If people are going to stand by the idea that football is a business, then no, it can't be flipped. For example, if I open a bakery and my baked goods aren't very tasty and people don't come into my store, I, as the owner, can't say, "it's the people's fault for not liking my bad products". It's not the people's fault. It's the baker's. If the bakery makes better product, the people will come in(assuming reasonable price and market). For the Rams, if Kroenke wants to insist that it's only business, then he need to realize(and he does) that people aren't going to be flocking to see the Rams if they continue to not win. It all starts with the owner of the business and if he manages to create a product consumers want. You can't flip it and put blame on the consumer. Not in business. In football, if the Rams were to put a winning team on the field, ticket prices were reasonable, and people still didn't show up, then it would tell you that the Rams aren't in a prime market and it would be sound business logic to move. Using my previous example, it would be like if my bakery produced good products but people still didn't come in. If the products aren't too expensive and people know about the bakery, then it tells you it's in a bad location.
I fully understand what Kroenke is doing with the Rams and the land he purchased. Businesses do that sort of thing all the time. I just don't want to hear that the Rams are moving because of the fans. They have been alienated like few fan bases have EVER been alienated before. The only way blame can be assessed to the fans is if the Rams were winning(good product), the tickets prices were reasonable, yet the fans still didn't show up.
The Rams may be improving but it's still a bad(mediocre) product. They aren't even above .500. Fans have been burned so bad, so many times that they aren't going to trust this organization until they see that it's not some fluke(not with ticket prices the way they are). That's going to take time. More than a couple of years. Fans will continue to support bad teams if it's only for a relatively short stint but when it lasts a decade, the burden of proof lies on the Rams to show that things have turned around. They haven't done that yet. That's part of the reason why they aren't selling out every game. The other part is that it's a recession and tickets are expensive.