Former RB McKnight murdered

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I find it interesting that the guy who shot and killed former Saint player, Will Smith under similar circumstances is still sitting in jail and had his mugshot/life story all over the news the next day. The stories are very similar too. Both stayed on scene and waited for cops to arrive. Both killed an unarmed man.

But this guy is out the next day and still have no info or mugshot. All we know is race and age. I don't want to say race played a factor but hard not to think that way. I will wait for all the details to come out before getting too upset though.

His name, picture, business name, family and all the rest are public knowledge. He was named at the scene by the officer addressing the media.

As far as the Will Smith murder there are similarities up to a point, but there are also several very big and very important differences.

In the Will Smith case the shooter fired at Smith's wife, shooting her once in each leg at close range, BEFORE he fired at Smith. Also Smith was shot once in the chest first, then 8 times in the back as he was laying on the ground defenseless with the shooter standing over him. Also the shooter had chased down Smith's car and even smashed into it from behind.

Smith had a gun in his car, and did not take it with him when he got out of the car, he was trying to diffuse the situation according to eyewitnesses. He was not threatening the shooter according to what I read.

We don't yet know enough about what happened between McKnight and the shooter Ronald Gasser. I'm disgusted by the whole thing and IMO Gasser should have charges filed if he deserves. Eyewitnesses have been interviewed so something should happen soon. I can't see him avoiding charges though, this looks like road rage on the surface. Sometimes this can come down to who got out of the car and approached the other vehicle.

There wasn't even an accident, which makes this all very, very murky.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
If it's legal to shoot someone that is unarmed because of nothing more than a confrontational argument the law needs revision.

Certainly not agreeing with this man being released without charges but the term "unarmed man" needs a closer look. There are other ways to kill someone without using a gun or a knife. A bigger, stronger man can overcome someone smaller and weaker and kill him with his bare hands.

Joe McKnight was close to 6' and weighed over 200 lbs. Perhaps this man felt his life would be in danger if McKnight got a hold of him and overreacted(staying in your car with the windows rolled up might have been the wisest move). As someone mentioned earlier, manslaughter charges might be the best move by the D.A.

Investigators were slated to consult Friday with the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office to “discuss what, if any, charges will be brought against Mr. Gasser,” Col. John Fortunato, of the parish’s sheriff’s office, told the Daily News.

“There’s no timeline for when this has to be done,” Fortunato added. “We want to get it right.”

Fortunato called on any witnesses to come forward. He said the decision to release Gasser was based in part on the suspect’s account of the fatal encounter.

“That’s why it’s important that we get independent witnesses to either support or refute what he claims,” Fortunato said.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Sheriff Normand added that the shooter, Ronald Gasser, did not stand over McKnight. Gasser, according to Sheriff Normand, was in his car when the shots were fired. The shell casings, Normand said, were in the car.

Also, Sheriff Normand said there is no video of the shooting, and no witness account of any “apology” being made by McKnight to Gasser.

The reference to the shots being fired by Gasser while in his car brings into play Louisiana’s “Kill the Carjacker” law, an extension of the “stand your ground” law that allows for a person to use deadly force to defend himself while in a vehicle. And this could set the stage for Gasser never being charged or, if he’s charged, acquitted of any crime that he may have allegedly committed.


Pro Bowler
Apr 10, 2016
I call bullshit.Tired of black on White crime being dismissed as an aberration, when fact is, Whites are 4 times more likely to be victims of blacks, than the reverse. Tired of hearing how the police target blacks, when, according to the FBI UCR, blacks make up the overwhelming percentage of copkillers,


Pro Bowler
Mar 23, 2013
Sheriff Normand added that the shooter, Ronald Gasser, did not stand over McKnight. Gasser, according to Sheriff Normand, was in his car when the shots were fired. The shell casings, Normand said, were in the car.

haha another lying witness. I wont comment anymore until the facts come out not just rumors


May 28, 2011
Shame, I get the feeling that there's gonna be protests over this if it goes the way it looks to be going .

I call bullcrap.Tired of black on White crime being dismissed as an aberration, when fact is, Whites are 4 times more likely to be victims of blacks, than the reverse. Tired of hearing how the police target blacks, when, according to the FBI UCR, blacks make up the overwhelming percentage of copkillers,

If you're citing what I think you're citing I'm pretty sure they debunked those statistics.

That's all I'm saying, because I'm certain thus thread is heading down locked down road.


Jan 20, 2016
Some reading material for you @EasyE

If it's legal to shoot someone that is unarmed because of nothing more than a confrontational argument the law needs revision. I'm not against it, I'm against how it's being manipulated. And the large majority of people being shot are not armed, and in many cases are not the ones who initiated the situation.

