Local Legends and Ghost stories.

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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
IowaRam made a great post over on the
your song of the Day thread. About a local legend/ghost story from his area. Got me thinking every bodies got one. Could be a one on one encounter, something you have seen or heard. Whats yours?


Jan 23, 2013
When I was small my grandmother said a few times that she thought she saw a ghost in our basement. Then my sister said she would wake up with something touching her face. A few years later my older brother woke up in the middle of the night to some figure in the doorway of his room. Then a few more years and my mother started seeing it frequently wondering around the house.

One night mom woke me and my sister up to come downstairs with her. It was late and it made it creepier. She said she saw the ghost run down the stairs and wanted to know what we felt in the living room. The room was freezing cold........and it was the middle of the summer. I went to the kitchen and it was warm. It was very strange.

Another time I was cooking breakfast for my brother and I, about 4 am because we were going fishing. The plate on the counter slid by itself about 2 feet. Freaked me out and I wouldn't eat the eggs. He did though.

Once while walking into the bathroom I saw an entire role of toilet paper unrolling, a rocking chair rocking in the basement and the craziest thing was that we had a pair of Dr. Sholls foot pads on top of a chair in the living room. My friend who was pretty big but terrified of ghosts came to pick me up and he stood at the door because he would not come in. As soon as he said he was far enough, the insoles flipped from the top/back of the chair all the way out onto the floor, approximately 3'.

My little brother saw it one night too. It was standing in the doorway watching us sleep. We had bunk beds. He jumped out of bed and ran right through it into our older brothers room and slept on his floor on the other side of the bed.

Then years later when I was in college something different happened. My mother was still bumping into the ghost in the hallway and bedrooms but she was used to it by now. However one night she was washing dishes and she heard the cat hiss. She looked into the living room and it was standing on the couch with hits back arched. She went to the doorway and there was a smoky black figure in the living room. The next morning she got a call that her dad had died.

My Dads dad also had a weird occurance. My dad would go visit him every sunday morning. My grandfather told him one day that he got up to go to the bathroom and when he turned the corner he saw all of his dead family members standing in the hallway. He was very happy to see them and he had a nice conversation and got to talk to them all. Two days later he died.

After a few years all the paranormal stuff stopped. It went on about 8 years.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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Here is just one. The paranormal seems to run strong with the females in my family. Most will admit to some sort of ability from second site to seeing,communicating with the other side. My mothers father had always been a robust and active man so when he became ill in the early 80s and was put in the hospital no one was too worried because he had always been so healthy and would bounce back. We were wrong. My mother was sleeping one night and was jolted awake. Adjusting her eyes she clearly saw a figure at the end of the bed. It was her father just as solid and clear as you or I. And he was smiling at her, not a creepy or evil smile. But a loving fathers every thing will be alright smile. Then he faded away. 30 minutes later my mother got the call her father had passed.


Daniel Leu
Jun 20, 2014
Those are some creepy but awesome stories. My parents don't really believe in paranormal things but I love it. I watch Ghost Adventures on the travel channel and actually went into the old basement of the college I was at with my brother and a friend to see if we could get anything (the college used to be a hospital decades ago and the morgue was in the basement.) Didn't have any luck though.

My mother told me that when she was little, she used to go to her grandparent's house for slumber parties and they thought that the house across the street was haunted. She said that sometimes late at night, the neighbor's attic light would turn on and off. Sometimes her grandparents would see a figure looking out the window. Unfortunately, the neighbor's house caught fire and burned to the ground. They rebuilt the house a few years later, but the paranormal stuff ceased.

You guys have some serious stones. If I had ever seen a full body apparition when I was younger, I would freeze up and be terrified. Keep these stories coming!


