How to lose weight without working out?

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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
your local YMCA might have swim classes for adults


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I'm only 22 years old, so you might just say suck it up and workout. But I have sustained a few brutal injuries in my life. I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee but I won't go into too much detail. My question is, does anyone have a non workout routine that they do to lose weight?
Sit at the table and push down on the fork until it reaches the table. Not what you were after? :whistle:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Get in the pool. I lift a lot and when I am adding muscle I eat a lot and don't hit the pool. When I am getting rid of the fat I walk not swim in the pool and the fat melts away. Do at least 45 minutes and in 30 days you won't believe the results. When you are in deeper water paddle your way through.

Trust me it'll work.


Stating the obvious
Sep 9, 2013
I'm only 22 years old, so you might just say suck it up and workout. But I have sustained a few brutal injuries in my life. I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee but I won't go into too much detail. My question is, does anyone have a non workout routine that they do to lose weight?

It all comes down to calories.

Calories in vs. calories out.

Google a calorie calculator, and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat a day to maintain your current weight. It will also give you an idea of how much weight you'll lose by cutting a certain amount of calories.

The best way is to eat simple meals that you enjoy. Boil or grill some chicken, and eat it with a portion of white rice. You need to keep protein in your body, or you'll lose muscle along with fat. Just keep strict control over your calorie intake and you'll lose weight.

The only thing that working out does in this whole process is kind of subtract calories to your overall daily intake. So you eat 2000 calories in a day, and you do a workout that burns 600 calories. That adds up to 1400 calories for the day. You take the difference of 1400 calories and whatever the amount is for you to maintain your body weight. So we'll say that you need 2300 calories to maintain. That's 1100 calories that you've lost for the day. subtract that 1100 from 3500 to give you
2400. 2400 calories is how many more calories you need to burn to lose one pound.

All the above numbers are just examples. The only number you should remember is 3500. That's the actual number of calories you have to burn to lose one pound. The other numbers will come from the calorie calculator.

TLDR: working out only speeds up the process. You can lose plenty of weight on diet alone.

PS: I realize that it can be confusing to look at all those numbers. If you have any questions, PM me and I can help you work through them.

Try this link contains a link to a calorie calc along with some other info.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Drink a large glass of FRESH grapefruit juice in the morning. You can buy the fresh stuff in the store.

And eat a whole grapefruit at lunch everyday. Just peel it like you would an orange and eat the whole thing.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
Eat less. Seriously. That's the only real way to lose weight. Even working out is less effective for dropping pounds than eating less.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
being type 2 diabetic i have to keep an eye on my weight among other things. read food labels. enriched foods are bad. dont buy the bs. whole wheat for bread , 100% wheat. fruit juices, sodas, sugary drinks are bad. flavored water is best if regular water is too boring. i switched to almond milk instead of regular milk for cereal (bran only now). lean cuts of meat, bacon / eggs, salads (i do splurge with bad salad dressings, however olive oil / and vinegar are just as good once you get weaned from your sugar habit. (not your fault, its in everything). the first 2 weeks are annoying, but once you get past that, its easy. DONT forbid yourself from certain foods though. THAT makes dieting (or better dieting) easier. i cheat once in awhile, that gets rid of cravings. also, try not watching tv, etc when you are hungry. too tempting to snack. OR snack on something healthy. carrots/celery and blue cheese, ranch dressing -- dont over do the ranch, etc. yams are a good alternative to regular baked potatoes as well. the key is MODERATION. you have to reteach yourself that food isnt always a damn buffet. you have to be responsible, especially as you get older.

many other ideas on here are very good and i've probably repeated many. it was easier for me, i've always loved vegetables and lean meats. animal fats arent that bad for you, being natural your body can deal with it better. once again, dont eat 3 lbs of ribs or wings. i'm very strict during the week, and then i'll slack a little on weekends.

as for exercise, i'm poor on that. walking (0ther than work is all i do). as for swimming, even doing exercises IN the water helps and alleviates stress on weak points, joints, etc. exercise bicycle (i have one) are good too. it faces the TV so i can pedal away and watch sporting events i DVR, killing 2 activities with 1 stone. i was having issues with some foods i was eating (that were fine for the previous 8 years i've been diagnosed). once eliminated (certain cereals) and i've dropped 14 pounds since the end of july.

