Is anyone here a vegetarian?

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Vegetarian since the summer of 97 on doctor's orders due to my cholesterol going through the roof all of a sudden. The only problem I had for a while is a lack of energy in the late afternoons. Turns out that I had an extremely low B-12 count from lack of protein( not wolfing down cheeseburgers and chili dogs on a daily basis). Now use Trivita sublingual B-12 tablets when I feel run down. Works like a charm. The Portabella burger sounds awesome. Thanks!


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
We've go 2lbs of bacteria in our stomachs, and when we end up with more bad than good ones it doesn't matter what kind of diet we switch to if we first don't fix that problem. Migrating to a veggie diet is just a short term relief of pain with long term consequences, none of which addresses the underlying issues.

This will shed some light.
Not to take this thread over, the father of modern psychiatry is Emil Kraeplin


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Vegetarian since the summer of 97 on doctor's orders due to my cholesterol going through the roof all of a sudden. The only problem I had for a while is a lack of energy in the late afternoons. Turns out that I had an extremely low B-12 count from lack of protein( not wolfing down cheeseburgers and chili dogs on a daily basis). Now use Trivita sublingual B-12 tablets when I feel run down. Works like a charm. The Portabella burger sounds awesome. Thanks!

They are and one of the really cool things is - it doesn't get a lot easier.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Vegetarian since the summer of 97 on doctor's orders due to my cholesterol going through the roof all of a sudden. The only problem I had for a while is a lack of energy in the late afternoons. Turns out that I had an extremely low B-12 count from lack of protein( not wolfing down cheeseburgers and chili dogs on a daily basis). Now use Trivita sublingual B-12 tablets when I feel run down. Works like a charm. The Portabella burger sounds awesome. Thanks!
we actually need cholesterol to survive. the problem is your body's ability to process cholesterol, which is root in ur thyroid, which controls your metabolism and is what is causing u to have low energy. PM me and I will give u contact info for a lab where u can get ur thyroid properly tested and get yourself on the road to recovery


we actually need cholesterol to survive. the problem is your body's ability to process cholesterol, which is root in ur thyroid, which controls your metabolism and is what is causing u to have low energy. PM me and I will give u contact info for a lab where u can get ur thyroid properly tested and get yourself on the road to recovery

Is this sort of like MSG?

I refuse to eat any Chinese food that DOESN'T use MSG. I love that stuff.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Thanks for the info Stranger. I had my thyroid checked out a while back and there were no problems. Every male on my father's side of the family, going back many generations, has passed away in their 40's from heart disease. 1997 when my cholesterol started rising was right around the age when that would have happened to me so I took steps to keep myself healthy. My cholesterol is normally under 200 but the bad part is usually a little higher than the good. Since taking the sublingual B-12 my energy has been fine.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Is this sort of like MSG?

I refuse to eat any Chinese food that DOESN'T use MSG. I love that stuff.
a little diff. we eat toxins all of our lives that destroy our thyroid and our ability to convert thryoid hormones. until that's taken care of our bodies wont function very well.

Thanks for the info Stranger. I had my thyroid checked out a while back and there were no problems. Every male on my father's side of the family, going back many generations, has passed away in their 40's from heart disease. 1997 when my cholesterol started rising was right around the age when that would have happened to me so I took steps to keep myself healthy. My cholesterol is normally under 200 but the bad part is usually a little higher than the good. Since taking the sublingual B-12 my energy has been fine.
high cholestoerol is essential for normal health, that lie no. 1 the medical industry feeds us with. Lie no. 2 is that cholesterol on turns to plaque when ur endocrine system can't deal with choleserol at any level.

so, high cholesterol has absolutely no impact on heart disease. lowering ur cholesterol is actually quite unhealthy for us.

which thyroid tests did they actually perform?

and, do u eat much soy?

