GOT Season6

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As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
I'm still waiting for the prophecy Melisandre spoke *to* Arya *about* Arya to come to fruition.



I'd completely forgotten about this. The part about her shutting eyes forever could simply be a reference to her going on to kill people in general rather than any specific, high profile killing. Or of course it could be something more significant.

The reference to them meeting again might be at Winterfell. In the last episode, Arya referred to herself as Arya Stark of Winterfell and that she was going back to Westeros. Melisandre is going to be at Winterfell for the big fight in this next episode so maybe they meet up again there in the aftermath.

I've no idea, just speculating, but I love the fact that Game of Thrones is so rich that it allows such speculation.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
The reference to them meeting again might be at Winterfell. In the last episode, Arya referred to herself as Arya Stark of Winterfell and that she was going back to Westeros. Melisandre is going to be at Winterfell for the big fight in this next episode so maybe they meet up again there in the aftermath.
I thought Arya said she was going back to Winterfell specifically.


May 19, 2014
The Hkund is back! The Hound us back! One of my favorite characters! I thought the dude was dead for sure! Lol. I love how he talks crap but it's factual!

Bring back Ned Stark now...

After the Imp, the Hound gets all the best lines on the show. I mean all of them. Shit I've missed Sandor.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
That bit where he finds the brigands and starts killing them and buried the ax right in the guys nads and then asks, "Got any last words?"

That whole exchange had me laughing.

I guess I have been watching awhile to laugh through that. I was watching on my comp and my son looked over my shoulder and got googly-eyed at the gore, he couldn't hear the quips Clegane was saying and couldn't figure out why I was laughing. He thinks watching GoT warps your mind now or something because the few things he's seen have been out of context and I usually laugh at something really gross. know the drill. You can't explain six seasons on GoT just so that laughing at one gory scene makes sense. That'd be crazy!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I guess I am the first to comment on the "The Battle of the Bastards" episode. I had expected Little Finger coming to Sansa's rescue (and John's as well)., and Ramsay's Snow Bolton's defeat was good, but went WAY too fast. Being eaten by his own dogs was ok....But letting him get off that easy was not nearly bad enough. Theon Greyjoy should have snipped some of his less essential body parts. He should have been flayed alive like the kindly old woman that tried to help Sansa (put a light in the tower have friends)....John's survival was crazy, but I like a lot of the realism/butchery such medieval battles must have been....

Daenerys Targaryan will become the Queen of the Iron Throne, only to face the endless horde of White Walkers, that only killed by Dragon Glass, Valerian Steel, and Fire (hello dragons)

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Great episode. You won't find better action and suspense in any summer blockbuster this year.

As for Ramsey: He who lives by the dog...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I imagine I'll get flack for this, but I thought the episode was meh
Totally predictable, and cliché which is not what I would expect out of GOT


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I imagine I'll get flack for this, but I thought the episode was meh
Totally predictable, and cliché which is not what I would expect out of GOT
I enjoyed, but I will say it went exactly as I thought it would and that was a little disappointing. I was hoping they'd shock me some how but they didn't.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
I read several stories that stated the the last 2 episodes of season 6 would be supersized and was a bit disappointed that Episode 9 was only 60 minutes..and episode 10 will be 69 minutes

was hoping for 1.5 hours or somewhere along that line

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
I enjoyed, but I will say it went exactly as I thought it would and that was a little disappointing. I was hoping they'd shock me some how but they didn't.

I think most people thought that the Vale would ride in at the last moment to save the day so I agree it wasn't shocking and there wasn't really a twist to it. But I'm okay it worked out this way and even though I thought it would go this way--when Jon was getting smothered beneath the bodies I had a moment of doubt and thought they might pull off a shocker. But I'm glad they didn't. I mean--they couldn't kill him again.

It was beautifully filmed and Ramsey's end was extremely satisfying. For those who thought that Ramsey should have had Theon go to work on him with a knife--I thought the dogs were better. They rip--not cut, and it is a horrible death.

This was probably my favorite episode in the series. And I loved many episodes.


May 19, 2014
It wasn't quite the epicness of Rohan riding in with an epic ass speech in Return of the King, but the look on the bastard's face was gold.

Such a satisfying death. Bludgeoned by Jon and then torn apart by his own dogs. Karmic justice dually served. Even though I wish he'd been fed his tally-whacker first. Maybe even more enjoyable than puny Goeffrey.

