Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears while talking about the Killing of Cecil the Lion

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May 28, 2011
Again - apples and oranges
I'm not talking about your fellow combat brothers. And if you read my previous posts you know where I stand on man tears - but that was just to answer young and angry Athos -- I'm talking SPECIFICALLY about Jimmy Kimmel crying on stage about a lion he had just read about that day - it's a bullcrap performance

Did you watch that clip? I think as someone who has served our country as you have would be like me and take exception to Jimmy
Kimmels performance. I doubt you have watched it cause if you did you'd see Kimmel makes every effort to apologize to the world for the actions of an American - watch it again - he ends up saying donate so the world knows we are not all like this.

Never said man can't cry - again - never said a man can't cry. But if you are on stage performing your act - don't act like a wuss and act all choked up and act all ashamed of our country like your boy Kimmel does

Didn't know Kimmel had so many loyal loyal apologists

I didn't watch the clip, I had heard about the story before he went on the air and talked about it. Honestly though, it doesn't really bother me. I don't see anything wrong with it. It'd be one thing of someone spilled their popcorn and started crying like a 4 year old, kicking and screaming. I would just think they need to grow up because they look ridiculous. In terms of a man crying though, I don't see it as weak, even if they're acting like it or anything. Honestly I really don't care enough, he didn't hurt anyone by doing it. In terms of apologizing for Americans, we do enough embarrassing stuff anyway, so it doesn't bother me. Whoever put honey boo boo on TV has plenty of apologize for in my opinion.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I didn't watch the clip, I had heard about the story before he went on the air and talked about it. Honestly though, it doesn't really bother me. I don't see anything wrong with it. It'd be one thing of someone spilled their popcorn and started crying like a 4 year old, kicking and screaming. I would just think they need to grow up because they look ridiculous. In terms of a man crying though, I don't see it as weak, even if they're acting like it or anything. Honestly I really don't care enough, he didn't hurt anyone by doing it. In terms of apologizing for Americans, we do enough embarrassing stuff anyway, so it doesn't bother me. Whoever put honey boo boo on TV has plenty of apologize for in my opinion.
LOL! And the Kardashians and that whole gaggle of reality TV.


May 19, 2014
Don't forget Bieber! Canada didn't even want him so we said why the hell not? :palm:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Read this whole thing and tel me if you are a fan of this guy and what he does.

Elephants? Really? WTF.....read to the end......


BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - A big-game hunter acknowledged Tuesday he killed a beloved lion in Zimbabwe with a bow and arrow but said he regrets what he did and believed his guides were leading him on a legal hunt.

Walter J. Palmer, 55, a practicing dentist from Eden Prairie who also owns a home in Marco Island, issued a statement addressing the killing July 1 of Cecil, which has sparked outrage around the globe.

“I hired several professional guides, and they secured all proper permits,” the statement read. “To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted.

“I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt. I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.”

Palmer, who has on his record a conviction for poaching a bear in Wisconsin several years ago, said he has not been contacted by any authorities in Zimbabwe or the U.S. about his killing the lion but added he will cooperate with investigators.

“Again, I deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lion,” the statement concluded.

Earlier Tuesday, the London Telegraph exposed him as the hunter who took down Cecil the lion, paying more than $54,000 for the opportunity. The Telegraph said Cecil was lured out of Hwange National Park.

The newspaper posted several photos it said are of Palmer on hunts, one of him shirtless and clutching a leopard that had been killed in 2010.

In Zimbabwe, a police spokeswoman, Charity Charamba, said, “We are looking for Palmer.”

Palmer’s dentist office in Bloomington was closed Tuesday, apparently abruptly. One client showed up for his appointment unaware of the global turmoil surrounding his dentist.

Palmer’s profile on his business’ website said he is from North Dakota and graduated from the University of Minnesota dental school. He and his wife live in Eden Prairie, about 2½ miles from his practice. They have two children. A knock at the door Tuesday brought no response. A neighbor described the Palmers as very private.

Palmer and his wife, Tonette, also own a home in Marco Island. Property records show the Palmers bought the home on Scott Drive for $1.1 million in 2013. Late Tuesday, the Palmers’ Marco Island home appeared dark, and no one answered a knock at the door.

As the Telegraph’s report and subsequent news coverage spread on the Internet, commenters took to the Facebook page of Palmer’s River Bluff Dental with a vengeance.

“You utter utter scum,” one of many hostile comments read. “You should be in jail, and you should hang your head in shame.”

Chelsea Hassler, outreach director with the Twin Cities-based Animal Rights Coalition, said her group and “many outraged citizens” intend to protests outside Palmer’s office Wednesday afternoon.

Zimbabwean wildlife authorities say two men will appear in court for allegedly killing the well-known lion, whose death is seen as a blow to Zimbabwe’s tourism.

The Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority and the Safari Operators Association said Tuesday a local professional hunter and a farm owner are facing poaching charges and expected in court Wednesday. The statement did not address any legal consequences for Palmer.

