Historical Events; what were you doing when...

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Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
I don't remember where I was when Bin Laden was allegedly taken out. Sorry to show my tin foil hat here but I still question the idea that we buried the body at sea under the guise of honoring Islamic tradition (which it didn't) with no pictures of the body aside from some ridiculously hazy picture taken during the raid and the CIA sealing all DNA evidence under a rule that allows them to avoid the freedom of information act. The excuses just don't add up to me.

I have no doubt the Navy Seals did their job and took out who they were told was Bin Laden. The rest just smacks of a cover up. My guess is that Bin Laden died from Kidney failure in some cave. Sorry - that's what I believe.
Your tinfoil hat is tuned to the right channel.(y)


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
I don't remember where I was when Bin Laden was allegedly taken out. Sorry to show my tin foil hat here but I still question the idea that we buried the body at sea under the guise of honoring Islamic tradition (which it didn't) with no pictures of the body aside from some ridiculously hazy picture taken during the raid and the CIA sealing all DNA evidence under a rule that allows them to avoid the freedom of information act. The excuses just don't add up to me.

I have no doubt the Navy Seals did their job and took out who they were told was Bin Laden. The rest just smacks of a cover up. My guess is that Bin Laden died from Kidney failure in some cave. Sorry - that's what I believe.

Interesting thought. Bin Laden dying of kidney failure isn't as sexy to the public as putting one between his eyes. I could see why they would want us to think that. In any case, I believe he was pretty surprised to see 72 virgins weren't waiting for him. He's probably thinking "Dang, that bonfire is getting pretty hot here".


Jan 15, 2013
Challenger......leaving high school PE class. Teacher came out and told us. Strange. Some people were shocked. Some didn’t care.

OJ....watched it on TV. Couldn’t believe it. Still can’t. The Juice is on the loose.

9/11....getting ready for work. My wife called me out of the shower. She said a plane hit the World Trade Center which we had visited not long before. I said like a Cessna? She said no, they think a passenger plane. I told right then it was a terrorist attack. No way that was an accident with a commercial jet on a clear day, no way. We sat together and watched the second plane hit. I told her, “Today is one of those days that changes everything. Probably not for the better.” We lived in the flight path to our local airport and I worked at a location where jets on decent would go right over our parking lot. So strange to have zero air traffic for several days after.

Bin Laden....don’t remember. I do remember the news breaking in for the announcement and people cheering and high fiving, but, I can’t remember where I was.
As to 503’s comment about burial....they should have buried him with pig parts.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010

I was in 8th grade shop class. Our shop teacher had it on a TV and we were all gathered around to watch that flight. It was pretty damn awful. Whole room was in tears, including the shop teacher, who was as hard of a man as I had seen to that point in my life.

With my band mates drinking beer in our group house. We all just looked at each other and we're like WTF just happened?

I had just woken up and was making coffee when my roommate yelled out of his room to ask if I had scene the footage. I remember watching Ed McCaffrey blow out his knee grusomely the night before on MNF and totally thought that was what he was calling me over for. Man I wish that was all it was. The rest of the day was a blur, as I imagine it was for most of us.

Bin Laden:
I was at a bar and the place went nutz.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
1986 Challenger exploded:
I was stationed at Point Loma, Ca at a US Navy research facility, going around our work spaces when I saw a replay of the disaster. It was on little tv with a jury rigged antenna (tin foil and hanger). It was a heartbreaker.

1995 OJ verdict:
I can't picture exactly where I was, but I remember watching as the verdict came through and the cheering by some like a sports team won a championship. It didn't seem to matter that he was obviously guilty...and that still bothers me now.

2001 World Trade Center 9/11:
My wife and I were walking around a local park/zoo for exercise, when another walker mentioned to us that one of the Twin Towers had been hit by a plane. At first, there was confusion about what size of plane hit the Tower. This was being debated about whether it was a commercial passenger jet or a smaller one, when the 2nd passenger jet hit the other Tower. Thank God the Pentagon jet terrorists couldn't pick out the White House in DC and so picked the Pentagon as the secondary target. I think the USA would have gone ape shit if the White House had been destroyed. Much more than what had happened afterwards.