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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Don't know where this fits in if paranormal or not. But is was strange. My first wife was a real bitch and she liked to argue and fight. She was dam good at it too. (one of the many reasons why we split) One day we were both in the kitchen she was sitting at the table and I was across from her standing. In the center of the table there was a large corning ware type bowl. Sometimes it would have fruit in it, this time it was empty. Well she lit in to me about something and when I had, had enough I started giving it right back. We had been yelling at each other at the top of our lungs for about ten minutes. When bam the bowl in the middle of the table exploded into a million pieces. No one touch it and no one else was in the house or around. We both just went wtf. Was it the negative energy in the room? Was it someone telling us to shut up? Still don't know but hadn't happen before or since to me.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I firmly believe the town-home I was living in about 20 years ago was haunted. I remember one night I was on the couch downstairs, kinda nodding off because I was too tired to go upstairs. As I was laying there (not asleep) I heard my daughter walking across the floor upstairs (who was 5 at the time) and then walking down the stairs before she came into the living room and sat in my recliner, which used to squeak when you sat in it and reclined. It was a very specific sound it made when you sat in it, and you ALWAYS hear people walking around upstairs when you're downstairs. Anyway, I kept my eyes closed because I was gonna scare *her* by getting up real fast and saying "boo!"

So, that's what I did. Only there was nobody in the chair, and it was reclined when I got up. I know for 100% certain that it was closed because i got out of it to lay on the couch. I went upstairs to check on her and she was all kinds of asleep, so.... ? I didn't get much sleep that night, but the next day I kinda convinced myself I imagined it. Even though I know I didn't.

A few weeks later, I was the only one home because my wife and kids were visiting a relative of hers who was sick. I was laying in bed after a long day of work and was trying to sleep when a feeling of complete terror came over me. I have NEVER been afraid like that before or since. I had no idea why either. I'm never afraid. I was just completely frozen with fear for some reason right then though. I opened my eyes and at the foot of my bed was a shadow that looked like a 6 foot guy wrapped in a black cloak, and I kinda became paralyzed - like I was screaming on the inside. I closed my eyes again, freaking out on the inside, and opened them once again and it was gone.

I shit you not I moved the following day. Stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks before finding another place. I explained to my (then) wife what happened and this wasn't open for negotiation. She then informed me that she used to hear weird shit when she was downstairs too, and that there was never anybody upstairs when she heard them. My daughter told me it was "the man who stands in the hall sometimes." Yeah, a little heads up prior to it scaring the shit out of me would have been nice.


Jan 15, 2013
I was staying with some long time friends in their house in the Denver suburbs. The house is about 120 or so years old. Nice beautiful old home. They went off to work and their kids went to school, I was kicking back having some coffee in the living before I went off to a meeting. I got the "someone is watching me" feeling. Ignored it of course. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement, I looked and nothing was there. About 10 minutes pass and the same thing happened again. I thought maybe it was one of their dogs. I walked over to where the movement was and no dogs....in fact I realized I hadn't heard or seen the dogs for about 10 minutes. I walked into the next room where the stairs came down and both dogs were standing on the landing the stairs staring into the room I had come from (the room where I thought I saw movement out of periphery of my vision). I called them, grabbed their toys and even some food and they refused to come down the stairs and barely broke their stares into the other room.
I went back to the living room and sat down. It happened again, but, this time I know I saw something move. I went back and looked around, nothing, dogs still on the landing of the stairs.
When I went back to the living room I sat back down with my back to the other room but where I could see the doorway in the reflection of a mirror. About 10 minutes went by and then bam, all of sudden there was a shape there, about waist high, a black shadow with a pretty clearly defined head (no features at all), shoulders and arms to about mid upper arm then just sort of faded out. It was suddenly there and then moved out of the doorway. Needless to say I leaped up....cleaned up the coffee I spilt and got outta there.
I didn't say anything to my friends....was trying to think of how to brink it up. We were sitting around after dinner when his son ran into the living room, "Daddy, Mommy, the shadow boy is back!!"
When they bought the house the realtor told them he had a legal obligation to tell them that the house was considered haunted. The old lady they bought it from kept a small made bed, a lamp and a radio in the basement "for the man who lives down there...." even though she lived alone.
They told me there were two ghosts they had become aware of, The Blue Man and the Shadow Boy.
Only their son could see the Blue Man (a few creepy stories about that). They never told anyone about the Shadow Boy. They had some very religious friends baby sit one day at their house when their son was very young....they saw the Shadow Boy and were so freaked they were waiting outside when my friends got home and never went back in their house. They never told anyone about it, but, every person (about 4 or 5) that saw it (including a guy doing work in the house, who left the job half done and returned the deposit for his work) all described exactly the same as I saw him.