i had 2 pieces of pizza tonight, i should only have 1, but i'm below my target weight and my glucose levels were very good. but that craving is now taken care of . ALSO , snack every 2 hours or so. i use granola bars, just something small and simple. a few grapes (the big globe ones ) help out too. it doesnt happen overnight, and i have to pay attention to it like its a job, but its worth it. i feel much better when i do. if i think of other things i do, i'll leave it on here. good luck, you can do it if you want too. make a list of foods, or a menu for the week with snacks included. limit your UNNECESSARY sugar intake though. plenty of carbs in other foods. sugar intake should be after exercising to help replenish calories. good luck!


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Swimming is a great idea but the only thing I know how to do is doggy paddle(as sad as that is to admit) but the thing is, I drive a truck all day so it's hard to not wanna just stop for food. I guess I really don't know how to eat healthy and what to look for when shopping.

Take a swimming class at the Y. Learn how to swim, and lose weight. 2 birds 1 stone.


Zero products made with flour ( bread, pastas,cake etc) & NO sugary drinks ( sodas, juice, etc).. The carbs are the killer


Jun 4, 2013


Jun 4, 2013
Years later, I have an answer for you all about losing weight without exercise if you want to know. I'm NOT saying don't exercise, I'm saying there is a way, exercise or not.

It's called keto. It's short for ketosis. It should be called the caveman diet because that's what it is, going back to how we evolved to eat before mass production of cheap foods.

It absolutely works. And it's fantastic for reversing or slowing type 2 diabetes, from what I've read from diabetics, in most situations. It is also noted to greatly reduce or eliminate depression, which it did for me, and elevate energy, which it did for me like a rocket.

Here's keto in a nutshell:
  • You change your body from using sugars (carbs) as energy to using fat as energy and protein for muscle.
  • This occurs when you reduce carbs so much, the body rebuilds its internal systems to use fat as energy.
  • It is a low carb high fat diet. Not bad fats like trans fats, good fats.
  • The fat is not stored, it's used.
Cavemen derived calories from high fat, medium protein, and low carbs or sugar. When you do the same you put your body into a state of ketosis where the body doesn't store the fat anymore, because it needs it for energy, so it burns it. No more sugar/insulin yoyo's.

This is not a "program" or "sales pitch" for a product like atkins. It's a completely community driven lifestyle change. I will leave you with a few links if your interested.


I want to tell you how I found this and why I am recommending everyone look at it. I was low energy, fat, and depressed. It's a downward self feeding spiral. No one understood why I was falling apart. Not me, not my wife, not my kids, not my doctor. I was always low metabolism, but I passed the tipping point I guess as I aged.

One day a random stranger I met says go to reddit and look up keto. I don't buy into diets and I never look into them. This time, it was at that point, I just did. I spent weeks reading, decided I'd try, and spent a week preparing my change of foods.

I'm 5 weeks in and down 22 LBS. I shit you not. My depression is gone. My energy is through the fucking roof. I used to wake up feeling like I had labored in the sun for 10 hours and now I pop up and can't stop myself from wanting to do things. My wife looks at me like I'm an alien. All that shit she used to nag about is done. She's stopped asking if the garbage is out or if I could walk the dog, I do all that and 10 times more. I'm not exaggerating a single iota. I think I may be more energetic at 50 than at 20. I'm 100% serious.

I really think this has saved my life. I had symptoms of diabetes and they are gone. I have the energy to put my talents to use again. My brain is not in lag anymore. So I hope, if you need these things, you look and listen to the thousands of people who have done the same thing. The other benefits are you are never bloated after a meal and have very little appetite. I literally have to plan to eat calories and not skip eating at all in a day.

If you go through that link above, the before and after pictures from random people is going to blow your mind. Mine is coming soon. I met one as an Uber driver and he dialed it up, 70 LBS in a year and he was not 100% keto the whole time. He flipped that I was in ketosis and knew about the forum and preached how great he felt.