An unarmed person can still kill you....dont engage me....leave me the h$ll alone....

An armed society will become a polite society in time....

That said, not sure what happened in this case...i dont trust the medias reporting on it either, due to their lack of respect for truthfull reporting in last few decades....

Take care

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Man who killed Joe McKnight previously cited for battery at same intersection
Posted by Michael David Smith on December 3, 2016

The man who shot and killed former NFL player Joe McKnight over an apparent traffic incident had previously been cited for battery over a confrontation at the very same intersection where he killed McKnight.

The New Orleans Advocate reports that Ronald Gasser, who admits he shot and killed McKnight on Thursday, was issued a misdemeanor summons for simple battery in 2006, after another motorist called 911 and reported that Gasser had followed him to a gas station and punched him over a traffic dispute. That dispute took place at Holmes Boulevard and Behrman Highway in the New Orleans suburb of Terrytown, the very same intersection where Gasser shot McKnight.

In the 2006 incident, police say the victim had first called a phone number on a pickup truck to report that the truck was being driven unsafely. It turned out that Gasser was the one driving the truck, and the phone number listed on the truck was Gasser’s cell phone. Gasser answered the call for unsafe driving, berated the caller, figured out which nearby car the call was coming from, and followed the man.

Gasser’s misdemeanor battery summons was later dismissed for reasons that the Sheriff’s Office now says are unclear.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Report: Man who shot Joe McKnight jailed on manslaughter charges
Posted by Mike Florio on December 6, 2016


54-year-old Ronald Gasser initially wasn’t charged after killing former NFL running back Joe McKnight. That apparently has changed.

Via the New Orleans Advocate, Gasser has been jailed on one count of manslaughter.

Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand will hold a press conference at 11:00 a.m. ET regarding the situation. A Normand press conference from four days ago created a strong impression that Gasser may not be charged, given Louisiana laws that recognize justifiable homicide in certain specific situations.

Newell also disclosed a clear conflict of interest for his department: The man who raised McKnight previously worked as a deputy in Normand’s department. It’s unclear what, if anything, Newell or his department did to ensure that the potential bias has not been a factor, one way or the other, in decisions made about Gasser.

It’s also unclear whether prosecutors will choose to take the case to trial. In most situations, the decision hinges on whether prosecutors believe they will win. In this case, given strong criticism of “stand your ground” laws, maybe the prosecution will be required to roll the dice with a jury.

If nothing else, the message to anyone else who may be inclined to shoot first and ask questions later will be that avoiding criminal liability won’t be easy or automatic, and that a shooter will still have to spend thousands of dollars defending against the charges and weeks if not months of worrying about a possible conviction.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Interesting takes...
Also the shooter had chased down Smith's car
In this instance, Gasser's car was behind McKnights....which would imply that he followed Joe...without any car damage...all I can say is, hmmmm...

Sometimes this can come down to who got out of the car and approached the other vehicle.
Joe apparently got out of his car....

The reference to the shots being fired by Gasser while in his car brings into play Louisiana’s “Kill the Carjacker” law, an extension of the “stand your ground” law that allows for a person to use deadly force to defend himself while in a vehicle.
Which led me to this...seems he had some information/insight into how to manipulate the law to kill this man...why do I say this? See below \/

The New Orleans Advocate reports that Ronald Gasser, who admits he shot and killed McKnight on Thursday, was issued a misdemeanor summons for simple battery in 2006, after another motorist called 911 and reported that Gasser had followed him to a gas station and punched him over a traffic dispute. That dispute took place at Holmes Boulevard and Behrman Highway in the New Orleans suburb of Terrytown, the very same intersection where Gasser shot McKnight.
This is Gasser's MO....his priors...what he's done b4, and now learned to manipulate the situation...

Whites are 4 times more likely to be victims of blacks, than the reverse. Tired of hearing how the police target blacks, when, according to the FBI UCR, blacks make up the overwhelming percentage of copkillers,
Don't just throw out numbers as facts without some statistics...4 times a likely to be victims? Really? Since when? What's dates are you using? Overwhelming % of cop killers? Really? Where do you get those numbers? I'll wait...
This post has NOTHING to do with cops targeting blacks...white victims...nothing...unless you are trying to set up the narrative of why YOU BELIEVE that Garrett followed Joe and killed him. And, I'd wonder how anyone would behave if someone followed you after a heated road rage incident, where there was NO accident? Would you get out the car and say, hey man, what are you following me for? Or would you drive to the nearest police department and say someone is following you?, I'm a nucklehead...I yell at poor drivers all the time..not as much as when I was 25, but enough...traffic is a bitch out here...makes me think twice seeing Tomas' comments...