Guys I really, really, really, REALLLLLLLLY don't want the whiners getting Shanahan...

You know how McVay is such an awesome FIT for the Rams???
Well, the Yorks have learned NOTHING with respect to personnel. The entire GM establishment has run from the job and the last competent HC with any kind of arrogance/self-respect clashed horribly with them and was run out of town.
AND... his success was predicated on them ALREADY having the talent. Harbaugh didn't BUILD that team, he just coached that talent up. Huge difference.
They're going to expect Shanahan to BUILD AND COACH UP.
In his first year, he's only going to have mere weeks prior to the start of FA, and then college player evals begin.
And all this is predicated on everyone buying in AND being able to execute Shanahan's program.
Ask McDaniel how it goes when you don't have the talent to execute your program...
I may worry if somehow he scrapes together an awesome staff AND if they kill it in FA or something, but beyond that?
SF isn't just an HC away. So...not worried.