Horrible Mechanics

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
But all he does is find ways to win. Total Baller.

You know who I'm talking about....


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.


Jun 25, 2010
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.

Yep me too, he's a good guy


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.
But he is a controversial figure. Anytime you wear your religion on your sleeve and make anti-abortion commercials, you're going to garner controversy (especially if you're a professional athlete). I think a lot of fans (myself included to some degree), want to tell him to shut up and play football.

When his pro career is over, and he decides to go into politics, then fine, he can do all of the anti-abortion, gay bashing, "family values" grandstanding that he wants. But right now he's paid to throw the football, so shut up and throw the freakin football.

Alright, my rant is over.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

When Fells made that diving catch I immediately thought of the drop he had in the SF game...

I also wish we kept him. Yeah he was inconsistent at times but he was our only legit threat at TE.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
brokeu91 said:
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.
But he is a controversial figure. Anytime you wear your religion on your sleeve and make anti-abortion commercials, you're going to garner controversy (especially if you're a professional athlete). I think a lot of fans (myself included to some degree), want to tell him to shut up and play football.

When his pro career is over, and he decides to go into politics, then fine, he can do all of the anti-abortion, gay bashing, "family values" grandstanding that he wants. But right now he's paid to throw the football, so shut up and throw the freakin football.

Alright, my rant is over.

I have yet to hear anything like that from Tebow since he got drafted.

All the Tebow "analyzing" done by the media (ESPN) keeps whining about his mechanics, his style of play, etc. SHould he or should he be the starter. On the field stuff. He is only controversial b/c he is made controversial.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
This is what Denver can do, have Orton play until the 4th Qtr, and then put Tebow in :cool: . Seriously, did anybody else watch most of that game? There is NO WAY Denver should have had their chances to come back. The ball bounced their way on multiple plays. There was one pass batted at the LOS and the Phins defender could not come down with it, Tebows first pass could have been picked off, McGahee fumbled the ball and I have no idea how Denver recovered it. Tebow was terrible throughout the game (not suprising) but once again, he found a way late in the game. Its incredible. Can you imagine what John Elway is thinking when he watched the whole game??


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
Angry Ram said:
brokeu91 said:
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.
But he is a controversial figure. Anytime you wear your religion on your sleeve and make anti-abortion commercials, you're going to garner controversy (especially if you're a professional athlete). I think a lot of fans (myself included to some degree), want to tell him to shut up and play football.

When his pro career is over, and he decides to go into politics, then fine, he can do all of the anti-abortion, gay bashing, "family values" grandstanding that he wants. But right now he's paid to throw the football, so shut up and throw the freakin football.

Alright, my rant is over.

I have yet to hear anything like that from Tebow since he got drafted.

All the Tebow "analyzing" done by the media (ESPN) keeps whining about his mechanics, his style of play, etc. SHould he or should he be the starter. On the field stuff. He is only controversial b/c he is made controversial.
Not to mention Warner was the exact same way. "First things first." The main problem with Tebow as far as his beliefs are concerned, is that he chose to use his "NFL Career" as a platform before he had even taken a snap. I think that's what offended some people. Earn your place in this league and THEN you can utilize your media time the way you choose. But don't come in and automatically assume you've earned the right to be a public figure based simply on your college career.


May 28, 2011
X said:
Angry Ram said:
brokeu91 said:
Angry Ram said:
X said:
Angry Ram said:
Daniel Fells?
Fells had a tremendous 2 minutes in that final drive. Wish we could have kept him over Bajema.

Yeah, he did. I thought the Rams had no one talented enough to start on any other NFL team???

Congrats to Denver. I have no problem w/ Tebow, really...I just hate, hate, hate how the media (ESPN) protrays him as this controversial figure.
But he is a controversial figure. Anytime you wear your religion on your sleeve and make anti-abortion commercials, you're going to garner controversy (especially if you're a professional athlete). I think a lot of fans (myself included to some degree), want to tell him to shut up and play football.

When his pro career is over, and he decides to go into politics, then fine, he can do all of the anti-abortion, gay bashing, "family values" grandstanding that he wants. But right now he's paid to throw the football, so shut up and throw the freakin football.

Alright, my rant is over.