2011 Bin Laden killed:
I remembered feeling relieved that he was gone.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
1986 Challenger exploded

US Air Force, Langly AFB, VA.

1995 OJ verdict
Northern VA, working for a National Association. ( I still don't think he did it. I think he is covering for someone. His oldest son)

2001 World Trade Center 9/11
Waiting for our new living room furniture to be delivered.

2011 Bin Laden killed
Don't remember, don't care.

1963. President Kennedy's funeral. This is the first TV event I remember. Mostly because it interrupted Saturday morning cartoons.

1969. Apollo 11 moon landing. Watched Armstrong set foot on the moon live.

1969. Bobby Kennedy. Was watching it live on TV when it happened when he was shot.


Jan 12, 2013
Challenger-watched with a hangover, worked til 3 am in nightclub
OJ vedict, got to watch every minute of trial, in prison for growing pot(ouch), not guilty was my verdict
Bin Laden, on disability as he soon was permanently


Apr 2, 2014
1986 Challenger exploded- It was Tuesday, I was shopping in a small independent used record store. I heard the bells tinkle as a man with a shaven head, wearing a blue jean jacket, walked in and excitedly said, "The Space Shuttle just exploded." I was caught totally unaware holding a 45 of Billy Squire's "Everybody Wants You".

1995 OJ verdict - I remember the Bronco Chase and the Verdict. At a Texas Ranger baseball game vs Oakland, I journeyed to the snack-bar to purchase beer and a giant salted pretzel. A small crowd was gathered around the snack-bar, all eyes glued to the TV suspended behind and above the workers. Immediately a woman and teenage boy told me what was up. I stood their for a long time staring at the TV, forgetting my Rangers.. The crowd behind me grew and grew. I wonder what it looked like inside the stadium, as friends and family disappeared.

The Verdict? It was Tuesday I heard the verdict on a radio in the University of Texas, biology student green room. A fellow biology student Donna and I heard the verdict. We were not surprised. We expected it.

2001 World Trade Center 9/11 I think that was a Tuesday. I had a vacation day. I went to my Brother and his wife's house. I was helping my sister-in-law make breakfast. My brother had just got off his firefighter shift work, and he was watching TV in the living room, when I heard him exclaim, "Oh, this isn't good. Oh my God. Guys! You better get in here.: We rushed in to see what was the hubbub. He said a jet just crashed into the World Trade Center. We were glued to the TV. And then another jet smashed into the the WTC. Because my brother was a firefighter, around a dozen neighbors migrated to his home over the next several hours. They were confused and crying. His wife and I were crying. Everybody kept asking my brother, "What does it mean? What's gonna happen?" I remember he said, " It means things are going to change." I remember two male college students were among the neighbors. One started screaming, "We're going to get in a nuclear war!" My brother calmed him down with yoga breathing exercises. I remember my brother saying, "There will be no nuclear war, I promise you. Instead, society will change." Later, somebody bought a bunch of wine and we drowned our sorrows.

Osama Bin Laden? I can't pin down the place or exact time. I missed the Obama's televised announcement because I was at a Moody Blues concert, in Grand Prairie,Texas. The next day was a Tuesday. Seemed like I remember, the reports vacillated between rumor and fact. Leaving a fuzzy haze around the borders of my recall.
Last edited:


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #29
1986 Challenger exploded- It was Tuesday, I was shopping in a small independent used record store. I heard the bells tinkle as a man with a shaven head, wearing a blue jean jacket, walked in and excitedly said, "The Space Shuttle just exploded." I was caught totally unaware holding a 45 of Billy Squire's "Everybody Wants You".

1995 OJ verdict - I remember the Bronco Chase and the Verdict. At a Texas Ranger baseball game vs Oakland, I journeyed to the snack-bar to purchase beer and a giant salted pretzel. A small crowd was gathered around the snack-bar, all eyes glued to the TV suspended behind and above the workers. Immediately a woman and teenage boy told me what was up. I stood their for a long time staring at the TV, forgetting my Rangers.. The crowd behind me grew and grew. I wonder what it looked like inside the stadium, as friends and family disappeared.

