Keith Olbermann calls for Goodell to resign

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
Issue is that this isn't anything new. Only reason people are up in arms about it is because Rice is a big name and he was caught on camera after he KO'd her. Are we forgetting that Leonard Little was only suspended 8 games (by a different commish) for killing a person while driving drunk?

And this is coming from a person who doesn't like Goodell.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I despise Olbermann so much I can't even watch the video. All I can do is picture his hate spewing face from when he was on MSDNC. He can switch back to sports but he can't switch off that personality.
FWIW I disliked the sanctimonious twit WELL before he became a political activist


Oct 22, 2013
OC--LeftCoast with his view:
That's the thing Alan, PC is what Olbermann is all about, and once you let that cat out of the bag...
You're wrong my friend. When you are so blinded by political ideology that you can't hear the message for the messenger then what issue can you look at objectively? That remains true no matter which side of the political spectrum you're on. It's the message OC, not the messenger.

I consider Rand Paul to be an idiot but when he talks about the unfairness of sending a large part of our population to jail for drug use I listen to him with rapture.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I really don't care who conveyed the message.

The point is that a 2 game suspension for knocking a woman unconscious irrespective of who she is or what the relationship is disgusting on a number of levels.

Moreover, Roger Goodell has failed every test as Commissioner.

The very idea that he can look at people with a straight face and say he cares about the health and safety of players when for 2-3 years, he had PROOF of the connection between multiple concussions and CTE, yet continued to have the league tell rookies that there WAS NO CONNECTION so that they could not engage in informed decision making about their health, playing style or medical care is beyond unconscionable. THEN, to have him lead the charge to make deals with the networks to try to lock players out over restitution for that and further, holding up the settlement because he was trying to negotiate LESS money for former players even as the league is seeing record profits... well, he's a disgusting example of a human being and considering this is JUST ONE WAY in which he's failed as the NFL's Commissioner, he should resign.

There are enough ways Roger Goodell has failed if one were inclined to fully articulate them to write a rather long book.

So, it really doesn't matter WHO says Roger Goodell should resign, because whether Keith Olbermann says it or someone you like says it, the case for it is and has been overwhelming for some time now.

Roger Goodell is and has been a failure as NFL Commissioner and he needs to resign.


I test nuclear weapons
May 8, 2014
I hear what you're saying Alan, but some people have spewed so much vitriol that they have burned the credibility bridge.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I really don't care who conveyed the message.

The point is that a 2 game suspension for knocking a woman unconscious irrespective of who she is or what the relationship is disgusting on a number of levels.

Moreover, Roger Goodell has failed every test as Commissioner.

The very idea that he can look at people with a straight face and say he cares about the health and safety of players when for 2-3 years, he had PROOF of the connection between multiple concussions and CTE, yet continued to have the league tell rookies that there WAS NO CONNECTION so that they could not engage in informed decision making about their health, playing style or medical care is beyond unconscionable. THEN, to have him lead the charge to make deals with the networks to try to lock players out over restitution for that and further, holding up the settlement because he was trying to negotiate LESS money for former players even as the league is seeing record profits... well, he's a disgusting example of a human being and considering this is JUST ONE WAY in which he's failed as the NFL's Commissioner, he should resign.

There are enough ways Roger Goodell has failed if one were inclined to fully articulate them to write a rather long book.

So, it really doesn't matter WHO says Roger Goodell should resign, because whether Keith Olbermann says it or someone you like says it, the case for it is and has been overwhelming for some time now.

Roger Goodell is and has been a failure as NFL Commissioner and he needs to resign.

Issue is that the Commissioner doesn't exist to make the fans happy. He's the owner's man. He exists to promote the game and make them more money. He has passed that test with flying colors. I think he's a pompous assbag but the owners are the ones he works for. Not us or the players.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
You're wrong my friend. When you are so blinded by political ideology that you can't hear the message for the messenger then what issue can you look at objectively? That remains true no matter which side of the political spectrum you're on. It's the message OC, not the messenger.

I consider Rand Paul to be an idiot but when he talks about the unfairness of sending a large part of our population to jail for drug use I listen to him with rapture.
But Al when you bring politics into it and infer others are the ones doing it this thread goes to off topic fast, I NEVER liked KO ,nor the this person must be fired ethos,especially from people with the sort of santimony KO consistently spews.


Pro Bowler
May 8, 2014
I think some posters are letting their politics effect their judgement about this matter. Exactly which part of the video do people disagree with? It was a shameful decision and when you add all the other crap Goodell has done (destroying tapes that proved the Cheatriots cheated being just one), he should be forced to resign IMO.
I don't think it's politics, rather the fact that Keith has his own skeleton full of shameful's sort of like Al Gore telling us to go green, as he flies private jet style to each climate change meeting around the world, then back home to his mansion. I'd give the message more credence if it came from someone with a tad sturdier soap box with which to stand upon and hand down righteous indignation. In short, Olbermann is a tool....and yes, the 2 game ban is shameful.


Oct 22, 2013
NukeRam letting others control him:
I hear what you're saying Alan, but some people have spewed so much vitriol that they have burned the credibility bridge.
I'm not sure how to say this without offending you and that is the last thing I want to do. So I'll just let it rip and hope you realize I'm not trying to make this personal.

That's something a person would say who takes no responsibility for their own actions and reactions. I have let my personal animosity for others control my actions in the past so I'm not claiming I own the high ground. Discussions I've had with zn and my ex-wife spring to mind. However, I've never pretended that it isn't my own failing. All I can say is you should read what you just said and give it some thought.

I apologize if I've offended you.

And with that, I'm done with this conversation.


