Ever since Fisher and Snead had the gall to trade away Sam Bradford without first getting his blessing, JT has been a whiny little bitch and deserves all the kicking he's getting here.
I understand him being upset about the move from St. Louis, but he was already pretty down on the Rams when the move was still in doubt. And he is a
beat reporter - paid to be objective and report
all the facts, not just those that slant the story one way or another. Putting all the facts out there and letting the readers decide, in his line of work, is called
being a professional. If his emotions about not being privy to Fisher/Snead's dealmaking and the move are too much to overcome, perhaps he should recuse himself from covering the Rams. He's not doing anyone any favors - including his readers in St. Louis.
If any other poster came on here after yesterday's game and tried to insinuate that the only reason the Rams won is due to the Bucs ineptness, we'd be all over him/her just as we are jumping down JT's throat now. Fact is, the Rams did a lot to win the game yesterday. Their offense showed up big, with two 40+ yard TD passes and over 300 yards of total offense. The defense made some big plays, including a big hit that caused an INT, and an alert Quinn reaching out to bat the ball out of Winston's hand on a play that resulted in a TD for the Rams. The team went from being 10 points down in the 2nd quarter to being 11 points up in the 4th. After the Bucs closed the gap the first time, the Rams offense responded with another TD to extend the lead again. After the Bucs closed the gap the second time, the Rams D was still able to hold them off to preserve the win. Say what you want about their clock management, but there was a logic to doing what they were doing, as explained upthread.
The Rams did plenty of things in their own right to win the game, and that is precisely why they were able to benefit from the Bucs mistakes.
And besides, as long as JT is going to be a whiny little bitch who takes potshots at the Rams, those of us that are so inclined should be able to have fun kicking him around :yess:
Can't wait to see what PrimeTime comes up with on the chat thread tomorrow