It's NOT easy. It IS a lifestyle change where you eat zucchini noodles and not pasta. You MUST consume a strict fat/protein/carbs diet to reach ketosis (24/72 hours) and do it going forward. The first weeks can have side effects like constipation, keto "flu", and dehydration, but they are avoidable if you pay close attention to the FAQ.

On the other side, I eat bacon, eggs, cheese, heavy cream, meats, fresh leafy veggies, mushrooms, nuts (crunchy, not hairy), spices, bourbon (zero carbs!), cool whip, etc. There are tons of great foods you can eat, it will take time to get over the ones you can't. But I will take a bacon wrapped jalapeno popper over a piece of cake every time anyways.

Some doctors think high fat low carbs is not smart. This has changed a LOT in the last 10 years. There is a huge swing going on in specialists and general practitioners. Experts are now planting their flags on the keto diet. The studies are coming in and more and more, they don't support the food pyramid, and they do support keto. But the machine is slow to adapt. You will read arguments on both sides but note that the risk factors they live by are eliminated on keto. Insulin, blood sugar, bad cholesterol, fat, etc.

If you have special medical conditions, you should research them and how keto affects them. Ketosis can be horrible for type 1 diabetes or severe type 2 from what I remember, so read up and consult professionals.
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Mar 17, 2014
This is why I asked here first. You guys are the best thanks. I definitely have a problem with soda. Without it I'm usually tired by 230. But I've gone the last two days without it(woopdeefuckingdoo right?) so that's been a good thing so far. I will try what you guys suggested and see how it goes. It sucks that like food so much lol
Soda has a ton of empty calories.
I drink more than I should as well. I crave the carbonation of a Coke.

Gatorade and other sports drinks are easy weight gainers as well. They're calorie bombs. Avoid them at all costs. They're not necessary anyway. Water works fine for hydrating. Chocolate milk is great for hydrating as well. ( if you really think you need the extra hydration).

Use a smaller plate for food.


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
I'm only 22 years old, so you might just say suck it up and workout. But I have sustained a few brutal injuries in my life. I have a bad shoulder and a bad knee but I won't go into too much detail. My question is, does anyone have a non workout routine that they do to lose weight?
read the labels on the foods you eat. a 4oz bowl of cereal with milk has from 20-40 grams of sugar in it. watch the amount of fat in premade foods (spaghetti sauce-----alfredo sauce is horrible for this)
eat fresh fruit / vegetables.

get a wok and learn to stir fry. main ingredients are fresh vegetables and lean meat.
being diabetic i can pack the weight on quickly if i dont pay attention to my diet. i lost almost 30 lbs in less than 2 months when i cut out sweets and fatty foods in my diet when i was diagnosed in 2006.

that being said, the key word is moderation. i eat ice cream, cake, pie, i just indulge maybe 1 or 2 times a week instead of per day. that way you dont derprive or cheat on a diet. i'm more lenient on weekends with my diet for that last reason.
one more thing could be to do water exercises if you have access to a swimming pool. little to no pressure is put on joints, etc while still getting necessary resistance to burn calories. good luck!


Pro Bowler
May 19, 2014
Years later, I have an answer for you all about losing weight without exercise if you want to know. I'm NOT saying don't exercise, I'm saying there is a way, exercise or not.

It's called keto. It's short for ketosis. It should be called the caveman diet because that's what it is, going back to how we evolved to eat before mass production of cheap foods.

It absolutely works. And it's fantastic for reversing or slowing type 2 diabetes, from what I've read from diabetics, in most situations. It is also noted to greatly reduce or eliminate depression, which it did for me, and elevate energy, which it did for me like a rocket.

Here's keto in a nutshell:
  • You change your body from using sugars (carbs) as energy to using fat as energy and protein for muscle.
  • This occurs when you reduce carbs so much, the body rebuilds its internal systems to use fat as energy.
  • It is a low carb high fat diet. Not bad fats like trans fats, good fats.
  • The fat is not stored, it's used.
Cavemen derived calories from high fat, medium protein, and low carbs or sugar. When you do the same you put your body into a state of ketosis where the body doesn't store the fat anymore, because it needs it for energy, so it burns it. No more sugar/insulin yoyo's.

