Not trying to be a jerk, but not sure what this has to do with my post. If its to do with his stance, I dont have a problem with his stance. Heck stand for anything you want. For the record, he is on record more than once stating he is standing up for people that are oppressed. Nowhere I have I read anything about his family in law enforcement.
I have no issue for what he stood up for, but he has a platform outside of the field. Also many other athletes stood up for the same thing but ran it by their coaches. Like how Britt and Austin did it and McCourty in NE did. Those were not distractions. Again a back up QB being that big of a distraction may have GMs questioning his leadership ability.
Kap was doing in the preseason. He did it without the media even knowing at first:
The team supported him & guys from Seattle stood up for the cause as well. Kap is a smart guy as far as education . He stayed true to his giving money to certain groups. He gave up $14 million to opt out of his contract.
I really think he should have played it out. That's fine you think he will be a distraction. There is no doubt his stance went through the NFL.
Seattle is a good place for him. I believe he has family in Edmonton ? Not sure. I get my facts a little more in place.
-- I heard a few of his interviews after Niner games. He talked about knowing or having family in law enforcement. He had his view.
He was called out by the San Jose police chief about his stance early on. The guy was talking about not protecting Niner games ?? I believe ?? That is going off what I heard live on the news. Never really got into it or could rewind it.
I just took it in as a NFL fan & listened with a open mind.
From what I've seen is Kap has kept low & he is not talking crap. He could make a issue if it which might be the wrong thing to do ? I'm just letting it play out. Will see ? The media is the ones who are making a big deal about it.
I just think Seattle is a good spot for him. Russell Wilson is not a bad guy to play behind & learn from. Kap is young for a QB & has a big window he can improve on.