That moment where Jon was getting trampled had me worried. Incredibly intense.

I'm glad Thormund made it. I was worried when that douche-nozzle Umber came along.

I imagine I'll get flack for this, but I thought the episode was meh
Totally predictable, and cliché which is not what I would expect out of GOT

What's left to shock though? The Red Wedding had beloved characters die left and right. You had the most epic of epic badass characters in Oberyn bite the dust for gloating.

Mountain Zombie.

I'd be cliche by GOT's own standards to have Jon, Thormund, etc to die. Not sure what you expected. This was a "battle."

The "war" as Gandalf would say, is yet to come with the WhiteWalkers and the King's Landing invasion by ole' white drapes herself.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
When you haven't seen the latest episode and see posts on it and literally scream "NO, NO, NO, NO" as you scroll down with your eyes closed hoping not to see any spoilers. I'm definitely watching it tonight...


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Okay...saw it. Sooo satisfied with Bolton's demise. The dog's first bite was Ramsey's jaw. You could hear the bones crunch. He'd be bleeding a bunch and it'd hurt a ton and the other dogs came running like they heard the bag of kibble, but he'd be far from dead.

To paraphrase Sam Neill said in Jurassic Park, "point is, Ramsey was alive when they began to eat him..."

The Targaryen story is coming along nicely...which means in George RR Martin land either a big victory or a nasty setback. Or maybe both.

Oh, and Sansa Stark is officially no longer that girl from Taken. All along, she's had people doing things for her and things done to her and she was either a belligerent snot or a pathetic wuss. Now, she struck this undisclosed deal with Littlefinger to save the day AND saw to Ramsey Bolton's fitting end. She's in the game and finally it seems like she deserves to be there.

I like that a lot of the really great characters are women. Aria Stark, Brienne, Catelyn Stark, Daenerys Targaryen and even Cersei Lannister. Just really great characters.


May 19, 2014
I like that a lot of the really great characters are women. Aria Stark, Brienne, Catelyn Stark, Daenerys Targaryen and even Cersei Lannister. Just really great characters.

I dunno that Cersei is a great character lol. Lena Headley plays her to perfection but she has been pretty static, never growing or learning from her mistakes. Just getting crazier. If it wasn't for the mountain zombie always being around, she'd be a bit of a bore. Easy to see where Goeffrey, besides the incest factoring into his genes, got his childish pettiness from.

Grandma Tyrell? Now she's a beast.

Anyway, who else keeps finding it ironic that Jamies kids are the biggest weakling pushovers over? One of the greatest swordsman in the story... Sires whimps.

If the Starks weren't loyal to a terrible fault, I can't see how they wouldn't demolish the Lannisters quite easily. The only one of the brood not a badass or grew to be pretty clever, was Rickon and he turned into arrow fodder.

PA Ram

Pro Bowler
Aug 12, 2012
Okay...saw it. Sooo satisfied with Bolton's demise. The dog's first bite was Ramsey's jaw. You could hear the bones crunch. He'd be bleeding a bunch and it'd hurt a ton and the other dogs came running like they heard the bag of kibble, but he'd be far from dead.

To paraphrase Sam Neill said in Jurassic Park, "point is, Ramsey was alive when they began to eat him..."

The Targaryen story is coming along nicely...which means in George RR Martin land either a big victory or a nasty setback. Or maybe both.

Oh, and Sansa Stark is officially no longer that girl from Taken. All along, she's had people doing things for her and things done to her and she was either a belligerent snot or a pathetic wuss. Now, she struck this undisclosed deal with Littlefinger to save the day AND saw to Ramsey Bolton's fitting end. She's in the game and finally it seems like she deserves to be there.

I like that a lot of the really great characters are women. Aria Stark, Brienne, Catelyn Stark, Daenerys Targaryen and even Cersei Lannister. Just really great characters.

The women are really great characters.

Dany is a very serious badass. "We are here to negotiate YOUR surrender...not mine."


Sansa can be a bit bitchy. She complains about Jon needing better numbers but gives him no clue that she has contacted Littlefinger for help. I mean--what's Jon supposed to do? I'm not sure where her character is headed. Is Littlefinger going to play her against Jon? Sansa hasn't been the brightest character. Will she get manipulated?

Cersei is the biggest villain left. But the walls are closing in on her. All she has left is her own madness.

The story is really going to start pressing the accelerator to the BIG battle--the one that really matters.

Winter is coming.