This is not a "program" or "sales pitch" for a product like atkins. It's a completely community driven lifestyle change. I will leave you with a few links if your interested.


I want to tell you how I found this and why I am recommending everyone look at it. I was low energy, fat, and depressed. It's a downward self feeding spiral. No one understood why I was falling apart. Not me, not my wife, not my kids, not my doctor. I was always low metabolism, but I passed the tipping point I guess as I aged.

One day a random stranger I met says go to reddit and look up keto. I don't buy into diets and I never look into them. This time, it was at that point, I just did. I spent weeks reading, decided I'd try, and spent a week preparing my change of foods.

I'm 5 weeks in and down 22 LBS. I crap you not. My depression is gone. My energy is through the freaking roof. I used to wake up feeling like I had labored in the sun for 10 hours and now I pop up and can't stop myself from wanting to do things. My wife looks at me like I'm an alien. All that crap she used to nag about is done. She's stopped asking if the garbage is out or if I could walk the dog, I do all that and 10 times more. I'm not exaggerating a single iota. I think I may be more energetic at 50 than at 20. I'm 100% serious.

I really think this has saved my life. I had symptoms of diabetes and they are gone. I have the energy to put my talents to use again. My brain is not in lag anymore. So I hope, if you need these things, you look and listen to the thousands of people who have done the same thing. The other benefits are you are never bloated after a meal and have very little appetite. I literally have to plan to eat calories and not skip eating at all in a day.

If you go through that link above, the before and after pictures from random people is going to blow your mind. Mine is coming soon. I met one as an Uber driver and he dialed it up, 70 LBS in a year and he was not 100% keto the whole time. He flipped that I was in ketosis and knew about the forum and preached how great he felt.

It's NOT easy. It IS a lifestyle change where you eat zucchini noodles and not pasta. You MUST consume a strict fat/protein/carbs diet to reach ketosis (24/72 hours) and do it going forward. The first weeks can have side effects like constipation, keto "flu", and dehydration, but they are avoidable if you pay close attention to the FAQ.

On the other side, I eat bacon, eggs, cheese, heavy cream, meats, fresh leafy veggies, mushrooms, nuts (crunchy, not hairy), spices, bourbon (zero carbs!), cool whip, etc. There are tons of great foods you can eat, it will take time to get over the ones you can't. But I will take a bacon wrapped jalapeno popper over a piece of cake every time anyways.

Some doctors think high fat low carbs is not smart. This has changed a LOT in the last 10 years. There is a huge swing going on in specialists and general practitioners. Experts are now planting their flags on the keto diet. The studies are coming in and more and more, they don't support the food pyramid, and they do support keto. But the machine is slow to adapt. You will read arguments on both sides but note that the risk factors they live by are eliminated on keto. Insulin, blood sugar, bad cholesterol, fat, etc.

If you have special medical conditions, you should research them and how keto affects them. Ketosis can be horrible for type 1 diabetes or severe type 2 from what I remember, so read up and consult professionals.
This absolutely works, its tough to get started, really tough and even tough to maintain but you will lose weight and be healthier.

Rams Until I Die

Pro Bowler
Oct 21, 2013
Good topic, I'm also trying to lose weight but don't have time to go to a gym. I work nights and I'm with my kid in the morning while my wife is at work so my little girl gets most of my attention. I'm just lucky my job requires me to be physically active. I'm always walking and lifting case of product that weigh 30 to 50 pounds. My fist step so far has been to cut out the sugar. More water and no soda or energy drinks and I've lost close to 10lbs. Some times I cheat but I'll get the sugar free red bull or drink green tea. Now I'm trying to cut out the bad snacks and switch to veggies. It's tough for sure I love my bad food.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
Easiest, quickest tip - before eating a meal, drink a glass of water. Gets you partially full, so you eat less. Many other excellent tips here, but the easiest way to start is getting full without calories before eating.