Montana is God's Country
Jun 24, 2010
Not a big Olbermann fan, but I do think he brings up some points. Way too much inconsistency in the punishment of players for violating league rules. Goodell is a puppet to certain owners!



Olbermann is not just an idiot, he is a prince of the idiots. The problem with people like him is that they so ruined any smidgen of personal credibility that it doesn't matter what he says. I can't listen to it.


Pro Bowler
May 8, 2014
All this crap about messenger and message and I know better and you're wrong....the point being missed is we don't need a gasbag like Olbermann to tell us this....most feel it was a bad decision, but some don't...there is no factually correct answer here...opinions is all....but we're adult enough to be able to separate the message from the messenger....Olbermann is a dipshit, and the suspension was too lite in my opinion....not hard to understand that now is it?

Not one person in this thread, that I can find, said the suspension was too harsh or just arguing about politics blinding people's judgement is out of left one seems to be saying Olbermann is wrong because he is a liberal hack that spews his own brand of hatred...their saying Olbermann is a hateful moron, AND the suspension is too lite..big difference.


I test nuclear weapons
May 8, 2014
No offense taken, Alan but it's not a control issue. I don't listen to Nancy Pelosi either.:p


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Issue is that the Commissioner doesn't exist to make the fans happy. He's the owner's man. He exists to promote the game and make them more money. He has passed that test with flying colors. I think he's a pompous assbag but the owners are the ones he works for. Not us or the players.

Well, then his role is far different than the role of other Commissioners. Baseball, for instance, has a history of very independent Commissioners. So the idea that a sports Commissioner is a de facto owner's lackey isn't born out by history. Some have been, but they don't have to be. That's a choice.

Each Commissioner has the opportunity to represent the league's owners and the league WHILE at the same time representing the Office of the Commissioner with integrity and diligence. Goodell made his choices and he abandoned any pretense of integrity and diligence.

Goodell started out as Corporate Counsel for the NFL and never left that job. They just changed his title, but he never stopped doing the job of Corporate Counsel. They just expanded his responsibilities a little bit.

You don't promote a your own corporate lawyer to an oversight position like Commissioner because you expect that he'll grow morals or a spine and Goodell didn't disappoint. He's been everything the owners moral black hole whose sole interest is the owners (with the game a very distant second), but couched and caged by a lawyer's verbal skills to create the flimsiest of facades that the "Commish" is on the job, policing the NFL neighborhood.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Moreover, beyond the CTE issue which is a really big deal for me as someone with a brain lesion who deals with daily migraines and cluster headaches (so I understand what the chronic pain from CTE is like) and the heartbreaking line of former players who committed suicide without ever understanding why in part because the league had financial incentive to ensure they never know, long term I question how much I want to support a league that justifies minor penalties for woman beaters.

It's possible for an NFL Commissioner to be a business person AND get the NFL on better footing with not only CTE, but with a bunch of trench rules so that OL/DL can have a chance to leave the game and have a life. He or She could address the change about Marijuana enforcement so that it doesn't affect rosters the way it does now. Moreover, the NFL could actually LEAD and work with researchers abroad (since with marijuana being a schedule A drug, it can't be used for research for medicinal benefits, that's the definition of a Schedule A drug, it has no medicinal benefit) to fund additional studies like the one done by the man who discovered THC in Israel who's studies point to THC being CURATIVE for Post Concussion Syndrome, which could potentially help in remediating some players from experiencing CTE after their playing days are over. As well, it's possible to develop THC based medicines that don't make a person "high", which is very important if we're going to talk about actual facts and medicine and how it would affect the NFL and why THC-based alternatives are so important as opposed to the opiate based alternatives that the NFL has pushed for decades that has led to hundreds of addicts and thousands of complications in that time.

And NFL Commissioner could still make the owners scads of money AND have integrity with respect to the game, the rules, the players, the fans, the NFL communities and the law. None of that is impossible. does mean that the Commissioner has to be a leader, someone who has the ability to make the hard choices and demonstrate to all involved that those hard choices are in everyone's best interest.

Roger Goodell was never that guy. The league didn't want that guy. Unfortunately, they got exactly who and what they wanted.

Now, they need someone with integrity to clean up after Goodell. He has to go. And really, it doesn't matter who calls for his dismissal. I mean, they've got former players as broadcasters on the NFL Network saying they're embarrassed as former players to be associated with this latest decision saying so on record.

Seriously, the NFL deserves better.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
He might be an idiot, But he's right. REALLY!!?? a big 2 game suspension for knocking your wife out!!?? REALLY!!?? He didn't just slap her (not that that's acceptable) but he KNOCKED her out cold. Rice is a douchebag and should have been made to at LEAST sit out half the season. Shame on Goodell.
Relax Francis..I just made a statement of fact..Keith Olberman is an absolute idiot..I said nothing about Goodell, because I saw Olberman;s face and didn't listen to a word he said. REALLY!!!!


Jul 18, 2013
Not a fan of Goodell or Olberman and think they are both wrong. Rice deserved more than 2 games, but Goodell has a history of selective punishment. 2 games or 8 games is not something a Commish should resign over.

Bet the bosses at ESPN are not happy with Olberman. The NFL makes ESPN a lot of $$$.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Goodell is the son of a former NY Senator. He has powerful allies. He ain't going anywhere.


May 19, 2014
OLBERMAN IS THE ONLY sports guy more annoying than Bernie, I hate the whole ,"you should resign "omniscient attitude most everywhere it manifests,who appointed him to be that judge?

Someone seems to be forgetting Chris Berman, who represents everything wrong with America, and Thommy Brennaman, the most annoying sports douche in the world.