Rye wiskey, rye wiskey ryewiskey I cried, give me rye wiskey or I surely shall dieIt's still around 45 minutes away from game day where I live. I'm drinking Bud Light right now, and have a bottle of Rye Whiskey for the game! I love history and Rye Whiskey is the drink of the late 19th century, I love the smell of it and drink it it with a splash of water, FANTASTIC.
As for eating, I love me some pulled pork sammiches!:rockon:
We got a pumpkin pie from the grocery store yesterday, and a tub of cool whip.
It will magically make it disappear by 7:00 p.m.
Leftover pizza and a crap ton of Busch Light. I'm a simple man. So happy football is back.
Oh I know...Sorry Dude, you were doing great until you got to this :
Think of this as a life saving intervention.
Adderall and an anti-depressant.
From the land down under? Cool we got fans on other continents.Vegemite on toast, and fosters.Tho If I keep swilling the Fosters and I run short on toast my thick Shelia roomy might come off the bench. It's game day so....
I just work here a few months a year.45 days on 45 off.From the land down under? Cool we got fans on other continents.