It’s the freaking playoffs. We ain’t playing against scrubs here. The Rams are not ‘clearly a better team’ when they have an 11-5 record vs a 10-6 record. The falcons went 10-6 in a division with two other great playoff teams. Why on earth are you all so confident?!
I'm not
overly confident but I just have this feeling... games are all about match-ups.
Most of my confidence is centered around the match-up between their Oline and our Dline. I think Ryan will be under attack for most of the game. Take ANY QB (
ANY - including the Wunderboy Brady) and put them under enough pressure and bad things happen for them (meaning good thing for us). .
I also think we can run against them, although not as confident as the match-up I just mentioned. If the Rams can run, it opens everything else up and we should be in good shape.
So lets just say hypothetically that we lose this game. Are all of you who are so confident going to take it out on the team or come to grips with the fact that the Falcons are a decent opponent? Given that we do get beat fair and square and not by our own doing like Sea/Philly.
Yeah... IF the Rams lose, I hope this board spends more time being grateful for all the good things that happened this year... and how bright the future looks... than spending time grousing and attacking coaches, players, refs or fellow Rams fans.
It's why I try not to get too high or too low (although I respect those that must go to that place).