Some of ya'll need to calm down. Thanks.This is our team. Win or lose. Good days and bad. We are here for FUN, not to be dragged down.
A more loosely moderated atmosphere can be found in the chat room.
Before I go. LolOoof. Muncy hurt, Giants up big and Rams in all-blue.
Bad vibes Sunday.
He was straight across from it not sure how he blows that callFU refs he was in
McVay just stepped out of the shower. Apparently it’s all been a bad dream.Huh? WTF just happened?
I'm sure the league would say that was excessive but it felt right. They've been kicking our ass all day.ill have to check but contact looked out of bounds and the pass was uncatchable
Wat he saidYou have a RB averaging 7 yards carry, give it to him