That speaks to the intelligence of the team as a whole, but as we all know, *knowing* something and *executing* something are entirely different things. And maybe they did execute it during the weekly practices leading up to the game.
You had me right up to here.
I think what happened next is different from what you think happened next.
That they did not know the offense well enough to perform it as a coherent unit against the different looks they would get on offense. They knew the offense on paper but the timing and coherence was off executing it in real time. For me, the reason for that is they didn't have the reps. They didn't know how to execute this thing in real time.
I think the reason for that is because the plays all came with variations. They couldn't execute at a second nature level cause they never got enough time with the thing.
To me it's really telling that the running game worked and yet the passing game, everyone acted uncomfortable with it. A little "off."
It's not really the case that the entire offense would change week to week. I mean there's only so many routes and combinations. It's more like the gameplans were crafted to exploit a defensive weakness, and that would mean the collection of plays would change, but still at the heart of it there's knowing the routes and how they're executed, and in this case, everyone had to think too much cause they didn't really know it at the "in real time in real games" level.
Brian the S has a complex offense too, but they will know it better, all of them, when the games start. Just cause they will have repped it.
I don't know if I put any of that right.