But where you’re making your assumption is that USA Today would be selling the NYT content, there is always trouble when it comes to money. But copying and pasting words to a random fan website with no money exchanged? Nope I don’t see that as a problem.
You can believe what you won’t but their is no monetary gain from copy and pasting regardless what you guys say.
And if if was such a huge deal I’ve seen articles posted on this site for a decade and now all of a sudden the moral police are out here trying to say linking, copying and pasting is wrong?

Even when the site and author are usually given credit?
Im sorry, but hey I’m sure you paid the photographer who took that picture for your profile for their hard work and content right? Or did you just Google and steal it off the internet?
is that right to do? Are you the owner of that photo?
Whats the difference?