The joint statement said Theo Bronkhorst, a professional guide with Bushman Safaris, is believed to have lured the lion to Honest Trymore Ndlovu’s farm, where it was killed by an American tourist in Zimbabwe’s western Hwange region. Its carcass was discovered days later by trackers, the statement said.

During a nighttime pursuit, the hunters tied a dead animal to their car to lure the lion out of a national park, said Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. Palmer shot it with a bow and arrow, injuring the animal. The wounded lion was found 40 hours later and shot dead with a gun, Rodrigues said in the statement.

The lion was skinned and beheaded. The hunters tried to destroy the lion’s collar, fitted with a tracking device, but failed, the statement said.

“The saddest part of all is that now that Cecil is dead, the next lion in the hierarchy, Jericho, will most likely kill all Cecil’s cubs,” Rodrigues said.

The conservation group said Cecil, recognizable by his black mane, was part of an Oxford University research program. Tourists regularly spotted his characteristic mane in the park over the past 13 years, said Lion Aid, also a conservation group.

In 2008, Palmer pleaded guilty in federal court in Wisconsin to misleading a federal agent in connection with the hunting of a black bear. Two years earlier, Palmer killed a bear near Phillips, in Price County. That location was 40 miles outside where he held a permit to hunt bear.

Palmer and others transported the bear carcass to a registration station inside the allowed hunting zone. At the station, he falsely certified that the bear had been killed in the legal zone. He then brought the bear to Minnesota.

Twice, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agent interviewed Palmer, who said he believed he killed the bear legally.

Facing a maximum penalty of five years in prison, Palmer was sentenced to one year’s probation and fined nearly $3,000.

Palmer is listed by the Safari Club International, a hunting organization that promotes trophy hunting and claims 55,000 members worldwide. SCI keeps a detailed record book in which members display photos, measurements and other information about animals they have killed. Palmer lists 43 kills, all by bow and arrow. The earliest records for Palmer note he killed two Caribou in Newfoundland. His list includes moose, deer, buffalo, a polar bear and mountain lion.

A photo posted in the record book from 2005 shows him kneeling behind a lion, with his bow propped up against the animal. The book also documents with a photo that he shot an African elephant in Zimbabwe in 2013.

In a 2009 New York Times report from Northern California, where Palmer was hunting elk, he told the newspaper he can hit a playing card from 100 yards with his compound bow and eschews bringing a firearm as a backup. He told the Times he’s killed all but one of the animals registered by Pope and Young, a leading recorder of trophy kills.

“I don’t have a golf game,” he said, illustrating his devotion to hunting, adding that he learned to shoot at age 5.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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It wasn't an AP article about the death of Cecil the Lion - if that were the case i'd 100% agree with you that it's about the lion. But this thread is about Jimmy Kimmel's reaction to the lion --- that is all I've been arguing and elaborating on.
Not necessarily. I stole the headline from another site.
My original comment should have served as what *I* intended the thread to be about.

That said, there are no rules or parameters to discussing a story.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Not necessarily. I stole the headline from another site.
My original comment should have served as what *I* intended the thread to be about.

That said, there are no rules or parameters to discussing a story.

Yeah. I agree

And the parameters in which I read and commented on your post was based on the title (the one you stole) and your comment regarding the killing of the lion which *you* say above was the intention of your thread. Okay fine.

I've both commented rationally about the fact the killing of the lion isn't cool, and I've also commented on how Jimmy Kimmel is a wuss -- -- and also elaborated in great detail my reasoning with examples from the video clip you showed.

That's how I interpreted your post's intent - not a big deal.

But let me clarify
My comment that you are quoted above was response to Athos' comment below which clearly contradicts what you've just said:

This is about a lion. Wrongly lured. Wrongly killed. Wrongly beheaded. And bragged about until the freaker who did was outed

That sounds like someone telling me what your thread is about in an absolute way....

Personally I'm curious as to why all the backlash for my view point on Kimmel's man waif tears ---- it's not fun dealing with the thought police - thought his place was mature enough to handle differing opinions instead of being attacked and called an a-hole and being told I have no balls

I guess all that's okay....

But I'm not gonna cry about it :whistle:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #89
Personally I'm curious as to why all the backlash for my view point on Kimmel's man waif tears ---- it's not fun dealing with the thought police - thought his place was mature enough to handle differing opinions instead of being attacked and called an a-hole and being told I have no balls
Couldn't tell ya. I respect your opinion, and you can feel however you want about Kimmel's reaction. I personally don't have an issue with how he reacted, because I don't know what was in his heart. Tell you what though. A few years back I saw a stray dog get run over by a car. Tires ran right over its back and kept going. So I went and got it out of the street so it wouldn't get completely obliterated. That dog had a look of abject terror in its eyes during the last couple of minutes of its life and I have no problem saying I wept like a child right after he died. I just felt that bad for it because it had no idea what was going on and it was so scared and in pain.

If someone wants to call me a pussy for reacting like that, then that's fine.
But I can tell you with 100% certainty that you'd want me to have your back in a brawl too, so...