The Verdict? It was Tuesday I heard the verdict on a radio in the University of Texas, biology student green room. A fellow biology student Donna and I heard the verdict. We were not surprised. We expected it.

2001 World Trade Center 9/11 I think that was a Tuesday. I had a vacation day. I went to my Brother and his wife's house. I was helping my sister-in-law make breakfast. My brother had just got off his firefighter shift work, and he was watching TV in the living room, when I heard him exclaim, "Oh, this isn't good. Oh my God. Guys! You better get in here.: We rushed in to see what was the hubbub. He said a jet just crashed into the World Trade Center. We were glued to the TV. And then another jet smashed into the the WTC. Because my brother was a firefighter, around a dozen neighbors migrated to his home over the next several hours. They were confused and crying. His wife and I were crying. Everybody kept asking my brother, "What does it mean? What's gonna happen?" I remember he said, " It means things are going to change." I remember two male college students were among the neighbors. One started screaming, "We're going to get in a nuclear war!" My brother calmed him down with yoga breathing exercises. I remember my brother saying, "There will be no nuclear war, I promise you. Instead, society will change." Later, somebody bought a bunch of wine and we drowned our sorrows.

Osama Bin Laden? I can't pin down the place or exact time. I missed the Obama's televised announcement because I was at a Moody Blues concert, in Grand Prairie,Texas. The next day was a Tuesday. Seemed like I remember, the reports vacillated between rumor and fact. Leaving a fuzzy haze around the borders of my recall.

You made me curious. All those events were on a Tuesday, except Bin Laden (Monday).

A little freaky.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
In grade school, we used to have drills for nuclear war. Yup, the plan was to hide under our desks.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #31
In grade school, we used to have drills for nuclear war. Yup, the plan was to hide under our desks.

Well... you don’t want to get any of that nuclear fallout on your head, do you? :sneaky:


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
1986 Challenger exploded- It was Tuesday, I was shopping in a small independent used record store. I heard the bells tinkle as a man with a shaven head, wearing a blue jean jacket, walked in and excitedly said, "The Space Shuttle just exploded." I was caught totally unaware holding a 45 of Billy Squire's "Everybody Wants You".

1995 OJ verdict - I remember the Bronco Chase and the Verdict. At a Texas Ranger baseball game vs Oakland, I journeyed to the snack-bar to purchase beer and a giant salted pretzel. A small crowd was gathered around the snack-bar, all eyes glued to the TV suspended behind and above the workers. Immediately a woman and teenage boy told me what was up. I stood their for a long time staring at the TV, forgetting my Rangers.. The crowd behind me grew and grew. I wonder what it looked like inside the stadium, as friends and family disappeared.

The Verdict? It was Tuesday I heard the verdict on a radio in the University of Texas, biology student green room. A fellow biology student Donna and I heard the verdict. We were not surprised. We expected it.

2001 World Trade Center 9/11 I think that was a Tuesday. I had a vacation day. I went to my Brother and his wife's house. I was helping my sister-in-law make breakfast. My brother had just got off his firefighter shift work, and he was watching TV in the living room, when I heard him exclaim, "Oh, this isn't good. Oh my God. Guys! You better get in here.: We rushed in to see what was the hubbub. He said a jet just crashed into the World Trade Center. We were glued to the TV. And then another jet smashed into the the WTC. Because my brother was a firefighter, around a dozen neighbors migrated to his home over the next several hours. They were confused and crying. His wife and I were crying. Everybody kept asking my brother, "What does it mean? What's gonna happen?" I remember he said, " It means things are going to change." I remember two male college students were among the neighbors. One started screaming, "We're going to get in a nuclear war!" My brother calmed him down with yoga breathing exercises. I remember my brother saying, "There will be no nuclear war, I promise you. Instead, society will change." Later, somebody bought a bunch of wine and we drowned our sorrows.