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
I can't say for certain what I would do because I've never actually experienced a ghostly or demonic or extra-terrestrial or any other sort of other worldly or dimensional encounter. I have to think I would be scared to crap though and there's no way I would live in a haunted house. If I found that my house had ghosts or demons or whatever I'm not sure if I would go back in there. I think I would just check into a hotel and hire movers. I watch these shows on TV where a medium tells people that all sorts of things are in their houses and she subscribes whatever sort of exorcism, voodoo or cure and I'm thinking the whole time...why are you there. GTFO people!!!


As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
Holy crap. How anyone can continue living somewhere when this kind of stuff is going on, I don't know. I'm a real baby when it comes to this subject.

A few years back when I was snoring really bad (before I had an op to correct it), my wife wanted me to download one of those phone apps that records you in the night so I could hear for myself how bad it was. Being a big baby I refused because, although I haven't seen Paranormal Activity (and don't ever intend to), I am vaguely aware of the plot and I sure as hell don't want to know if that kind of stuff is going on in the night. And my house is only about 4/5 years old so unless it was built on a Micmac burial ground (despite my girly-ness I am a Stephen King fan) which is unlikely in Birmingham, England ghosts and spirits are probably not going to be hanging around.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
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I have watched most of the shows out there on the subject at onetime or another. A couple are good. Most are crap. Mountain Monsters cracks me up. (Almost got one that time trapper!) But an underlying theme seems to be people take their hangups from life into the afterlife. That sucks! But what bothers me the most is when they talk about children. If something tragic happened to a child naturally they would feel lost,alone,scared,confused. That's the part that tears me up.


Jan 15, 2013
I can't say for certain what I would do because I've never actually experienced a ghostly or demonic or extra-terrestrial or any other sort of other worldly or dimensional encounter. I have to think I would be scared to crap though and there's no way I would live in a haunted house. If I found that my house had ghosts or demons or whatever I'm not sure if I would go back in there. I think I would just check into a hotel and hire movers. I watch these shows on TV where a medium tells people that all sorts of things are in their houses and she subscribes whatever sort of exorcism, voodoo or cure and I'm thinking the whole time...why are you there. GTFO people!!!
I hear ya.
I have had plenty of experiences....a couple that scared the pee out of me and more that were not scary. I used to not believe in this stuff at all....figured people were delusional, nuts or looking for attention. But, my opinion has changed totally. I do think most things are explainable however. Natural occurrences, noises ect. However, in my 40 + years on the planet I have had 4 or 5 things that I cannot explain.
My friends that live in the old house....they are very smart, rational, educated people who did not believe in this stuff at all. It is part of the reason they just sort of laughed when told the house they were looking to buy is considered haunted. But, they believe now. Being rational people they have conducted their own "investigations" in their home....nothing like the tv shows looking to create drama....and got some stuff that they cannot explain away. They have only told very close friends about their experiences there. They do say that the occurrences have calmed down greatly. They say they always notice an uptick if they are working on the house, if there are visitors or around the holidays if there are parties or a lot of people coming and going etc. which is sort of interesting. A lot of the activity seemed to center around their son from the age of being an infant to about 10 years old.
Interesting stuff.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
As a horror fan, I really want to belive in ghosts. I really do.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
If you fellas ever want to temp fate.............

And for about $400.00 , you and five of your closest friends , can spend the night in the Villisca axe murders house in Villisca Iowa

Said to be in the top 10 scariest places in the country , this house has been featured many times on just about every ghost busters / paranormal TV show there are

I ain't afraid of no ghost



Jan 15, 2013
As a horror fan, I really want to belive in ghosts. I really do.
This is no different than any other experience in life. Experiences are like trying to describe chocolate ice cream to someone who has never had it. Doesn't make much sense until you have some.


Daniel Leu
Jun 20, 2014
If you fellas ever want to temp fate.............

And for about $400.00 , you and five of your closest friends , can spend the night in the Villisca axe murders house in Villisca Iowa

Said to be in the top 10 scariest places in the country , this house has been featured many times on just about every ghost busters / paranormal TV show there are

Living (somewhat) near the Villisca area, it's as creepy as everyone says it is. My family has drove past it a couple times and from the outside it seems like just another old farm house. Someday I'd like to take a tour of it - probably not stay the night though. They say you can hear the children playing, see objects moving, and feel the presence of the murder up in the attic.