I think part of the reason a lot of us are so disappointed with these uniforms is the ridiculous way they dragged out the release of these things. We had to wait for like 2 years for these things. It would be almost impossible to live up to the hype.
The Bengals announced they were getting new uniforms and then released them a few months later. They aren't anything mind blowing but everyone seems to like them just fine. Probably because they didn't spend 2 years dragging it out and driving everybody nuts. Seriously... One day releasing the colors, one day releasing the logo, another day releasing the uniforms, only wearing some of the uniforms for a while until finally they break out the yellow pants. We still aren't done either. They are supposedly releasing another uniform this year and another one next year. Why? The chargers did all theirs at once and everyone loved it. It annoys me just to think about how this whole thing played out.