Osama Bin Laden? I can't pin down the place or exact time. I missed the Obama's televised announcement because I was at a Moody Blues concert, in Grand Prairie,Texas. The next day was a Tuesday. Seemed like I remember, the reports vacillated between rumor and fact. Leaving a fuzzy haze around the borders of my recall.
Wow! Clearly you didn't smoke much pot in your youth. Your memory is WAY too clear. :ROFLMAO:


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Yep. I remember it well. Even as kids we thought, "wait. Whut?"
The funny thing was, for a tornado warning drill we went to the hallway.

Our house was just down the street from the school. The school had the siren on it. Still does. Every Saturday at noon it goes off. If they ever drop a bomb or have a tornado at noon on a Saturday everyone is screwed.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 18, 2014
The funny thing was, for a tornado warning drill we went to the hallway.

Doesn't necessarily help for a direct hit, but can help for an almost miss. A real shelter is better, but they are expensive and not much use except once every many decades.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
1986 Challenger exploded- It was Tuesday, I was shopping in a small independent used record store. I heard the bells tinkle as a man with a shaven head, wearing a blue jean jacket, walked in and excitedly said, "The Space Shuttle just exploded." I was caught totally unaware holding a 45 of Billy Squire's "Everybody Wants You".

1995 OJ verdict - I remember the Bronco Chase and the Verdict. At a Texas Ranger baseball game vs Oakland, I journeyed to the snack-bar to purchase beer and a giant salted pretzel. A small crowd was gathered around the snack-bar, all eyes glued to the TV suspended behind and above the workers. Immediately a woman and teenage boy told me what was up. I stood their for a long time staring at the TV, forgetting my Rangers.. The crowd behind me grew and grew. I wonder what it looked like inside the stadium, as friends and family disappeared.

The Verdict? It was Tuesday I heard the verdict on a radio in the University of Texas, biology student green room. A fellow biology student Donna and I heard the verdict. We were not surprised. We expected it.

2001 World Trade Center 9/11 I think that was a Tuesday. I had a vacation day. I went to my Brother and his wife's house. I was helping my sister-in-law make breakfast. My brother had just got off his firefighter shift work, and he was watching TV in the living room, when I heard him exclaim, "Oh, this isn't good. Oh my God. Guys! You better get in here.: We rushed in to see what was the hubbub. He said a jet just crashed into the World Trade Center. We were glued to the TV. And then another jet smashed into the the WTC. Because my brother was a firefighter, around a dozen neighbors migrated to his home over the next several hours. They were confused and crying. His wife and I were crying. Everybody kept asking my brother, "What does it mean? What's gonna happen?" I remember he said, " It means things are going to change." I remember two male college students were among the neighbors. One started screaming, "We're going to get in a nuclear war!" My brother calmed him down with yoga breathing exercises. I remember my brother saying, "There will be no nuclear war, I promise you. Instead, society will change." Later, somebody bought a bunch of wine and we drowned our sorrows.

Osama Bin Laden? I can't pin down the place or exact time. I missed the Obama's televised announcement because I was at a Moody Blues concert, in Grand Prairie,Texas. The next day was a Tuesday. Seemed like I remember, the reports vacillated between rumor and fact. Leaving a fuzzy haze around the borders of my recall.

Wow... this might earn you the nickname Rain-Woman. :D


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
The funny thing was, for a tornado warning drill we went to the hallway.

Our house was just down the street from the school. The school had the siren on it. Still does. Every Saturday at noon it goes off. If they ever drop a bomb or have a tornado at noon on a Saturday everyone is screwed.
Our school had the siren as well but it was over a mile from my house so I only recall hearing it during drills. Tornados are pretty rare in LA but we did have earth quake drills. Back under the desks we went and then when two bells rang, we filed out onto the playground.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
In grade school, we used to have drills for nuclear war. Yup, the plan was to hide under our desks.
Keeps the kids and teacher in one place where authorities will know the names of the dead.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
In 1986 I was a senior in High School, and our Biology teacher was an entrant in the "Teacher in Space" program from where Christa McAuliffe was chosen to be the "first teacher in space". He made it thru several rounds of cuts and the entire school was totally invested in his quest, and after he was eliminated he was extremely involved. I can remember exactly where I was, and can picture my friend's face exactly when he told me it exploded.
I cant remember what I had for lunch today, but I can remember that moment precisely....