I am hearing there may be a Wheel of Time TV Show trailer during the Superbowl
I am super pumped to see that show when it comes in May/June (I think).
For anyone who have never heard of this book series, it is considered one of the best (even possibly the best) fantasy series ever written.
Extremely minor spoilers that some people don't want to know so stop reading if you are one of those people
I am not good with hiding spoilers if a moderator wants to edit this
There are faults with it - 14 fricken books and 1 prelude book - so super ass long ass series
Two - the pacing can be quite slow at times until the latter third of each book (sometimes he got so into super detail that cmon Jordan - get going) and he would remind people of past things quite frequently. He did it on purpose since it was usually one or two years between books.
Three (somewhat bigger spoiler) - there is a slog that some say starts book 7 but most say starts book 8 thru Book 10. Yes it is a slog. The pacing was so slow sometimes in these books and book 10 was pure hell for me to get through.
However, books 11 thru 14 more than make up for this slog.
I have a feeling the series will completely minimize these slogs in a couple episodes if not entirely.
There are other faults with it but would be bigger spoilers so won't go into them.
Okay sorry for the Segway.