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The standard blood test I take every year with Lab Corps. They send the results to my doc and he sends me a copy. I only see him if something is out of whack. I eat soy about twice a week. Ate some tonight in fact with rice and potato salad. Yum! :cool:


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The standard blood test I take every year with Lab Corps. They send the results to my doc and he sends me a copy. I only see him if something is out of whack. I eat soy about twice a week. Ate some tonight in fact with rice and potato salad. Yum! :cool:
well there it is, the soy increases your estrogen levels and blocks your bodies ability to absorb T4 and convert into T3, which allows cholesterol to form plaque on ur arteries. An endocrinologiest can explain. In the meantime, pls drop all soy.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
We've go 2lbs of bacteria in our stomachs, and when we end up with more bad than good ones it doesn't matter what kind of diet we switch to if we first don't fix that problem. Migrating to a veggie diet is just a short term relief of pain with long term consequences, none of which addresses the underlying issues.

This will shed some light.

I don't buy it.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
The american medical industry loves u. :love:

Go ahead and eat pasturized foods, lowfat, soy fed meats, wheat corn based everything, veggie oils while u relish in ur trips to fluoride bromide chloride laced pharaceuticals. and people think this industry cares about our health? Welll they do, just not in its positive outcome.

Sorry, but time to pull ur head out rams bros. If i offend, then its only cause i actually care.
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Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
The american medical industry loves u. :love:

Go ahead and eat pasturized foods, lowfat, soy fed meats, wheat corn based everything, veggie oils while u relish in ur trips to fluoride bromide chloride laced pharaceuticals. and people think this industry cares about our health? Welll they do, just not in its positive outcome.

Sorry, but time to pull ur head out rams bros. If i offend, then its only cause i actually care.

I agree with your general point, I just don't agree with that GAPS shit. Saying every disease is contracted through the stomach is absurd to me. You don't/won't offend me either man. No worries. Not being sarcastic either, you can speak your mind.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
I agree with your general point, I just don't agree with that GAPS crap. Saying every disease is contracted through the stomach is absurd to me. You don't/won't offend me either man. No worries. Not being sarcastic either, you can speak your mind.
Yes, that statement is ridiculous. Not every disease is contracted via the digestive system. However, having a dysfunctional digestive system can cause a lot of problems. The biggest problem is that the American Medical Industry doesn't trace these diseases back to their roots, and instead treats the symptoms with pharmaceuticals that cause new problem or even exacerbate the root cause.

Like the cholesterol myth. Quite frankly, I want high cholesterol... that's a really good thing that helps in brain function. However, I also want healthy T4-T3-T2 hormone conversion and adoption, so that my body can properly process the cholesterol and I don't end up with plaque on my arteries. So, instead of giving me statins to lower my cholesterol, Docs should be looking at what's blocking my T-hormone uptake or my Thyroid function. But try having that conversation with anyone in this medical industry.

By the way, just so you know, Fluoride, Chlorine and Bromine destroy thyroid function. Now do you understand why your drinking water is fluoridated, your pool and your bath water chlorinated, and the flour in all of your baked good bromated. It didn't used to be this way.

And any wonder that an x-con, who ran the Penny stock scam in the 80's milking millions of Americans out of their savings, was the main marketing force behind the adoption of Soy based foods into the American diet - with soy dramatically increasing estrogen levels in both women and men (hey, wanna grow tits and watch your ball shrivel up). But the real killer is that estrogen is one of the primary hormones that blocks T-hormone uptake, and therefore screws with your thyroid's ability to control your entire endocrine system, resulting in all sorts of problems, like cholesterol causing plaque buildup which leads to heart disease (no wonder we're seeing such a dramatic rise in heart disease). Again, trying having this convo with an American trained doc who has had absolutely no education into the correlation between nutrition and human health.

For under $150 you can get your thyroid tested by a certified lab and you'll learn for yourself just how much you've been poisoned. Insurance companies won't pay for the test - I guess they don't want you to be able to find out.
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