This whole system has been crazy. We've been lucky and not lost power in the area but due to the natural gas wells being frozen in Texas and Oklahoma we've been told we might have a $4000 gas bill next month because the price for rural communities went from $3/therm to $900/therm this past weekend. So were told to reduce thermostats to 60-65 but can't reduce much more cause pipes got to stay thawed. Also had multiple water main breaks so had no water friday or sunday and been on boil order since then. Amazing how widespread this arctic vortex has completely fucked things.
It's like Enron all over again...
I fucking hate it. I truly feel so badly for everyone affected. I saw a TikTok of a woman who had pipes burst in her house and she was hysterical... she had no idea what to do... it was freezing, she clearly understood that most of her stuff was lost and as the water was causing tons of damage, there was no dry warm place to go. She just walked around her house trying to make sense of the several waterfalls in her house. Seems the pipes bursting was pretty common and most folks don't know where their water valve is.
We don't have private fire companies anymore for a reason. $900/therm? a 30 THOUSAND percent increase? That's fine if you're talking stock appreciation from investing early in a tech stock. For a price increase for working and rural folks so that people can not die freezing? That's just nuts.
Also, a lot of reasonable looking people are going to go on to TV like the guy who runs ERCOT and say that these price increases are a sign that "the system is working as intended" (he's already dropped that little 12 already)... Which is fucking stupid. That sort of economic thinking involves rational buyers of a non-essential commodity purchasing among a bevy of equivalent goods with good information and under no duress.
Pretty fucking sure that doesn't describe Texas right now...
Anyway, solidarity with everyone struggling right now. And I hope the asshole energy companies drown in the lawsuits. I hope y'all sue them like you're all Scientologists... like sue the executives personally (that's literally how Scientology became tax-exempt... they just en masse sued the people IN the gov't as well as the gov't) as well as the companies.