that I get 50% of the equity on the condo, since that may be 10 grand. Yeah the attorneys will make the most out of this.