If Time Travel Was A Reality What Would Be Your First Choice - Back or Forward?

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anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
back. to rethink some poor decisions on my part. to go into the future would just make me more ill prepared for tomorrow. plus, maybe i could remember some lucky lotto numbers OR at least who won sport championships to make a little coin on the side.;)


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
1. Travel forward in time.
2. Get next week's lottery numbers.
3. ?????
4. Profit.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
back. to rethink some poor decisions on my part. to go into the future would just make me more ill prepared for tomorrow. plus, maybe i could remember some lucky lotto numbers OR at least who won sport championships to make a little coin on the side.;)

1. Travel forward in time.
2. Get next week's lottery numbers.
3. ?????
4. Profit.
The way Goedel describes it, time is actually a physical destination which ultimately must loop upon itself. So, going to a point-in-time is like taking a plane flight to a specific destination, which can either be ahead or behind our current point in time.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I wouldn't change one damn thing about my past.

I am a result of all of my victories and failures, my successes and my mistakes. Hell, so much of what I've learned, I've learned from my failures...

Plus, I wouldn't want to do anything that could change what I have now. Just the slightest change and does the wife not get pregnant with a certain child? If I go far enough back, do I not get married? Nope... My 25th Anniversary is on the 28th of this month and I wouldn't change a thing...

I mean... I messed up a chance to go to CalTech...

I didn't finish when I did finally get into Lehigh...

I built a better engineered backend multimedia solution than what Mark Cuban sold to Yahoo for over a Billion dollars and rather than parlay that into anything, I walked away from it...

So, it's not like I don't have things in my past that I wouldn't LIKE to fix. Oh, brother...

But if it meant even one second less with the people I care about... no way. I couldn't do it...

I'd be tempted to go into the future, but only for the chance to see what the future held with respect to advances in medicine, culture, arts and such. I do NOT automatically believe the future...any future will be more advanced.

I mean, if someone from 1950s Detroit, at the time the 3rd largest city in the U.S., took a Time Machine to 2014 Detroit, would they see a glittering metropolis filled with gleaming towers and the latest advances? Or would they see a crumbling relic where the very social fabric is fraying not just at the edges, but right down the center? Other than a few enclaves, Detroit has been harder hit than New Orleans was after Katrina. And that's just staggering. So I'm not assuming that the future will be all bright and rosy.

Also, going back in time isn't all that great, either. Louis CK did this great bit about it

And he's kinda right... That said, I wouldn't want to be that first white guy to meet the Aztecs... (that historically didn't go well) or the Huns ('bout the same) and lots of groups didn't take well to ANY outsider (Vikings or Celts, anyone?)

Lastly, the future may well have some really nasty pandemics... Not just Ebola, but some flu variant... Swine or Avian that could really jack folks up (When Florida announced there were 6 confirmed cases of Swine flu in FL during the last outbreak, I think I was one of those 6 as my case was confirmed even before the announcement. And lemme tell you, Swine flu ain't no f'n joke...)...if not Staph (MRSA) or even E.Coli running crazy in the food supply.

So I'm curious to SEE the future... I'm not so sure I'm anxious to VISIT the future... And I know that there's real danger in visiting the past. Sanitation was poor to non-existent in cities and I'm not fit enough to fight off a small wild dog let alone anything more predatory than that...


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
Back. Like billions of years ago. Before the first period of dinosaurs, and during the 1st and 2nd period of the dinosaurs. Then, I'd jump forward to see how the pyramids were built and prove Jesus never existed.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

While I don't always agree with everything you post, the amount of thought you put into your posts makes them a delight to read. Thanks for being a member here.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I'd go back to 2005, buy a gun and stick it to Jay Zygmunts fucking head and make him draft Aaron Rodgers instead of Alex Barron!