I personally don't think this is close, I would take Matt Ryan over Bradford. Matt Ryan is proven and unfortunately, Bradford still has a lot to prove. I don't like the situation Bradford has had to deal with his first 3 years in the league, to me it was absolutely terrible, but the fact is Ryan has played well his whole career. Ryan has been around better talent and thus has developed into a pretty darn good QB. We can always say if Bradford had what Matt Ryan has then he'd be great too, but we really just don't know who'd be better with the talent, ya know? I want to believe Bradford can be better then Ryan, but at this point there isn't enough evidence for me to say Bradford is better then Ryan, and the sad part for me is it's not too close either. If Bradford rebounds this year, who knows. Anything can happen, he can flop, he can be great, who knows. But right now Ryan has at least proven himself even if his talent around him has been much better then Bradford's. That's enough for me to pick him RIGHT NOW over Bradford. I still hope Bradford can be as good as him, we'll see. Warner started balling when he was 27 or 28? I just go by the notion anything is possible with hard work, seems like Bradford wants it and he has talent imo, so I ain't counting him out yet.