I have yet to hear anything like that from Tebow since he got drafted.

All the Tebow "analyzing" done by the media (ESPN) keeps whining about his mechanics, his style of play, etc. SHould he or should he be the starter. On the field stuff. He is only controversial b/c he is made controversial.
Not to mention Warner was the exact same way. "First things first." The main problem with Tebow as far as his beliefs are concerned, is that he chose to use his "NFL Career" as a platform before he had even taken a snap. I think that's what offended some people. Earn your place in this league and THEN you can utilize your media time the way you choose. But don't come in and automatically assume you've earned the right to be a public figure based simply on your college career.

Tebow has been shoved into the spotlight to be a media whore since he was in High School. Clips about him running in a TD on a broken leg, when really he had a stress fracture, and continued playing. In Ranger school I had a friend who snapped his leg clean, wrapped it up tight and put icy hot on there every day, and finished the last two weeks of the school, which included an Airborne jump. In fact most of us finished the final PT test with stress fractures and other injuries (I had a stress fracture in my leg as well and had to wear a brace the last 3 weeks) Tebow is tough, but it's not like his leg was blown off as the media acts.

Through college it was the same way, shoving him onto TV for commercials, and out at events. And he was a big time college QB, so I understand that, but there was a point where he would just go out there to preach constantly. His family was constantly trying to get him air time to the point they were almost exploiting him. If you've ever seen that hour long year of the QB special about Tebow, it's a prime example. His dad's friend came up to him and said "Hey, lets have a bunch of cameras follow him around while he works out and fixes his throwing motion, and does events and gets ready for the draft!"... I mean who does that? He hadn't even been drafted yet, and they had him pushing cars for the cameras.

It's just to the point it's a little much. I'm not big on religion, but I don't mind people who are. I think when you shove it into everyones face that's a little much, but whatever. Tebow is a nice guy personally I'm sure, albeit a little bit of a spoiled brat (after all that talk about everyone doubting him but overcoming it, then crying when he was outplayed in camp), but his family shoved him into everyone's face in college, and it turned people off. There are plenty of religious players in the NFL, Bradford is one, Atogwe is a real big one, JL is another big one.. The difference between them and Tebow is that they're not constantly going on TV to promote it, like he was in college. They didn't get a huge following of people who care more about religion than they do about football that clamors about them being the greatest ever, even if they sucked.

It's kind of like the Dallas Cowboys. A lot of people hate them, mostly because their fans are just horrible. Tebow fans are the same way, a lot of them don't know what the hell they're talking about, but because they like him for being a Christian figure, they want him to play and demand he takes the filed. In Denver, that's probably a good option because they don't have a good QB situation. In any other team (except maybe a handful) that would be horrible, but he's a shitty QB.

He's someone who can play in the NFL, I don't doubt that. But he's not a great QB. I don't care if he wins and has a comeback that was more of a Miami collapse than anything. The guy was 3-10 for 24 yards before that last few minutes, and was running more than he was passing. He played better the last few minutes, but it's not enough for me to talk about how he's a great QB. Natural athlete? You bet. Great QB? That's a joke, he has one read and if it's not there he takes off running. That's not a style that wins you championships.

That's my two cents on the matter.


Jun 25, 2010
I don't think he is very good thus far as nfl qb (obviously).
BUT he has every right to glorify his religion on the field or in press conferences imo. Maybe he's just controversial about cause he's not that good in his nfl career.
Don't remember much criticism coming Kurt's way when he was playing well. Would we rather have people like Warner, Atogwe, Tebow, etc. speaking what they believe in or players like Rey Maualuga (sp?), Pacman Jones, etc.?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
superfan24 said:
I don't think he is very good thus far as nfl qb (obviously).
BUT he has every right to glorify his religion on the field or in press conferences imo. Maybe he's just controversial about cause he's not that good in his nfl career.
Don't remember much criticism coming Kurt's way when he was playing well. Would we rather have people like Warner, Atogwe, Tebow, etc. speaking what they believe in or players like Rey Maualuga (sp?), Pacman Jones, etc.?

Yeah don't Super Bowl winners do that anyway??? "Gotta thank God first of all." Or when any player scores and does that kneel thingy.