What do these men have in common? Consistent success. And that's been done through successful drafting (even in lower rounds) and smart free agent acquisitions.
I know it seems like this immediate success could go on for a while, but there are many imponderables that can rise up as very difficult challenges:
1] Money
Remember how difficult it was to retain as many of the Super Bowl players as possible? Extreme juggling act with difficult negotiations. Demoff is good... this will put him to the test!
That's where NE excels. They jettison players before they can break the bank (for draft picks!)... and - MOST IMPORTANTLY - figure out how to replace them with little to no drop-off. This is done either through drafts or free agency but no one holds them up for ransom. Even Wunderboy Brady has been agreeable to contracts that keep the success alive. But, you have to have had enough success that players who could break the bank are willing to take home team discounts.
That's a lot to manage!!
2] Depth
The Rams have been remarkably fortunate this year on the injury front. That's not likely to continue - simple law of averages. We got a glimpse of how our second and third stringers play last week. Need depth.
I know I keep bringing NE up, but they are the model. One goes down, the replacement comes in and performs at nearly the same level. This may also tie in with the ability to let a bank breaker go... depth.
IF they can continue to build a roster with solid draft picks and free agents and be in a position to let bank breakers go without severe drop-off, then you have a model that will guarantee success because McVay is clearly a smart, good coach. He was smart enough to go get Phillips and, when he (Phillips) retires, they should be able to get a top notch DC if they are successful.
1] Build a quality roster, top to bottom
2] Manage the cap (don't let anyone hold you hostage)
3] Fill in gaps in the coaching staff with top notch coaches
Do that and they will remain successful... not at all easy! BUT, I do believe McVay will stay as long as he has this type of support from the owner on down... and, if he does? Winning continues and he stays for as long as he wants.
Yes... like NE.
Funny... when you are successful, you generally stay where you are.
Yup... and I'll go you one better... one game at a time... next up? ATL!!
OK, I'm using this post to sneak another pic of the GF... think he'd like to try having kids with her?