Context is everything I guess.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Would kill the last black rhino on earth right now for some coffee, eggs, and toast.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I'm a little shocked that it's 2015 and people feel like a man crying is weak in some way. I personally don't cry often. Could count one time since I was a teenager, but that doesn't make me tougher than someone who cries twice a month. Maybe I'm a bit more callus and hardened than some emotionally, but I often envy those who are in touch with that softer side. Don't get me wrong, I don't think crying makes you look tough, but it by no means has a negative effect towards my opinion. BUT, that said, I don't think for a second that Kimmel was genuin


May 19, 2014
Shit, I wish I could show more emotion too, but I've been known to suppress to unhealthy degrees.

So it's annoying when people question man status of someone they've not met based on expression of human emotion. And yea, if you are gonna judge, gonna call folks a dick every time.

Anyway? This ass also killed a polar bear?

I'm in favor of even harsher punishment now.

10 bucks says every hunt he's had for exotic animals was illegal as hell.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
crap, I wish I could show more emotion too, but I've been known to suppress to unhealthy degrees.

So it's annoying when people question man status of someone they've not met based on expression of human emotion. And yea, if you are gonna judge, gonna call folks a dick every time.

Anyway? This ass also killed a polar bear?

I'm in favor of even harsher punishment now.

10 bucks says every hunt he's had for exotic animals was illegal as hell.

Well it looks like he has been outside the law a few times now, and I hope this shames him badly and globally because it's one thing to kill for sport (disgusting as that is) it's another to do it illegally. And even worse he hits an animal with an arrow then guides shoot it down, and he gets to "brag" about how he "took" the animal. Did you notice in the article he used that word "took" a few times instead of saying kill.

What IS the point to killing a leopard, polar bear, elephant, two lions we know of and all the others? His motivation is bragging rights and he's broken the law on a few occasions to reach that silly immature goal.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Couldn't tell ya. I respect your opinion, and you can feel however you want about Kimmel's reaction. I personally don't have an issue with how he reacted, because I don't know what was in his heart. Tell you what though. A few years back I saw a stray dog get run over by a car. Tires ran right over its back and kept going. So I went and got it out of the street so it wouldn't get completely obliterated. That dog had a look of abject terror in its eyes during the last couple of minutes of its life and I have no problem saying I wept like a child right after he died. I just felt that bad for it because it had no idea what was going on and it was so scared and in pain.

If someone wants to call me a wuss for reacting like that, then that's fine.
But I can tell you with 100% certainty that you'd want me to have your back in a brawl too, so...

Context is everything I guess.

Yeah I get it

But can you go to any of my posts on this thread and point out where I said a man can't cry?

I'm only talking about Kimmel's tears - during his stand up routine, right after making jokes about the situation

He made 3 jokes!!! Nobody caught that - if it's so painful don't be making wise cracks - be mad about it like we all are.

And I've also given my opinion on when a man is cool to cry in public - just my viewpoint, but I've never said men can't cry. Everyone keeps given examples of tears they have shed and I can give examples too - but you're not on National TV crying during your stand up routine - if you were is say the same thing - hold it together

I mean, of course you're gonna cry when a dog goes down - check out "I love my dog" posts - I mention how I broke down when my dog died in front of the vet - but that's a private moment -- it's not pandering on national TV. Is nobody reading what I've written ? Seems like every reaction to my posts have been taken out of context repeatedly.

Kimmel had just read about the lion as he admits in his video - within the 24 hour news cycle and like a puss pleads with the audience to donate to some cause so that the world will know not all Americans are like that whack dentist - and starts choking back the tears - I think that's rather weak

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #98
He made 3 jokes!!! Nobody caught that - if it's so painful don't be making wise cracks - be mad about it like we all are.
I guess you could look at it that way.
Maybe he didn't think it affected him until it did.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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And see, that's another thing. Why do people have to have a long and storied relationship with something in order to be affected by a story like that? If you saw some guy pick up a puppy and slam it against a tree killing it, are you not permitted to be pissed off about it because you didn't actually know the puppy?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm going to apologize for being testy with anyone in this thread. Everyone here in it has different ideas of what is acceptable for sport hunting, or maybe even hunting in general, and what is and isn't OK for public displays of emotions for a guy.

I'm not going to change my mind, and nobody else is either, we each think what we think..........whether it's disgust or nonchalance or support..........we already have those feelings set in stone. There is no changing them, so all that is left is to argue about them, and then finally (and this is the bad part) judge each other on them. Nothing good will come of that and I'm not going to alienate people based on something like this. Especially people I like.

So Ramhusker and Deiter the Brock sorry for getting a bit irritated. And........what you think about this topic isn't going to change my mind about you guys one bit. I've decided not to let it because that would be stupid and rash and nobody deserves to be judged on one thing, or thought, or feeling which another person doesn't agree with even when it's a volatile topic like this one.

I'm not going down that road with you guys. I've posted with you two for a long time and I like and respect you both to much to let that happen.